Maria Reeve


Friendship, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I was diognosed with alopecia when i was 6 mo pregnant, i lost all my hair all over my body, including my eyelashes and eybrows. im having a hard time coping with this....
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Maria!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. I don't have any eyelashes and eyebrows, either. In fact, NO hair at all anywhere!
    Let me know if you need help or support. One thing that you might be interested in is my book, written for women, called "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" (It just won two national awards!) It has helped a lot of women! There is lot of good info in it, it can answer many questions, and it's a fun read, too. You can find out more on my page. It's available on Let me know if there's anything else I can do! I am here to help.
  • Laura

    What kind do you buy? How much about? I have one its a 100% human hair, I don't know if I like it. It seems so thick and gets tangled easy. I want to dye it but I am nervous it will get ruined. I spent way to much money on it. I only lost hair on my head that is all, just patches at a time.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Maria,

    Came across your page tonight and wanted to say hello.

    Hope all is well with you.

  • Becca


    Thanks for the friend request.. We are only like an hour an a half away.. I have been dealing with AA since I was 16 and I am now 28. For me, it seams like one day will be ok and the next I just wish I was "normal" and had hair again.. It's a never ending battle..

  • Becca

    Hi that would be cool.. I actually have a full lace wig.. I got it from I really like how realistic the lace wigs are.. I am looking into ordering another one from All of my pictures on my page are my lace wigs..