
37, Female

Edmonton, Alberta


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
It's been a while since I updated this thing - time for a new profile!

My name is Christine and I'm 24 years old. I'm currently an accountant studying to be a chartered accountant. I pretty much work 40 hours a week then come home and study for another 15. It's pretty sweet.

I developed alopecia in 2008 and shaved my head in 2009. It was the best thing I could have done. I've been wearing wigs since 2009 and I love them. I buy mine online for cheap ($70) and change them up whenever I feel like I need a new hairstyle. I have over 15 different wigs in many different colors.

I'm currently NOT undergoing any treatment, but will be trying out acupuncture in the new year as I have never tried this before. I am a HUGE advocate of not treating the symptoms of alopecia but rather trying to find the internal cause of it. I have accepted my alopecia and love myself without my hair and I have found this to be the best treatment. My eyelashes and eyebrows fell out last year but they have grown back! I have never appreciated my eyelashes so much!!

I don't come on here often as I have dealt with my alopecia and don't really think about it anymore. I just get on with my life.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Christine, I am so glad that you found us. Welcome to Alopecia World and please make yourself at home. This group is very inviting and what ever you put into it, you will get out of it. Make an effort to connect with friends, ask question and get whatever you need to support yourself. Please feel free to email me anytime. By the way there is also a Canadian group on the site that you can join. Just click the groups tab above and join. I am from Montreal. :) Take care, Cheryl
  • Roger

  • Zoe Dusting

    Hi Christine! It's very nice to see you here. What are you taking at University? You are beautiful:) Talk to you soon!!
  • Daria

    Welcome Christine. It can definitely be hard to cope with at first...all very confusing and scary. But there's a lot of people out there who understand and it's good you found this website. My advice would be not to shave it all off until you have to....many times the patches will grow back. And if they don't, then you can look into the wig thing. There are lots of wig options in every price range imaginable. Take care!
  • Dee Connelly

    HI Christine, We just wanted to say welcome new friend!
  • Fitzy

    Hi, thanks so much! Fortunately i have had my alopecia most of my life so I am well adjusted, feel free to ask me any q's you might have. I have AU so wear a vacuum wig. How are you doing?
  • Sarah McIntosh

    Hi,must be hard learning how to cope with aa once your older.I had mine my whole life.It happened gradually till I had none left.I'm not depressed about it or anything but I'm having a hard time deciding if I want to wear wigs anymore.It's definatly awesome you live in Edmonton,we will have to meet in preson one day.If you ever need to talk about having aa i'm always ready to listen.I have had most types of alopecia,i've been through it all,the emotions,anger,embaressment,acceptance and many more.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Christine,
    How are you handling this? I started getting spots when I was in my 20's -- now I have AU. I'm doing really well. I wrote a book about it to help other women like me. It might help you feel better --you can check it out on my page, and click on my web site.
    Take care! Things will get better!
  • Ev

    Hey I remember feeling the patches for a while before asking someone to look at that time it was the size of the palm of my hand!! I have alot of hair loss at the moment (I have recently put up some pics) but I can still cover it so thats is always cool. I need to get those clip in extensions though. Can you clip them in and out whenever you want or do you need someone to do it for you?
  • Erin

    Most delayed response..ever..sorry! I kind of forgot this site existed after I made my account. I'm also in Edmonton! I know too how it feels to have to deal with the hairloss a bit later in life. I was 18 when I found my first bald patches and it was devastating. But, now 2 years with AU and I'm feeling pretty good. It won't beat you. Cause Alberta girls kick too much ass..haha!
  • rick

    I was wondering how you made out with your Dr. concerning the possibility of having Celiac disease? I too share all of the symptoms associated with this disease. However, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease 14 years ago. I have really never accepted this diagnosis because my symptoms (although some are) have not totally been consixtant with Crohn's. They are consistant with Celiac. I have developed AA within this past year. I am in the process of being tested for Celiac. I have heard that sometimes the initial screening for this disease can come back negative when you in fact do have Celiac. Pleas let me know what you have found out.
  • Karen

    Just wanted to say Hi. Your story sounds a lot like mine, similar pattern of hair loss etc. My AA started (well I noticed) in October so I'm just new to it all. Good luck with your new 'treatment', it's a course I'm also 'trying' to take. Let's see how we go aye.
  • Chelsea McGee

    Hello, I did get my wigs from the wig boutique. The name of my wig is Aslin. Good luck finding a wig!
  • Karina Louise

    Hi Christine!

