Carlotta Sezzi




Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I'm a 38 years old Italian girl that suffers Alopecia since I was 6.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Roger


  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Carlotta!
    How are you doing today? I have universalis, too.
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Carlotta,
    How are you?
  • Marina

    Ciao Carlotta come va????? è bello vedere qualche italiano in giro!!!!!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Carlotta...beautiful girl...beautiful pictures.
  • Heather L

    Welcome Carlotta!!

    Amazing pictures!!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Carlotta, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • italiangirl

    ciao carlotta!
    anche io italiana, delle marche...
    anche in italia c'è un nutrito gruppo di persone che soffrono di alopecia, cerca l'ASAA... bacione!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Your photos are inspiring! Very creative
  • Marina

    Complimenti per le foto davvero, mai visto niente del genere... sei bellissima!!!
    Sei della zona del Garda?
  • Marina

    Garda! Non ci posso credere! ci sono stata fino a 2 settimane fa, è il mio ritiro di studio!!!! I miei hanno una casa a Marciaga (qualche tornante sopra Garda) e dato che ora sono in pensione passano lì buona parte dell'anno. Io ormai vado lì solo per studiare, durante l'estate o qualche giorno per smaltire gli eccessi del Capodanno! Adoro il lago, e Garda è un posto stupendo... sei fortunata a vivere lì, pensa che il mese scorso pensavo seriamente di trasferirmi lì dopo la laurea e specializzarmi a Verona. Un appartamentino nel centro storico di Garda è il mio sogno pribito da un po' di tempo... ma temo che resterà tale. Che bello, vuol dire che ti verrò a trovare!
  • Marina

    Medicina e Chirurgia..... anche se anagraficamente sarei al 6° e ultimo anno tra danza e vagabondaggi la laurea è ancora lontana purtroppo!
    Verrò sicuramente, anzi adesso ho un motivo in più per stare un po' con i miei e saranno contentissimi. Salirò (o scenderò, dipende dai punti di vista) sicuramente per il ponte dei morti, se riesco tra impegni di studio, danza ecc anche prima.
  • Marina

    grazie, la mia è un abbraccio e a presto!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Carlotta,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Mary

    Welcome to Alopecia World! I love your photos.
  • Anastasya

  • J

    ciao Carlotta! era un po' che nn venivo qua sono contenta ci sia qualche altra italiana!
  • Humberto Ibarra

    Hi!!! I´m also happy to have a new friend!
  • Paulo Rodrigues

    hi Carlota ,thanks for add me,baci e grazie amica.
  • Jennifer Krahn

    Hey Carlotta,
    Just had to comment on how gorgeous you and your man are in the beach photos. Gorgeous
  • Tarsha Bradstreet

    Thank you for your kind words we've been through a lot of phases but now we are in a good place. Again Thank You... One Love... T
  • Ilia Reed

    Thank you for accepting. You are very much part of this magical world. Your body paintings are gorgeous and mesmerizing. I like this creativity. There is so much beauty in baldness; I'm going to embrace it with joy. Hope you have a great weekand ahead.
  • Ilia Reed

    I know and I'm lucky to be part of it (since a short time onely), enjoying it more and more with people like you. Keep up your creative beauty. Enjoy your Sunday.
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi, happy Valentine's Day for the two of you :)
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my dear friend. I love your liberty enjoying youself. Tomorrow is the very special day when I am going to shave the rest of my my head. I'm excited. Take care, xoxo, I
  • Carlotta Sezzi

    I am sure you'll be beautiful!!!Even if it scares you, look in the mirror and see how special you are. You might be crying....we are all human...but try to smile as no one will love you if you don't love yourself first! I'm with you!!!;))
  • Ilia Reed

    Hey C, it was strange when she first took the machine taking off most of my remaining hair and then the razor to smoothen my scalp from ear to ear. Then seeing my little beard disappearing into my lap was the most emotional part; it was thin but still fine. Yet no tears at all - we had fun and laughter. To see a bald man is still socially more acceptable - so I got no real comments so far - some just looking up there where there was still something until Monday. Only some "why did you do this" and "looks neat". Wonder what neat means here where nothing is left? I am happy - and thankful for your beautiful company and encouragement - the only thing missing is the wonderful artswork / painting ;)))))))))) Otherwise I am embracing the hairless life like many of you here. I let go and want to enjoy it. Take care!
  • Carlotta Sezzi

    Oh dear, dear!!! I am happy to hear that you feel fine. I thought and prayed for you in these seems it worked!!!;)))))Sorry for not beeing on line that much, but I don't feel good in this days. Don't worry, nothing really bad, but I have to rest a lot and stay in bed donig nothing at all....a bit boring but it is necessary for the little life that is growing in me.I'm scared but surronded by fantastic people that love me and I'm sure that things can't be bad!A big hug from me+1!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hey dear friend, thanks so much for being close. Do I hear great news with the little life? I hope and pray that everything goes well for both of you. Wish you can enjoy this very special time in your life. Good to know that there are people that support you as you did support me with my "little big thing". Have a wonderful Sunday together with your people, be it in bed or outside. - I just flew over your wonderful country; the north looked marvellous with all the snow. Don't start freezing :))) Take care, xoxo - ciao