Bob Hershberger



United States

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About Me:
Hi everyone..Im Bob..Im 54 and single..Ive had Alopecia since I was 15 years old..Its been on and off all my life..It turned out to be a spiritual journey,allowing me to look inward at the real me,and my spirit,which has led me to many great things.Of course that didnt happen overnight..I had plenty of mornings,when I'd wake up and look in the mirror,and say..WHY ME !!!".I did that a lot for at least 3 years,.Its not easy to feel normal with AA..Especially for women..I say.."DEFINE NORMAL"..Anyway,Ive had AA for 35+ years,and I still dont like it.,but truly feel blessed to the things I learned by having AA...I think Alopecians are special people..They usually just glow in a unique way..Anyway,to all my fellow Alopecians,know I love you all,and may you find peace in you own skin..It takes time,but hang in there,and if anybody would like to chat,or seek advise,Im not the smartest,or the dumbest,but Id love to help if I can..So just who's out there anyway?? Maybe we should have a dating section here in AW??
Ps..I'd love to be friends with anyone seeking a friend,so hit me with a request,and I'll be here for you anytime you need..TX
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Roger

    My Space Or Yours?.net
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    Hey Bob, Sorry for the delayed response.  Ah not too much has been going on over here. Still busy with work and school. How is everything going with you, anything new?!? Well the hair seems to still be growing back in which is very exciting, but now that I see it coming back, I wish it was faster, you know?! I think the hardest part with it now coming back is that I am so scared to loose it again, it is constantly on my mind…but it is getting there, so there’s no room for complaining haha. Yes! It would be great to see you all again at the next meeting, and I just met another girl who is from santa rosa that might be going as well! Happy Halloween by the way, and I hope to talk to you soon!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Bob,

    Thanks for stopping in.
    All is good here with me no real changes with the alopecia.
    It poured here yesterday and I had to go to Alemeda too. I hate driving in the rain!!!
    I got an extra hour of sleep last night so that was cool. I woke up before the alarm went off so thats always nice.
    Hope to see you 11/19 in SF
    Did you have a nice Halloween?

  • Roger

    Hey Bob!

    Hows everything over there?

  • Zoey

    Hello Mr. Bob~~ How have you been?? Have you been up to Folsom Lake College anytime soon? They are making crazy head way on the new arts center. I am soo excited I cant wait till its completed. I think I will be finished by the time its completed thou, but.. I might just continue to take classes, I think its fun learning..

    Just checking in with my Mr. Bob-- Keep me updated you...

    Miss ya, Zoey
  • Zoey

    Art was my major years ago before I got married and had my son.. Now that I am older, I switched totally opposite.. Finance accountanting.. Funny how things work out huh!

    You should go check it out, if you do let me know when I will probably be up there. The view in the afternoon on a clear day is amazing! You can see downtown Sacramento.. Its so beautiful... Oh well, I am on my way up there in about an hour. I have more group work... (I dont like group work much)
    I only have 4 more weeks left of school then we are out till Jan 17th.. Yippy!!

    What have you been doing around Folsom?????
  • Zoey

    Bob, I hope you have a Wonderful Thanksgiving.. You staying in town??
  • Zoey

    Im right off of Glenn.. I think I have walked in the mornings on your street. Have you seen me?? lol

    My mom and I are doing the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day morning. I sure hope it doesnt rain like the news keeps saying :o(. She went out and bought us those poncho plastic type thingys. Its gonna be great fun! You should come join our little jog/run..
  • Zoey

    featured member? Silly boy.. What are ya tlaking about??

    Is your brothers in town?
  • Zoey

    Okay, I think I just figured out what ya meant... I guess I dont have my thinking cap on right now.. lol
  • Zoey

    Yes, thats my morning walk, right behind that Aqua Center :o) I am always walking down Glenn there to go to Walmart, Wal Greens & the Post Office. I try not to use my car unless I am going to my sons school or the college.

    We are soo close to each other!~Way Cool~
  • Zoey

    Yes, I looove the bike trails here, they are all so wonderful! This Christmas we are getting my son a bike again! Why I say again, he had one when he was 4 years old. Would never ride it. We tried to teach him but he would get soo upset and just start crying. So we gave up! Plus the bike got too small for him. So, we are buying him a 20" freestyle bike.. We are going to try and teach him again. Because we loove going on the bike trails but he can never come with us! Soo.. I am hoping that he will learn and we can all go as a family... That would just rock!!

    Do you ever ride on the trails? I shop at that Winco~Its maybe two miles from my house if that. Infact, we are going there today. I am dreading its going to be packed! So, the sooner we go the better..

    Small Small World We live in..
  • Zoey

    Do you know when everyone is getting together again here in Sacramento area?? I need to send Bogie a message and see when..
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Bob,

    Stopping in to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

  • JeffreySF

    I know it's crazy fast.
    Gobble Gobble
  • kastababy

    Just dropping by to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!!!

