Sarah Car


York, PA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I was diagnosed with AA when I was 3. I lost all my hair on my scalp and body shortly after being diagnosed. My hair grew back when I was 11. Since then, I have cycles of hair loss. Recently I decided to shave my head and just go bald because I was sick of dealing with the spotting and thinness. I love it and wish I had gone totally bald years ago!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Sarah!
    How are you today? I have universalis, too.
  • Tiffany P

    Welcome to AW. love your positive attitude and hope you have an awesome week :o)
  • Mary

    Thanks for the friend request! I love your photos, and your attitude. Isn't it liberating to just be who we are?!

    Do you know about International Alopecia Day? Please join the IAD Group and help celebrate our beautiful baldness on July 17.

  • Mary

    Thanks, for your comment, Sarah. Yes, it's a hard thing to took me awhile and it was a day-by-day process. But, at this point, when I'm out in public I don't think about my baldness (until, of course, someone inevitably asks the "cancer" question.) In some strange way, I've actually come to be proud of my "difference" and unique look. I'd love to have my hair back, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen - so, life goes on! ( ;-)
  • KM

    Thanks Sarah! Hope you have a great day too
  • Michelle L

    You are beautiful and SUCH an inspiration to me :-D
  • Linda

    Hi Sarah, welcome to alopeciaworld. You're about 30 minutes from me, I live in Harrisburg, maybe we can get together for lunch sometime and share our success stories!
  • Mary

    Welcome to the International Alopecia Day Group!
  • pedro

    Sarah, welcome to alopecia world.¿you speak spanish?