Jennifer Thalhamer


Lakeland, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I was 25 when I lost my hair. In the week of Sept 2007 I found out that I had a Thyroid Problem, I needed a Hysterectomy and Alpoecia. That is a lot for one person to take in all at once. I had the Hysterectomy not even a month later. I was to far advanced for the cortisone shots. So I opted for a wig. By Christmas my hair was falling out left and right so on Jan 1st, 2008 my husband and my friend helped me SHAVE the rest of my hair off. Then we realized how bad it really was. There were patches all over my head and in the back of it, soon after that it was all gone. I had/having a really hard time coping with this but I look at it this way... I'm still healthy!!! I'm a fun loving person who is super busy with Girl Scouts, Soccer and 3 daughter's from the age's 8-4. I have a very supportive husband, family and friends. Well it must be meant for me not to have any hair on my arms too. It's falling off real quickly and now I'm freezing all the time.. Too bad we can't pick where we want our hair go missing next!!!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Jennifer,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Sure thing!
    Hope you are having a nice night.

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Jennifer,
    How are you?
    Tracy and Amanda
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hi Jennifer
    How are you going?
    I love your photos. You look great in all the photos and with any style wig. Your family is beautiful too.
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    It's great that you and your kids have fun with your wigs. I know that i have always loved wigs and hats myself.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Jennifer!
    How are you toay?
    I love your pictures, and your beautiful cat!
  • Carolyn Porter

    Not only do you have the support of your family, but you also have mine and Destiney's support as well. We are just down the road or a phone call away. We love you.
  • Callie

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, and the support! It did surprise me finding all the other spots, but I'm sure I'll get over it sometime. And you are right, my neck, head and ears are freezing when I'm not in a wig! :o)
  • Alexandra

    Hey, I live in South Lakeland....we should get together one day. It'd be nice to hang out with someone who knows what it's like.
  • Brianne Celene Walker
