

British Columbia


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have had AU for about 13 years now. It is tough but getting better.
My husband is in some of pictures on here..he is the one that has kept me sane thru all of this!
He shaves his head (his own choice) and it helps me feel like we are more of a team. Plus, he is really quite hairy...poor guy gets loads of it to shave while I have none...
I have tried many things to help with any regrowth, but have had only sparse bits thru the years.
I've got tattooed brows and eyeliner and am sooo happy to have it!
I do not wear wigs altho I have a few for "special?" occasions. I do hate them so wear bandannas and hats every day. I've not ventured out without day.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Cheryl!
    I know how hard alopecia can be; I have had it for about 30 years. After I became the spokesperson for the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, a lot of women were needing my help and support, so I wrote a book called, "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" (It just won two national awards!) You can find out more on my page -- and it's available on, and on this site under "Bookshelf." Let me know if there's anything else I can do!
  • Jay

    hi chery welcome to A.W. nice looking puppy you got there, they don't stay puppies long so take lots of pics and cherrish those moments.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Sweetie, you can get it on, or any other online bookstore!
    It's also available on NAAF Marketplace.
    Big Hugs to my fellow universalis girlfriend!!!
  • Vanessa

    Hi Cheryl, Nice to connect with another British Columbian. I've never been to Fort St. John - you're way up there! Cute puppy!!
  • Marian Fuller

    Hi Cheryl,

    We Canadian gals need to stick together! I found the comment from LeslieAnn very interesting -- I'm going to check out her book. I'm really excited about this site and look forward to making alot of new friends. Thanks for the warm welcome!
  • Vanessa

    Hi Cheryl,
    Funny you should mention Shmuel Gonen. I saw his videos on youtube not long ago and was intrigued. I actually called Isreal and left a message - wanting to ask more questions - and he (Gonen himself) called me back twice. Both times I wasn't home, or was sleeping, - challenging with the time difference, and I haven't tried to call him again as I am not super motivated at the moment - not wanting to do any sort of 'treatment' while I am pregnant/nursing. And of course I'm a little skeptical - though still intrigued... Will be interesting to hear how the treatment works for others who may choose to try it.
  • Melissa

    Hi Cheryl,

    Nice to meet someone else from BC. I am in Kamloops. Where are u? I am just trying to get my profile sorted out...not very tech savy.
  • Melissa

    Oh wow we live really close then. I lvoe the pics of your dog and your husband, it is great to hear he is so supportive. I think my husband might still be in denial about the whole thing even though we were together when my hair loss started. He doesn't like to talk about it with me. Although I know he is very sympathetic.
  • Melissa

    Thanks :)
  • Jenna4

    Cheryl - LOVE your dog!! What kind is it? We have a pitbull/mastiff cross and looks similar.
    hope all is well!
  • Jenna4

    I just posted a pic of our dog, Amber. My husband sounds a lot like yours, he has been shaving his head for 15+ years now and was able to show me how do it. He did it for me this first time, and last night i did it myself (I'm a big girl now!). My hubby also wants our dog to get as big as possible, she's just a year old now and we're hoping she'll grow some more. She's the biggest teddy bear and most loveable and loyal dog we've ever owned.