  • Roger

    Happy thanksgiving Bob!

  • Zoey

    Mr Bob~ Merry Christmas to you.. Hope you have a wonderfully terrific Day!!
    Herre are some pictures I took of my kitties the other night.. As you can tell They are not too thrilled about it..

    Muah Zoey

  • Roger

    Merry xmas Bob.

  • Denise

    Happy Holidays !
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hello Bob, I received your very welcome note this morning.
    Thank you I so look forward to meeting others with AA etc. Wonderful GF places to eat wow and others on the same diet. Yes this is a crazy world, but really I don't think humans were ever meant to eat wheat and some other grains. Somehow some people have adopted to being able to do so. So tell me what's it like, my son is the real reason I'll be moving I do want to see the baby grow up. He is already a year old on Dec 21, so I wasted this much time thinking that maybe my son would move back home again. Alas it doesn't look that will happen. A new adventure awaits.

    So tell about the people is there a group or just people you know who have this. Seems strange to me, I'm stuck in this same little town with few that could even understand the disease let alone who have it. There is a Cealic support group there I understand as there is here, this one is only about 8 people so very little goes on. I've asked to help orgainize awareness events but have been turned down every time I've offered. So.... anyway thanks for the note back, I look forward to meeting you and others.
    Hugs you have given me hope
    I hope that you and yours have a wonderful new year.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Bob,

    Here's wishing you a Happy New Year!!!

  • Roger

  • Carmi

    Thanks for the sweet welcome note, Bob!

    Happy new year,

  • Erin

    ha i deleted the message i just put on accidentally.. ok hi! yes I think getting AU helped me become who I am now and because of it I looked in and learned things about myself (and others) that some still don't get haha. I am stronger, no doubt because of it. it's got it's good sides and bad sides. but thanks for the comment!
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hi Bob I'm flying down on the 14 of Feb I'll be there until the 19th. Just wondering if we might be able to meet or chat. I would love to meet you and others.

  • Zoey

    Mr Bob.. You are the best!! I have been busy here, my mom is coming into town tomorrow again! We got a couple of things going around.. But, everything has been good.. Heck, we even took a bike ride the other day-- Am loving the weather! I cant wait till it gets a lil warmer.

    We are going to Tahoe on Tuesday, we will be skiing on Wednesday! I sooo cant wait :o) Its gonna be fun!! I will post pics when I get back into town..

    I miss ya too silly boy... What the heck have you been up to?
  • Eileen Simpson

    Sure Bob that would be nice. I really can't wait to see the baby again they grow way to fast.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Bob,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How are thing going with you?
    All is good here with me.

  • Roger

    Hi Bob.

    Hows it going over there.

    Roger =)
  • claire

    hey bob hope your ok......
  • claire

    bob great to hear from you...well 2009 has statred off ok im just expecting another year of dodgey
  • Linda

    Thanks Bob, I love the freedom of "Baldness", I never have to worry about bedhead or bad hair days, I am soooo free! And accepting who I am, which is not my hair, gave me the courage to shave my head and walk proudly into my eternal~internal being. Stay Blessed!
  • Rebecca Anne Richardson

    hey bob! yup it is for Mtv's true life,... ya it has been kinda crazy and difficult at times but i think it is really going to help people. There are two other people on the same episode that are experiencing hair loss so it should be interesting. I have not been told the exact air time but it will be sometime in may. I will put a posting and link so people can access it on line too! I hope that you are doing well and thanks a lot for the message. talk to you sooon!
  • Linda Ban-Sandbloom

    Hi Bob~
    I couldn't agree with you more about having the "dating" section on this webpage. Funny...I've been internet surfing around tonight exactly because of that reason.....hoping to find a "bald is beautiful" web dating site!! I've been trying the on-line dating thing for the past year and I'm realizing that it is really going to take that special person who understands alopecia and can get beyond that in order for a relationship to have any chance, whatsoever. I've had more than a handful of disappointments on these "regular" dating websites and I really thought that this, Alopecia World, might have something comparable to an eHarmony, say.
    I guess not but it sure would be nice if somebody "ran with that"...I enjoyed reading your profile....I hope all is well with you.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Bob,

    How are things with you?
    All is pretty good here with me. No new hairdoo or anything too report, but it's all good.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Bob,

    It's supposed to hit 70 here today. I definatly need a tan.
    Have a great day

  • Zoey

    Hello Mr Bob.. A Grandbaby.. Awwwww Do they live here in Folsom? I bet he is the cutest thing around~I luv babies~

    Yes., I am still in school.. I took 6 classes this semester, so I have been very busy busy lately. I am on spring break this week. But, I still need to finish up some projects.

    I got sunburnt on Saturday!! Now I look all pinky, I hope it will fade soon, I really wanted to layout and get a nice tan to go back to school with next week..

