Morgan Wagstaff


Monroe, NC

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Just a little lost...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Tiffany P

    Welcome to AW! You will find so many wonderful people here and i'm sure answers to your questions. i hope your having a great weekend :o)
  • Morgan Wagstaff

    Thank you very much for the comment! This is all very new to me and im kind of nervous, yet escited. i love that there is a place like this. Where people can say anything and not be judged.
  • Lauren Simpson

    Hey, thankyou. My wig is a rene of paris wig which is synthetic, it also has a monofiliant top to give the apperance of a natural and real looking hair part. welcome to alopecia world!
  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    HI Morgan
    Just wanted to welcome you to AW
    Glad that you could join us here.
    I'm sure you will find your way with these lovely people on this site
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Morgan!
    I'm sorry you are feeling lost. Is there anything I can help with?

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are lovely and so is your mom!
    Morgan, at this time there is no cure for alopecia, but sometimes it will go away on its own. If you are working with a good dermatologist that specializes in hair loss, he/she should be up on the latest treatments. I know how you feel -- I have had it for many years. I wrote a book about it called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" which has a lot of good information in it, and it's a fun read. You might want to check it out (you can get it on In the meantime, I am here for support and advice.
    And a hug!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Let me know how you are doing, okay? I care!
  • Tiffany P

    Hope all is well at this point i keep going back and forth if i should shave my head, its amazing what life throws at us lol anyway i hope your week is going good and tlak to you soon :o)
  • Tiffany P

    its funny you say that because i was wondering if i should wait until next semester to do it, but with my luck the poeple in my class now will be in my next. lol i usually wear a scarve so people are just used to that at this point but usually it has hair sticking out the bottom and lets face it our head are not perfectly round so when i do cut it all off its going to look ...different, besides i suffer from psoriasis (dont know if i spelled it right) of the scalp so its not so pretty. i dont want to just be negative so i wont continue to rant but i'm trying my best to look to the positive you know the usual, " adleast we are not sick, as women we have many options for cover etc." but sometimes i cant help but want to scream because i guess our problem is so out there for the world to see so even when we are trying not thinking about it someone else will not fail to bring it back to our attention. if that even makes sense. thank you for responding and i know it will get better for both of us. talk to you soon
  • Tiffany P

    I have androgenic so my hair is just thinning not actual bald spots but the bad thing is it wont grow back. i know my comment sounded sour but i have somewhat accepted my fate as far as hair i just have bad days like everyone and i guess today was one of them. i'm in college and so no one knows my problem, but i am sure it would raise eyebrows if one day i just came in with no hair at all under the scarve lol. anyway i have had this for 4 years now and it has thinned to the point that when i wet my hair you see alot of scalp. its annoying but life moves on you know? what grade are you in? your mom looks like she could be your sister you have nice photos :o) i'm a pretty upbeat person but somtimes i just feel down. but gladly those days are coming around less. i hope to get a wig are you thinking of getting one? sorry for all the questions