



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
My name is Lacey, i am 18 years old.I was diagnosed with alopecia areata in the summer of 2008. I joined this site to find other teenagers that are experiencing the same troubles and difficulty's as i am dealing with alopecia. I would love to hear your stories please contact me! I have met some amazing people on here already so thank you everyone xx

art is truly my passion gets me through everything

painting in the morning, warm tea, rain few of my favorite things

my darling boyfriend aiden sweetest and most supportive person in the world i love you.

" Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well, we all shine on" - John lennon

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.”- Audrey Hepburn
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

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  • Aspen

    hey talk to u later
  • Aspen

  • Aspen

  • Sandy

    Salut ^^
    J'espère que tu vas bien, et que je peux te parler en francais lol ;)
    Je voulais te remercier de m'avoir accepter dans tes amis. Je voulais te souhaiter un bon courage dans le combat qu'est la pelade ^^
  • Katie Jones

    Lacey!!! i haven't talked to you in forever :) but thank you so much for the birthday wishes! i had a great day! but i recently have some new spots and it's been a little difficult to deal with but i'm getting through.. but i hope you are doing really good! i can't wait to hear from you girlie! but how is school? how is life? how's everything!?!

    I love you girl,
  • Shana and Taylor

    Heyyy!!!! havent talked to u in awhile so heyyyy.. haha. how are you. hope you had a nice prom telling from yer profile picture. see ya!!!
  • Shana and Taylor

    Heyyy!!!! havent talked to u in awhile so heyyyy.. haha. how are you. hope you had a nice prom telling from yer profile picture. see ya!!!
  • Shana and Taylor

    Heyyy!!!! havent talked to u in awhile so heyyyy.. haha. how are you. hope you had a nice prom telling from yer profile picture. see ya!!!
  • Shana and Taylor

    heyyy!! havent talked to you in awhile so heyyy!!! how have u been. did u have a prom???

  • Katie Jones

    LACEY!!! it has been forever!! how have you been? how is summer? how is life? i hope to hear from you soon. i'm not on alopeicaworld much anymore it's more facebook for me so if you have facebook look me up under : but i hope to hear from you very very soon.

    -- Katie
  • Essence

    hello Lacey =D
    i'm Essence...

    you are gorgeous !!
    how are you =) ?
  • Essence

    thanks =D

    i'm doing well, how are you =) ?
  • Aspen

    hey lacey iam sorry i hav not commented you in a while i hav been so busy well i hope you message me back
    peace ,love and happiness =]
  • Aspen

    sorry i have not talked in a while comment me back
  • Aspen

    hi comment me back=]
  • Aspen

  • Aspen

  • Aspen

    hey so how are you? i ahve not talked to you in forever. i lov your pics
    comment me back soon
    peace love happiness
  • Aspen

  • Aspen

    good how about your summer?
  • Aspen

  • Tracy and Amanda

    Hi Lacey,
    How are you?
    Tracy and Amanda
  • Aspen

    hi how are you
  • Aspen

    Hi how are you sorry i have not commented in a while how r u
    peace love happiness
  • Aspen

    Hi Lacey,
    How are you?
  • Aspen

  • Aspen

    Oh ok now I get it my hair is doing good no hair has fallen out in a while b ut I am hoping it will not fall out for a while=] So how is your hair is it doing good I hope it is I all of your pics it looks good were excactly did it fall out at because it looks so prettty? wel gotta go talk to you later
    comment me back
  • Aspen

    hey ho ware you doing are you doing good? what do you mean in your relationship status when you say choose one did you break up with your boyfriend? just asking i need some boy advice please comment me back do you mind giving me advice?=]
    comment me back sooon=]
  • Aspen