    Thanks for checking in, your the best!! Congrads on your new grandbaby Derek.. Are you going to post any pics????
  • Heather L

    Hello Bob,

    I was just reading about diet soda on your profile. Quite scary isn't it? It's been about three years now since I stopped drinking it- although on occasion I will still have a "real" soda. AND man does it hit the spot. (I do love it-to bad)

    Anyway I first learned about the "horrors" of diet soda from a Anthroposophical medical doctor. It really opened my eyes. I have not noticed much difference with regard to AA--- but I used to be prone to headaches! And now rarely get them. He gave me a list of known conditions diet soda is linked too- if you like I will see if I can dig it up? Actually the history of how it was FDA approved was interesting too....

    I got excited when splenda was first introduced- thinking it may be a safe alternative- I called him- and he told me that splenda has trace amount of arsenic in it! yikes!

    I do believe Stevia(natural herb) is ok- do you know much about that? In a health food store near me I see a company just came out with soda sweetened that - any opinion?

    Have a good evening!
  • Heather L


    Thanks for the friendship add- I look forward to getting to know you better!! :)

    I agree that AA leads to a spiritual journey. I think anytime we are hit in the face with life changing situation it is an opportunity to grow! sometimes its just not that easy though!

    do you like to read? have you ever read any Caroline Myss or Wayne Dyer books? I really like their take on spirituality. Caroline also has several neat books that link health issues directly to behaviors-

    thanks again and have great day
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Bob,
    Thanks for stopping by.
    I didn't get an egg but I got a Bunny.
    I worked today which was good but I would have prefered an egg hunt anyday.

  • Zoey

    Hola there.. Many eggs were found in my backyard.. It was nice I had both my little neices here, my cousin & my son.. I think it was the most fun filled Easter yet.. First Easter I did everything at my house..

    We just got home from Southern California this evening.. I am all tuckered out...
  • Heather L

    Hi Bob,

    good to hear from you! Glad I am not the only one who thinks May came quick!! Wow- did you say Christmas ornaments! yikes-bet you are right it will be here in a blink!

    so how are you? Have any summer plans for vacation? All the same with AA?

    all it well in Maryland. weird weather though- 90's one day in the 50's the next. AC...heat ....AC ...heat! ha! I went out last night with some friends for dinner and did a little shopping. Things seemed more quiet that usual and at the restaurant we were told since the swine flu hit the news that business is slow! Guess people are afraid to come out. hummm....not sure what I think about that! Are you seeing any signs of that? I think they even closed a few Balt. county schools.

    Later this afternoon- a surprise party ("pub crawl"-theme) for my brother in law. He turned 40 on Thurs!! So far he doesn't seem to have clue- I think we just may manage to really surprise him! I love that! :)
    How about you- what's up for your weekend?

    talk to you soon!
  • Zoey

    I know, I cant believe its already May!! We always go to a mexican resturant on Cinco.. I told my son, Guess where we get to go next week, he got very excited!! lol I have drank alcohol in a while, but I will for sure have a margarita on Cinco De mayo.. Whoo hoo.. I will take photos for ya :o)
  • Zoey

    Hola Mr. Bob, yes I would like it if we crossed paths.. I would be like Hey Mr Bob... Thank goodness, Its soo much cooler now- Last night we went to the FLC graduation my girlfriend graduated. It was sooo nice!!

    We were trying to go camping after summer school ends, but all the spots everywhere we have checked are all booked up.. :o( Big Bummer huh

    Have a great summer mister-

    Muah Zoey
  • Zoey

    Bob.. Its sooo nice outside right now.. I thought about ya, so when I got home I wanted to drop you a little hello.. The FLC Ceremony was soo nice last week!! Then we went to San Fransisco last Friday for Sacramento State Graduation- Our friend got her Masters from there.. I am already thinking about my Masters degree.. :o)

    If you ever need motivation, go to a college graduation ceremony- Its Fantastic... :o)

    Miss ya mister-- where have you been???

  • Salmezan

    Thank you Bob, that is a really thing to say. I agree with you. I feel I am destined for good things and I hope, well I know after much patience it will come!! Sal x
  • Salmezan

    I strongly agree to what you have just said Bob. After having my breakthrough each day comes really easily for me. I used to be so depressed and bored most of the time and now I try my best not to use the word 'bored' because there are so many things to do in this life! There is NO SUCH THING as being bored. Also I make it a habit now to wake up with a smile on my face and decide that everyday will be the best day of my life. So far i am happy to say that it has worked! I feel free and lighter and getting kind messages on AW makes my day even better! :)
  • Eileen Simpson

    Hello Bob,

    Haven't talked to you in a long while. Hope that things are good for. I am now living in Citrus Heights and start working on the 17 of Aug. Would like a chance to meet you.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Bob, I recently heard that you passed away and wanted to say that you will be missed by many who love you, including many here on Alopecia World. God Bless and rest in peace.