Brandy googe


lyons georgia

United States Minor Outlying Islands

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Linda

    Hello Brandy, welcome to alopeciaworld, you will find support, guidance and great people!
  • Roger


  • Joshua charles st.clair-pierre

    i wish i could offer u advice but in all honesty no 2 people will deal with there problems the same way but i do know wat ever happens you end up stronger for it, i was bullied and now i look down my nose at those same people because it takes moe than my hair to define me as a person
  • sgomez

    Hi Brandy! It's me Sarah from HOT Arizona. I'm glad you joined, and I hope that this website will help you to better cope with your daughter's alopecia. I know this is all so new to you, but you will find many new friends here that know how you feel and can truly relate to what you are going through. Keep in touch! take care, Sarah :)
  • Angie, Gracie's mom

    Welcome Brandy, we have been dealing w/ AA since Feb in my 18 mo old daughter. It is really tough, but one thing I really think helped was not so much the support of my family and friends who knew nothing of this disease. but was reading and chatting w/ folks on this site. Even speaking w/ adults who have gone thru it was helpful. We have gone thru our second bout of spots, and the second time around I did not even cry once. However, my daughter is so young she has no idea what is going on. I hope you and your daughter find some solace here. Angie
  • Mark

    Hey Brandy! I have been through Lyons many times.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello Brandy,
    You can get a free video from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation ( that is made to be shown at school so teachers and kids understand the condition. It has helped a lot of kids.
  • Pamela Kathryn Johnson

    Hi Brandy! The kids acted mean to me too when I was 7yrs. old. One thing my Dad told me was, "they can only say it a few times and then other boys and girls will say, we already know, or we already saw". It was true, and know this, that a lot of kids just like her anyway for being herself. Laugh and play with them. They helped me too and spoke up for me when it hurt too much. A lot of kids are great. Also, the most important eyes she looks into are yours, make sure she sees normal with you. Others hurt, but I could not fix the hurt in my mom's eyes which was the most painful. She is a joy to you, let her see and know it. Take pictures with her and both of you with huge smiles. I am believing her smiles at school this year will be more than the tears. Welcome, Pamela
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Brandy, go to this web site:
    and on the home page at the bottom right you will see the offer of the video/dvd, "Why My Hair Falls Out." Click that and you will find out everything you need. Let me know how you do!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Okay, I will fill out the form for you so you can receive the things you need. They require your email address, so would you please give that to me and I will take care of this today...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Great -- they said you should be receiving packets within 5-7 days. Let me know when you get it, okay?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I love you back, Jazmin! Let me know how it goes at school, okay?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Brandy, that is wonderful that Jazmin hasn't been picked on -- but the school is being very short-sighted about not showing the tape. It's such a wonderful opportunity for educating the kids.
    It sounds like Sandy is going to contact the school for you -- that is great! So let me know how that turns out.
    Big hugs to Jazmin!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Pam,
    Thank you for your kind words. I worry alot about my daughter as well. School will be starting in another week and a half and I just want her to fit in and not be mocked or stared at. She hates it when I try to cover up her bald spot. She gets mad at me and says she doesnt care if people see. We are currently putting aloe vera on her scalp. I am so sorry Jazmin has to go through this as well. It is really hard on kids. I wish you guys lived near us as well. I am also certain that Jazmin and Amanda would be the best of friends. I think that showing that video at Jazmin's school is an excellent idea. Is there anything you can do about changing the schools mind. I know that myself I am a very timid and shy person who does not want to draw attention to herself but when it comes to my daughter I will not let anything stand in my way. I wish I was there and they went to the same school. We could help fight the school together to get them to show the video. I plan on talking with Amandas new teacher and the principal about her condition. I think the kids should be aware of her condition as well. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Amanda would love to write to Jazmin on here. Lets keep each other posted on their days at school. Tell Jazmin we said "Hi" and that she has made a good friend.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Brandy,
    Amanda loves Hannah Montana too. She loves the whole Disney Channel sitcoms. Well Amanda starts school on the 2nd of September. Wish us luck! Please keep me updated on Jazmin's school progress and how things are going for her. We are going on a mini vacation to Disneyland and the beach for 3 days before school starts. I will have Amanda write to Jazmin when we get back. We are keeping Jazmin in our prayers. We will talk to you soon.
    Tracy and Amanda
  • sgomez

    I'm sorry that I haven't gotten back with you sooner. I sorry that you are having trouble with the school too. I don't have your phone number either. Call me when you get the chance. My number is 480-332-4860, or 480-366-4861. Hope to hear your voice soon! :)
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Brandy,
    I just wanted to check in and see how Jazmin was doing. Amanda started school today. She wasn't teased but just got asked alot of questions by her classmates. She wore a headband to cover up most of it. I told her teacher about her condition and thankfully she knew what alopecia was. I am just worried that Amanda is keeping all her feelings inside. She wont discuss her alopecia with me or anyone else. I wont push her at this point. I just wish there was a cure for this. I will talk to you soon.
  • Cindy

    HI Brandy, my name is Cindy and I am mom to a 7 yr old. How is your daughter doing? I hope she has a good school year...Have you checked out the childrens alopeica project They maybe able to help find a family in your area and they do many wonderful things. This summer they had their first Alopeciapalooza. It was so much fun..Cindy
  • Cindy

    That is awesome about showing the video to the school. Please let me know how it goes. Continue to build your daughter's self-confidence and she will be just fine. Contact CAP. Cindy
  • LUIS

    better late then never ! i hope we can become friend s too! sorry i did answer soon