    DO you like the twilight books and movies?
    comment me bakc soon=]
  • Aspen

    did you get my long replay back I put it in your message box read it and then reply back talk to you later
  • Aspen

    hey lacey I hope these flowers brighten your day evwen though it is almost christmas and and fall is almost over these flowers are still beautiful just like you you are truly a good friend
  • Aspen

    heyy how are u sorrri i have not texted inwhile hahah so how are u? R u doin good i hope
    comment me back soon'
  • Aspen

    heyy how are you??? I have not talkd to you in forever! ur relationship status says you are in a realationship is that true??
    comment me back soon=]
  • Aspen

    heyy it is so good to here from you. umm my hair is doing good how about yours?? OMG! I am so happy things worked out for you=]=]=]=] How did you get back together and how long has it been?? My love life went down the drain:( well trevor my ex dumped me for antoher girl and now i am dating thsi guy named Matthew he goes to my church but then my b.f.f told me that the hottest guy in the school thougth I was cute and that to bad I was dating matthew! Well I gto everything settled out and I am still dating Matthew but now this guy named brennan likes me and I KINDA LIKE HIM TOO!:( help me Lacy please I am so confused!%(
  • Aspen

    my hair had been good i found another spot near my forhead were my bangs are under my bangs is bald=[. But ooo well..... But yeah my love life not to good.=[ I broke up with matthew because he caled me a very bad word and said I was a phsyco path???? But yeha anyways This guy brennan I like him and we have been really good friends...well I sent a txt to one of my other guy friends saying i liked brennan. Well he got the idea that i wanted him to send it to brennan and he put words in my mouth I NEVER SAID!!!!!=[ But then his ex found the txt and now she hates my guts!!! and I never even said those words!! she started stuff about me in school and all of this other crap!=[ But me and brennan are cool. But yeah and I have been single going on 2mounths='[. how are you doing how is ur hair??
    comment me back soon
    xx Aspen=]
  • Angela Rose

    hey. (: i'm greeeat, birthday was today!
    getting some more spots, but it's whatever. :p
    how are you? (:
  • Angela Rose

    Yeah, last I had first gotten one spot in the back and a huge one right in the front of my head. :p My friend and i always joked around and said i was turning into a unicorn, hahah. Cause I love them soo much. :p Their both pretty much grown back, just shorter than the rest of my hair.

    But just a few days ago i found a bald spot on the back of my head again, and some thinning on the side. /; I try not to stress too much, you know. I usually just consider myselflucky. But on the other hand, it's just hard with cheering, trying to hide them, It's a painnnn. :p
  • Angela Rose

    Yup. (: It's not my favorite but i'm growing to like it. Gymnastics is definitely my thing, it's basically my passion. <3
    But uhm i've only had about 4 bald spots so far i've had two atleast bigger than a quarter, and the one on the front of my head was pretty big, you can look at the picture.:b And the most recent one i guess really isn't a spot, it's like a stripe..:b I'm just scared..:'/ usually i get a little spot that gets bigger over time, but this is a whole area of thin hair, and i have a feeling it's gonna turn out really big, which means i probably won't be able to cheer or anything:(
  • Erika Vincent

    Aww thank you!
  • Aiden

    i love you
  • Aiden

    <3 your too awesome for words loveee :D
  • Aiden

    Ahah rad. Essasy is lameskii. :( lmao. Your beeaaauuuttyyyfuulll :) cant wait either!
  • Nezz

    Hey pretty girl! I haven't been on here in aaages! I miss youu <3 xxxxxx
  • Aspen

    Heyyyyy I am sorry i have not tlked to you in awhile how are you??
    I just wanted to let you know you are sooo pretty in all of your pictures!!!!! I love your profile picture!!! When was that??
    Comment me back soon
  • Aiden

    <3:) Hat!
  • Brittany

    awww!!! thank you!!! :]
    I'm good! ^-^
    and you?

    Brittany =^.^=
  • Tiffany P

    Just wanted to let you know you have a great "about me" i hope all is well on your end :o)
  • Nezz

    Hey my love! I can't log into my facebook account but went on from a friend's and i saw your painting! Omg it's soooo BEAUTIFUL love! I love love loved it, thanks so much. I was listening to "somewhere over the rainbow" by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole when i saw it and it actually brought a tear to my eye :')'You are soo talented girlie, i love you <3
  • Nezz

    I got a friend to change my password so i could concentrate on my exams haha. I'm good thanks darling just waiting til the end of the month so i can forget about exams and start enjoying the summer! haha. How are you my love? Getting up to much this summer?
    My hair's ok-ish, i'm not sure i feel like it's falling out more than usual but i'm not sure whether i'm just being paranoid or not :/ how's yours? Yess, let me know if you think it works, though obv it'll take a while0 i really hope it does!
    Keep in touch, love you lots like jelly tots :) xxx
  • Aiden
