
35, Male

Whittier, CA

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
My name is Matt, I'm 20, live in Whittier, CA which is part of Los Angeles County near the border of Orange County. Where's my reality show lol. JK. But anyways, I go to school at Fullerton College originally majoring in massage therapy, now parlaying that into a career in physical therapy getting my bachelor's in kinesiology and my masters in physical therapy. For fun I do mixed martial arts and snowboard. Most of all I am a family man and a man of faith, God is my rock and I wouldn't be where I am today without him
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Cherylnz

    Hi Matt,

    Welcome to Alopecia World
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Matt, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to Alopecia World. I have been living with Alopecia Areata since 1991 and know full well the struggle it can be. I look forward to getting to know you. Cheryl, Co-founder
  • Jennifer

    Hey Mat welcome to AW. Im from cali too
  • Meghan

    yeah the jersey shore is pretty sweet.. i spend most of my summer there haha.. i absolutely love the beach so it works out nicely lol. thats why i really need to venture off to cali lol..are u in college?
  • Meghan

    thats cool.. im sorry to hear about your bad breakup.. i recently went through a tough one too. I wanna teach the younger grades.. like 1st-3rd haha.. i love kids!
  • Meghan

    haha i used to play softball.. yeah kids are cute :)... and my brothers the same wayy haha.. plus hes a cop.. so its even worse! hahaaaa
  • Meghan

    yeahh.. my dads a cop as well.. so i come from of THOSE families.. its def a good job though. They have alot of benefits and make decent money. Everyone always tell me how im probably going to end up marrying a cop lol.. i just cant get away from it!
  • Meghan

    haha yeah its true... im def marry someone like my dad lol.. him and my bro are great guys lol. much better than the scum ive dated lol. i dont think id consider myself but i def need someone more laidback than i am. i can be really ocd about things hah.. its weird i knoww
  • Meghan

    omg i definitely know what you mean. its so true, you live and you learn. you need to have fun, and date a bunch of different kinds of people before you really know what youre looking for in a relationshiip
  • Meghan

    that makes perfect sense! lol... trust me.. i get where you're coming from. i guess we just have to keep in mind that everyones different. i have no clue what my type is anymore haha.. ive lost track. but im definitely not going to be ready for anything serious for a while. unless the perfect guy comes along.. which we know wont be happening anytime sooon haha. i'm having too much fun being single anyway!
  • Meghan

    yeah..i figure you might as well live it up and have fun while you still can! College is only 4 years (well hopefully!).. and its four years of having no worries and total freedom. So why would you want a bf/gf to worry about anyway? lol. I know that when im older, i am going to look back on my college years and be like.. wow wtf was i thinking? lol. I mean, i dont do anyhing TOO crazy.. but ya know haha. Do you party at all?..actually, do u have a facebook
  • Danielle classes are not to bad so far...well except for organic chem...but i am sure that will change in the fall when I am at the main campus...oh well... and physical therapy is not that easy either i have a few friends majoring in physical therapy also
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    About the MTV thingy. Rebecca was the alopecian.
    We are watching the episode tonight at her place with a few friends.

  • Alex

    no prob...i'm ok, can't complain too much haha how about you?
  • Alex

    oo that sounds pretty cool. I took a year off after I graduated high school and was working as a dental assistant, but I decided to go back to school in the fall. I'm going to Canisius in Buffalo...not too excited about the cold and snow, but I'll get used to it. I had to get away from home...I've always wanted to go to OC, but I don't make enough money to come out there and still pay all my bills...Maybe some day.
  • Mari

    I know this is totally lame- but I was just back reading all the AU replies and the one you left in March (yeah been gone for awhile LOL) totally hit home. Thanks so much for the sweet things you said about bald women- I needed it today :o)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    Whats up with you?
    All is good here with me.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    So whats the new goal for school then?
    Good luck with the job hunt!!

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Matt,

    That sounds like a great idea.
    Especially the PT assistant to get your feet wet.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Matt,

    I was looking at different blogs and I came across yours and I noticed you live in whittier. So do I. What area of whittier do you live in? I am in south whittier right across from Cal High.

  • Carol Solis

    Hi Are you planning on being in San Diego for the July 19th Bald out, I am hoping to make that also that would be a blast hanging with a few sisters, and some brothers ( fellow alopecians)
  • Mark S. Hansen

    Hi Matt. My name is Mark and I am a 53 year old single man who lives on the east side of Milwaukee WI. I do not have a pic of myself to upload right now because I do not have a home computer at this time. I am at the public library. Anyways, I am curious. Do you have tatooed on eyebrows and eye lashes? I have been thinking about looking into that for years. And I know there are places near me that do that. But after being eyebrow and eyeleashless for over 40 years. I have been weary about I would look (as far as trying to get used to it) and or how people would react. Of course I get second takes from strangers almost everyday who notice the peculurarity of my hairless face. So I can't see how having tatooed on eyebrows and eye lashes could be any worse.
    Mark S. Hansen (
  • Debashish Adhikary

    Hello.Can we be friends?
  • Debashish Adhikary

    How r u?
  • Debashish Adhikary

    Hello.I study in 12th standard in my school in Raipur.What are your hobbies?
  • Debashish Adhikary

    Hello.My hobbies are singing,listening to rock music and playing guitar and keyboards.I am an expert in clean and growled vocals.
  • Debashish Adhikary

    Hello.How are you?