

Mooresville, IN

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I have had alopecia since 2002. Within the first year of total hair loss when I was 18 I had total remission. My hair begain to fall back out 2 years later. I have never had remission yet since. I began to loose my eyebrows and eyelashes this year. Over all the ups and downs I decided to not be down about the puzzeling disease, instead I am trying to raise money to find a cure and raise awareness. I have created a fundraiser with my boyfriend called ascent for alopecia...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Dana,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey does Alex want a climbing Buddy?

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    You are fabulous, Dana! As we speak, researchers are looking for a cure. It appears to have a genetic link.
    By the way, you can regrow your eyelashes and prevent the rest from falling out with Latisse which has just been approved by the FDA. A wonderful product for alopecia sufferers!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    It's just been approved by the FDA. Ask your dermatologist. It works on alopecians who have recently lost lashes. It won't work on me because I have had universalis for so long.
  • JeffreySF

    I'm not a mountain climber but I bet I could do it.
    Let me think about this...It would cost some bucks to get there plus getting the time off work. Hmmmm.
    What to do?

  • Brittney

    Hey, Dana! Your hair looks great, too! I agree that this site is great for connecting with people your own age who are going through this. I have been wondering about the Latisse, so yes, please let me know how it works for you. If it only works if you've lost your hair 6 months ago or less, then I'm probably not a good candidate. Mine fell out almost 5 years ago my senior year in high school. But I've met a guy on here, Mike, who like me has had it for a while, and he just started getting injections in his eyelash area and is seeing results. I know that sounds painful, but he said it wasn't too bad at all. I'm going for a derm appt. next week, and if he'll do it, I'm gonna get the injections. So, I'll let you know how that goes. Oh, and my hairpiece isn't a vacuum piece. It's actually permanently on my head with adhesive strips, and bonding in the front, and I never take it off. I accept that I have alopecia, but I still want hair, and not now, nor will I ever be comfortable walking around without it. So, this ust works for me, and I think it's great! Let me know if you have any other questions. And good luck with the Latisse! Keep me posted! -Brittney
  • Brittney

    I didn't know anything like that existed either until I lost my hair and starting desperately searching the internet for something as close to my real hair as possible. I love it, just because like I said, I don't have to worry about sleeping somewhere else and having to think about a wig falling off or something. But yes, it's on permanently. I get a new one every month. The hair piece isn't very thick, because it is made to be replaced every month. That way it doesn't look so "wiggy". It's real hair, so I can blow dry, straighten it, curl it, whatever I want. And yes, I take a shower anytime I want, and I do it with the hair on my head, and it's no problem. About a year ago I did start to re-grow hair. When I went in for my monthly appt. I noticed it. So if I do have re-growth, I'm able to see it, because I take this hair piece off and get a new one once a month. So I'm able to monitor what's going on underneath there. Also, when I did have re-growth, my hair piece didn't affect it. By the time I got my new piece at the end of the month, the hair was about a half an inch long. It still grew under there somehow lol. Anyway, it costs 350.00 a month. And if I need to go in between for a service to get it cleaned or anything like that I can. But I'm so use to it, if I need to do that, or if it's summer and it's more hot and sweaty than normal, I do it myself. It's just like anything you get use to it. But I love it, it's great for me! I rarely notice it, and with the hair being not so thick, I think it looks pretty real. Let me know if I forgot to answer something or if you have any other questions. I can also give you the number to the place I got to if you want to call and ask any questions, they're really nice. Just let me know. -Brittney
  • Brittney

    Hey Dana! I had my appt. on Wednesday this week. I have my eyebrows, but I noticed my right one lost a couple hairs, so I got injections in my brows just to strengthen them. I just picked up my Latisse today and I'm going to start it tonight. How is yours going? Do you see anymore hairs? I hope so! -Brittney
  • Brittney

    Hey! It looks like I've taken over your page with all of my comments, people are gonna think I'm a stalker, haha. But, I have also seen a noticeable difference with my eyebrows. They seem thicker and darker, but I already had most of my eyebrows. I have some areas where I have eyelashes, like my bottom left lid, for example. And those, I notice are getting darker and longer. But what I've found out about Latisse is that it won't jump start re-growth, all it will do is make lashes longer and thicker that are "active". So, if you've got them, chances are this will work for you, but if not, it isn't going to just activate growth. So, I've realized the Latisse alone isn't going to provide me with eyebrows. I'm going June 2nd to my dermatologist and am going to get injections in my eyelids (painful, I know) and if that triggers growth, hopefully the Latisse on top of that will yield great results - we'll see! Also, good luck with the gluten free diet. I was tested for Celiac disease as well, and it came back negative, so they didn't think it would do anything to remove gluten from my diet. I hope it's different for you, and this works out in your favor! Good luck with everything and your upcoming appointment!
  • Brittney

    isn't going to provide me with eyelashes*
  • Brittney

    Hey Dana!

    That is very interesting! Let me know how it works for you! I didn't know that you could still be allergic to gluten even if you tested negative for Celiac disease. Keep me posted! Best of luck!
  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Dana,
    I think it is great that you are having a fundraiser to try to raise money on a cure for alopecia and to promote awareness. I spoke at my daughters school last month on alopecia and you wouldnt believe how many people did not know what it was. I hope there will be a cure soon.
  • Dana

    Ascent For Alopecia Awareness/Fundraiser event TONIGHT 5pm-12am at Blu Lounge 204. S Meridian St. Indianapolis IN
  • MiNAH

    Just passing by to say hello!
  • Dana

    an update on my gluten free diet: I am going in to the third month of a gluten free diet. My arm hair has almost all grown back! I wear a vac suction piece and have not shave my head atleast once a week if not twice. I have hair all over my scalp but it does not have pigment just yet! Hopefully soon though! I will keep everyone posted!
  • Dana

    I am still gluten free and now have a couple pigmented hairs on my scalp! My eyebrows have almost completely grown back as well as the hair on my arms! I have a head full of hair but it is just not pigmented yet. I am now shaving my head every 2 days for my vac suction to stay on. I have noticed the past 2 weeks my scalp has been producing more oil than in the past. Not sure what that is about at the moment but I will keep everyone posted!
  • Brittney

    Dana, just wanted to see how things are going with the Gluten free diet. Do you notice any change? Would you recommend it. I hope it's working well for you! Let me know whenever you get a chance! Thank you! -Brittney