
46, Female


United States

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About Me:
I am a 31 yr. old married mother of two beauties ages 9 and 11. I rewas diagnosed in July of 2007 with AA. It's been a struggle at times but I'm dealing with it with alot of support from my lovely compassionate husband, family and friends.
Glad to find a place such as this and hope to find some great friends who deal with the same thoughts, feelings and struggles that we all may go through.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older
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  • Susan

    I got your comment and wrote you back but Im nt sure where it went. LOL I totally relate to everything you said and would love to chat with you. I dont have yahoo im but i have aim and myspace im, do you have those?
  • Susan

    Hey there! Just read your message through tears :) and wrote you back. You dont know how much it means to have someone who understands all of this. Thanks SO much.
  • Susan

    I probably wont shave for awhile, but I probably will cut my hair alot shorter and get a wig or at least a topper.
  • MO gal

  • im2sexyformyhair (A.K.A. Tina)

    Thanks for posting the meetings.. your coming right???

    Cant wait to meet you!.. Tina
  • im2sexyformyhair (A.K.A. Tina)

    so sorry that it doesnt sound promising, but i do understand the concerns.. YOu can call Naaf and ask what you need to know and go from there>? Just some paperwork and your on your way:-) Two of us would be great or you can work with me too:-)... Let me know more as the weekend enters .. no pressure I do understand about the drive it would just be great to meet someone who is close (kinda) by..
    My kids are 11mo(walking at 9) 5 and 2 1/2

  • MO gal

    Hey girl! How you doing?
  • Angie

    Thanks for the welcome
  • Susan

    Hey BrandyLynn! I just got on here for the first time in forever. I started that new part time job and they love me, so I went full time two weeks ago. I joined a gym and started working out again and I've been going to the tanning bed. LOL, I guess if my hiar has to look crappy, at least Im gonna be trim and tanned. haha The kids are great, so glad school is almost over. I love having them home more. So you shaved your head yourself? My hair is pretty uch the same. Somedays it barely sheds, other days its a little more. Makes me get my hopes up, then crushed, over and over. Somedays it looks a little better, other days, not. So who knows??? How have you been??
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi BrandyLynn,
    How are you today?
    I just thought I'd say hello. I have had aa for 30 years.
  • Serina Doherty

    Hiya BrandyLynn. How's things? I've had AA for about 16 years, big chunk of my life but yup ,i'm in Ireland and Paddy's Day is my birthday lol Seriously! So all my friends have massive fun that particular day! Haha!
  • Ms. Erin

    Hi BrandyLynn!! It's nice to meet you!
  • Roger

    My Space Or Yours?.net
  • Mandy

    Hey girl thanks for the friend request. :) And thanks for the compliment on my wig. :)
  • Roger

    Nice new profile pic!

  • Mandy

    I'm not sure where you're from (I don't know where Loretto is)...but I'm from Chicagoland and got my wig at a place called Naturally Yours in Willowbrook. They are really great there.
  • Mukti

    Hi BrandyLynn,
    Nice to see you look great. Love the music! I'm doing better now but it is a process to getting to this place. I wish this site was here when I was in the early stages --- but then everything happens for a reason. It's great that was can connect like this. I am wearing the scarves from BeauBeau created by Susan Beausang. They are very comfortable and stylish. Have a great day.
  • Mukti

    Thanks for the invite...I did send a request so just waiting to hear back. I hope the request went through. Yes it is getting colder...not really looking for to the snow! This site is addictive! It's great. You must have been hit with the cold before us down here. Off to work---have a wonderful day!
  • Mukti

    Hi Brandy,
    It's snowing here...not staying on the ground too long though! Well it had to happen sometime! How's it up there? We have to travel to Ann Arbor in this afternoon...should be an interesting drive. Enjoy the day.
  • Mukti

    Hi Brandy,

    How are you? Did it snow as yet? We have some but will melt. Sunday's drive to Ann Arbor was not too bad....coming back was like driving in blizzard! I can't believe that it is Thanksgiving next week! Time is going by fast these days. Enjoy your evening.
  • Mukti

    Hey I would love to send the snow there....woke up this morning and the roof tops were covered with a thin coat! The roof was being replaced yesterday. Everyone in this area is getting a new roof due to the hail damage this past July. My girls and I were in Canada at the time. I saw some pictures and it looked like the middle of winter with the hail that fell! We are supposed to get little snow all week. What I really don't like is the cold! So how far north are you?
  • Mukti

