



Profile Information:

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About Me:
hi i'm 27 years old and i have my alopecia since i was 6 years old but my mum noticed first when i was 3... all my life i'm looking just for an answer.., i came here looking for answers,
i've been married for last seven years for a great man! he is my biggest support and i always feel special not because i'm bald, but because he sees in me my best part ;)
I like to travel and explore and i'm also a little bit dependent on adrenalin... probably this is the best way to get rid of fear!
i'm glad to be part of such a big family of AlopeciaWorld!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • Roger

    I have a few friends from Bosnia living here in Sweden.

  • Mary

    Zdravo, i hvala za kompliment! Kako je divno imati prijateljicu iz Hrvatskoj! Izvinite moje pogreshke - ja sam studirala vash jesik prije MNOGO godine, i sam strashno zaboravila rechi i grammatiku (i ne mogu pishati na ovaj "website" "sh" i "ch", i tako dalje.)

    Bila sam u Zagrebu u 1976, kad sam imala 23 g. Diplomirala sam na russkom fakultetu u Americi, ali sam studirala i Srpsko-Hrvatski. Ali - nemam prilike da praktikovati. Teshko mi je pishati Hrvatski jesik, ali dobro razumijem ako vi hocheti pishati na Hrvatskom. Koliko godine ste studirali Engleski?

    Ja volim narodne plesove, i nauchim klas - kako vidljiv na moj vidio "Living a Bald Life" na YouTube. Videli ste? Ja snam Hrvatski plesovi i pesni.

    Sve najbolje,
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Hella!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Mary

    Hvala - lakshe da me pishe na engleski, ali sam razumjela sve shto si napisala. Mnogo mi je prijatno citati tvoj jezik (moze na "ti"?) So, I'll write sometimes in English - which is quicker for me, and you can write in Croatian if you want. Okay? Na ovaj nacin, oba nac bi imali vjezbanje!

    Did you read my blog about my bald scuba diving? The neat thing was that it really didn't matter, and once all the divers put on their diving hoods, we all looked the same anyway!

    Nikad nisam se osjecam sram kad sam bald. We have nothing to be ashamed of, but I know it's hard to go out in public bald. Believe me, I know. But, it gets easier all the time.

    do vidjenja,
  • Mary

    I know what you mean about being new to this site...it's kind of overwhelming (kaka se to kaze na hrvatskom?) Idi na moj profile page...samo click na moje ime. Takodje, idi na YouTube i vidi:

    "Alternatives to Wearing a Wig"
    "Living a Bald Life"
    "Grouper Buddy"
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Yes, I have one nail that splits right down the middle and I have to put a nail bandage on it. Otherwise, no pitting. But apparently that's not uncommon!
    And yes, I have some food allergies. I can't eat wheat, cottage cheese and milk, and garlic is not good, either. What about you?
  • Roger

    I have Mirela, Sinela and Amela here in Sweden =) 3 sisters and my sisters boyfriend is from Bosnia ( close to Zagreb)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Wow, it all sounds familiar -- I have a lot of the same food intolerances -- I hate not being able to eat bananas. And I'm not supposed to eat eggs, either! But I don't have celiac disease -- a friend of mine has a daughter who has that.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Interesting! I think I'm probably on a celiac diet, because of the food allergies.
    Thank you for the information!
  • Anastasya

    Hi Hella!!!
    I would be happy to talk with you!
  • Jodi

    helloo! happy to be your friend.
  • nicolena nina palumbo

  • Shas

    Hi, Im not doing to bad. How are you? I actually like this site, because theres so many people in here knows how excatly how you feel. Normal people wouldnt really know unless they are like us.
  • Shas

    Oh man, I agreed too. Lots of information from other people. At leasst we understand each other from there. HOw long have you been using this site?
  • Shas

    hahaha, wow. Like at the same time. cool:) Yeah i find that way too. Its soo crazy. I love it though. Because it's like you can find someone who has the same problem or what not. So where you live is there like alot of people or?
  • mihaela

    Hi, I would like to ask you much I can help, I alopecie androgenic and I am forced to buy a lace wig guy, because my country does not find a good quality wig I turned to a company that appears on on this site is called alopecia world KN-celebrity Lance Wigs, this company requires money before sending the song to me, I stay on the thoughts because I fear to send money and I think if I get this piece that I gave the order? of that the soul please give me advice and tell me if these companies are serious? thanks and we look forward answer, thanks
  • Shas

    Haha oh ok. :) So did you have any problems with hair whats so ever in life?
  • Dotty

    Thank you for the nice comment. Hope you are well. Hope to get to know you better.
    Love and Hugs,
  • Shas

    haha dont worry. Were all busy with life. At least we get to write back sometime:) So thats good in a way. i started wearing eyelashes like 3 years ago now. i love it cuz it protects me from alot of things from outside. and my eyes dont dry out as much. it still does. o well. So you got a new wig? nice. :) Im getting new one pretty soon. The ones i have is still good, but the strap is getting no good soon:( I've had it for 2 years. I got it fixed like 6 times. so yeah its sucks The new one is going to have no strap, i cant remember waht its called, but it has something that sucks on your head realy good. Even if your sweating it sucks on even better. Thats good though. Anyway so How was ur weekend? lol
  • Shas

    lol sounds like a good weekend.
    thats awesome bout your new one:). No mines, i think is something like yours the type of what they make for your wig, its all around the edges. but im gonnna have some air coming through too as top, center.and bottom, so it can cool me down. I hate heat so bad.lol Im gettin it in couple months. its all custom made. frig i wish they make it faster.lol
    The silikon your talkin bout, is it the comfy grip or something different? like its looks like mr.freezer tube or no?
  • Vesna Devcic

    HI RAhela
    How are you?? Nismo vec dugo pisali jednom drugome ali samo na brzinu da se javim. Kako je sve u tvome zivotu?? Meni je sve dobro, novi covjek, novi posao i zivot je sjajno :) Jeli sada tamo pocelo zima bit?? Ovamo po malo je vruce i nekada kisa!!
    Za sada puno pozdrava i cut cemo se opet !
    ciao bella

    Nadam se