
45, Male

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
My name is Shawn. I was recently diagnosed with Alopecia. My case started this past November. I noticed a small coin shaped spot on my beard. Initially I was concerned but didn't think too much about it. I made an appointment with a derma, was diagnosed, then within a week I lost 60% percent of the hair on my head, all with the same coin shaped spots. It's been a couple months and I've shaved my head, though much of the hair is already gone. I just started a new treatment today and am hopeful with the new information I have. Sometimes it bums me out but I am so grateful that I am healthy and see myself as being more fortunate than many others. Don't get me wrong, I get insecure but I always eventually realize that it's not the Alopecia that will hold me back it's the negative thinking.
Best to all.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Robert

    Hi Shawn

    Welcome to AW. It's a great site and has given me a lot of support through my AA journey! I hope you find it to be as helpful to you.

    What's the new treatment that you're trying?
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Shawn,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Shawn

    Thanks guys. The treatment I started two Wednesday is called DNCB. Have either of you tried it?
  • Sarah McA

    Hey Shawn,

    Welcome to Alopecia World :)

  • JeffreySF

    I've heard of this treatment but never tried it.
    I hope it works for you.

  • Devin

    Welcome to Alopecia World Shawn

    I wish my head looked as good as yours shaved. I tried it once and my head looked like someone took a hammer to a bowling ball!
  • Colleen

    Love the pic! You have a great smile!!
  • Robert

    Hi Shawn

    I've never heard of DNCB. Good luck with it and keep us updated with your progress.

    My dermatologists have given me steroid cream and steroid foam which seem to work well for me. After losing approx. 20% of my hair last year, most of it came back in December. I've done SO many treatments that I don't know what made it come back. Who knows, it may have came back anyway without any treatments. I'm not out of the danger zone yet as some small spots are still appearing. Facial hair loss continues too which is a total frustration.

  • MiNAH

    This so becoming on you.
    This look to me, stands out and always, always on some, looks so athletic!