    I didn't really have to shave my hair just fell out all on it's own. Now I do have a few patches of hair which are tiny. I can't see in the back but it feels weird to feel them in the breeze as I walk down the hallway at home. I'm never without a scarf when in public. Thinking back to the time it was falling out was very emotional! I didn't go out anywhere and if I did I stayed in the background. I had people who stared and just made me want to disappear into thin air. I got angry...then I started to accept me as I am and now I don't really care what others think. I look at it this way... I lost my hair and I found my voice!
  • Mukti

    Hi Brandy,
    How are you? I hope it is snowing where you are because it is snowing here. It has been snowing everyday is pretty but I don't like driving in it though. Talk to you soon..enjoy your day!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Brandy,

    Stopping in to wish you a Happy Borthday!!!

  • David

    Happy Birthday!!
  • Kim Culberson

    Happy Birthday....I was 38 when I developed AU
  • rj, Co-founder

  • Sharan

    Hey there BrandyLynn
    Have a wonderful birthday
  • Jay

    HI Brandy, Just want to wish you a very happy birthday
  • Roger

    Happy Birthday!

  • Mukti

    Hey Brandy...Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry I missed it, hope you had a wonderful day! So do you have piles of snow as yet?!?!? We have some which is melting with the bit of rain we've had. It should snow again later in the week.
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Mukti

    Hey Brandy, it's been a while how are you doing? How's the snow situation up there? It is finally going to get a bit warmer down here is week. Take care and talk to you soon!
  • Roger

    Hi Brandy.

    How are you doing?

  • Linda

    Hi Brandy, just stopping by to say hello and have a great Sunday!
  • Mukti

    Hi Brandy,
    I was so happy to hear from you...and glad to hear all is well with you. I figured you got the job and were busy with all the new schedules! LOL
    Things have been well here....a few minor upsets with my older daughter but it's on the way to be worked out. I will email later...just getting ready to go to her basketball game....long ride down there! Last game is this thursday. Then I should be less busy! I haven't been on here much either. Glad to hear from you my friend! Talk to you soon.
  • Roger

    Hi! Wow! Working this late! Grrrr

    Yes, lets go to TX!!!! Come on! =)=)
  • Roger

    Haha! Youre so funny =)=)=) Three more days and in Houston. Its so strange that one year has passed by already. Im excited to meet the people from last year.
  • Roger

    Try to make it next year. I heard they will put it in Indianapolis. Pretty close to you I think?

  • Roger

    Perfect for you! I promise to rock n roll down in Houston. My roomie is so funny too. He´s from NYC. 59 yrs old. I met him last year in Louisville.

  • Mukti

    Hello glad to hear from you. I'm happy for're working! It makes alot of difference.....although the midnight shifts can be rough. The family and I are doing well...getting ready to take the girls to Montreal for a wedding. My girls got out of school on the 29th of May...needless to say they are "so bored" as they put it! LOL! I see here that the NAAF convention is next week....well if it's in Indianapolis next year I will try to make it to that...only about 4-5 drive from here. Hope your summer goes well and all the renovations go according to plans.! Take care my friend.
  • Ms. Elizabeth

    Hi brandy Thank you for the invte! its nice to meet you.
    I work 3 times a monthe at my aunts dance studio. It doesnt sound like much but I give it my best. and they let my kids take classes there.
    I have my ups and downs have been down a lot. until I found this place just in time to salvage a little bit of my sanity! lol. I dont like my wig much its itchy but I will were it when I dress up nice.I hope to get to talk to you soon.
  • Ms. Elizabeth

    Hope you had a great weekend!
  • Ms. Elizabeth

    ooh camping! sounds fun! I havnt been camping in about 3 years. last yearwe went to a campground but we stayed in a cabin with my inlaws and shared a room with hubby's grandmother.I like go up the river in a boat with a tent and camping gear we are hoping to go this year with some friends. we try every year but something always comes up.
    Glad you had fun!
    gotta go to work.
  • Roger

    I will miss you Brandy.

    But I will see you someday, Roger.
  • JeffreySF

    I hope you are at peace Brandy
  • Roger

    I will miss our conversations Brandy. Dont forget to look down at me sometimes =)
  • Roger

    Happy Birthday Brandy. I miss our conversations.