    Just thought I'd pop in and see how you were going. How's the saving for a freedom wig? I just wish they weren't so expensive. I am facing the fact that I will probably have to get another one so that I will have it when the time comes for repairs on the one I have now. I can't really afford it but I can't imagine life without it now. Have to ask Mum for some more money....

    If you're ever in the Lake Louise area again, you should definitely come say hi!

  • Indira

    hey christine thanks for the comment. no its a normal wig and it costs 450euro. you can by it everywhere. i was talking about the people in germany not about the medicine. they dont know about alopecia.... have a nice time in germany;)
  • Karina Louise

    That's awesome that you're playing soccer bald - when I was back home, I pole vaulted and went to the gym a couple of time bald, but I was never completely comfortable with it. Out here, it's too cold to go bald so I always wear a toque if I don't have my wig on! That's great that synthetic wigs are working for you, I hated my synthetic wig but they are a MUCH cheaper option.

    I am enjoying life out here right now - snowboarding, partying, hanging out my bf (and even working a little!)
  • amanda~

    Hi Christine,
    In Edmonton a really great place to go is Sir 101. I've been going there for years! The owner will meet with you and discuss your price range, your hopes and expectations etc. He will offer suggestions and ideas of what wig (hair piece) options best match your lifestyle and you go from there. I would definitely recommend you at least contact them to set up an appointment and see what he's got to offer.
    Just keep in mind that he doesn't have a bunch of wigs for you to try on, you will be custom ordering your wig so that part can be sucky (waiting) at least that was the worst part always for me.
    All the best
  • Christine

    Hi Christine,
    I just read your blog re Ophiasis Pattern, I have this, in fact my first spot was at the nape of neck about 7 yrs ago, the last time I lost it was classic ophiasis, lost nape of neck 1/2 way up, and all around ears with some spots on upper sides near crown, the great pineapple!! I managed to cover it with the top hair, but I was terrified of the wind. It all grew back this last spring but now I'm losing again, weird because its summer, but I just changed jobs, and I had some real stress over it. Its coming out like gang busters now, and I'm scared, it one thing to be AT and go from there, but this not knowing, transition is awful. because one day you have barely hair, and if you wig it , the next day you have this mass of hair, talk about conspicuous. How is it going for you not sure the dates of this blog, just wondering, if yours grew back, or progressed? Like you at a point I would shave it all too.
    Christine S
  • Christine

    Hi Christine,
    I got your msg. Sorry yours didn't grow back, like I said I'm at that I don't know what's going to happen stage, I'm not sure I've heard of DPC I tried to look it up but didn't find anything on it, is that the irritating stuff? or the Tar stuff? I think I may be having some side effects from the Minoxidil, tiredness, and maybe headaches, I thought it was low on the side effect side so thought I'd try it, I'm having regrowth even tho I'm still losing, but I don't know if it will all just fall out if I stop or not, everything is so unknown about this, that's probably the worse part. I agree with alot of your comments here, about the stressing over it, I'm trying not to, which is sometimes easier said than done. Do you wear a wig? if so was that hard to do? I bought one the last time I lost, but ended up getting by, the few times I wore it I felt so self conscious. Hope your having a wonderful time overseas.
    Christine S.
  • Irene

    Hello! Can I ask you something??
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Christine,

    How are you?
    I saw you were online so popped in to say hello.

  • Irene

    hello! did you ever do the dcp treatment?
  • Danica Augustin

    Hey! I am glad that you love our trance music. Check what a friend of mine works at in this case: Well you could learn if you want to because it is nice to a polyglot, it increases your intelligence :)