Lisa F and Chloe


Sandy, UT

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I am a mother of an 8 year old girl that was just diagnosed with AA. I am looking for any info to help her through this tough time. I would like introduce her to other children that are dealing with the same situation.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cindy

    Hi Lisa, Welcome to AW. I am mom to an 8 yr old with Alopecia. How is your daughter doing? Cindy
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Lisa,

    Wishing you and your daughter the best with this thing called alopecia.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Lisa,

    I consider myself very lucky. I got alopecia and found Alopecia World withen a few months.
    I have met so much support and friendship here. I'm very thankful.

  • Cindy

    Hi Lisa, I really can't tell you what to expect because each person pattern of hair loss is different. Yes, Sam started with small patches and that just grew and grew. In retrospect her hair loss began with thinning eyebrows, but we did not think anything of it. A few months later I found her first bald spot. From there her AA just took off and in about 5-6 months she was completely bald. We tried different steroid creams that did not work. I took her to numerous doctors for answers, but I got the same response. Then, I took her to Boston Children's Hospital and that day changed her life. The doctor was willing to be more aggressive and we tried Squaric Acid Immunotherapy. SADBE and it is working. Sam has not wore a wig since June. She now has two bald spots at the nape of her neck.

    I would contact Children's Alopecia Project You can get on their e-list and it is free. They offer pen pals, parent chats, info on alopecia to share. This summer will be the 2nd Alopeciapalooza and conference for kids. It will be at a camp in late Auguest. We went last year and had a nice time.

    When Sam's hair was falling out she wore headbands that we got from Claires. Since her hair was long we were able to cover her bald spots for a short time with the use of them. I don't want to over whelm you, but if you find you need some alternative head covering let me know and I will give the links to what worked for us. My daughter Samantha has her own profile page with the same pic as mine if Chole would like to write her or I can send you her email addy. Samantha is a very positive person and will be a good friend to her. Sam has never cried over her hair loss and just accepted it. Cindy
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Lisa!
    How are you and your little girl doing today?
  • Samantha

    Hi , my name is Samantha Katz .If you notes I have a dog well a puppy , her name is Harmony ,she's a Beagle mix with a German Shepherd and an ? that menes that we don't now but don't worry we are doing a diana test we jest sent it in so we dont now if they are doing it or not .Do you even have a dog if you just got her i can give advise or mom ( Cindy ) can .do you now what Spanish is ? It is a language that I learn well I do Spanish . See I will say some now .Hoy yo va a ir al la dentista ( Today I am going to the dentist ) Any was welcome to Alopicia World . Please ritte back . Love Samantha Katz .
  • Marte Carlson

    Aww...thanks so much!! That was a nice warm welcome. My daughter was diagnosed about a year ago. We have had 2 battles of hair coming out. This time has been the worse. Now she has lost her eye brows. I believe she may become a "totalis". I guess there are worse things she could have though.
  • Lisa and Natalie

    Hello and thanks for the welcome. I'm surprised at how many responses I have received in just one day, it's great! It's nice to know there are others out there who are going through the same thing and know how we are feeling. My daughter doesn't seem too bothered about her spot, it covers up pretty good as she has pretty thick hair, but it is quite obvious at times since her hair is so dark it's quite a contrast. I keep telling myself it could be something much worse, but it's still upsetting at times. So we'll just muddle through one day at a time. Thank you so much for writing, it's very reassuring. Take care!
  • Annette

    how are you and your daughter? any changes? greetings from Annette
  • Annette

    thank you for writing - your children are really sweet too! best whishes from here
  • Elizabeth

    Hi Lisa ~ How are you and how is Chloe doing? When was she diagnosed? My son, Max, (who will be 5 in June) was diagnosed with AA in the beginning of March (two small quarter-sized patches on his head that was easily covered with his big huge mop of curly hair). Today was estimate he has about 75-80 % hair loss....Just in a month's time. He's currently using at topical steroid (triamcinolone acetonide), but haven't seen any changes yet. How about you? What sort of treatment, if any, are you seeking?

    Your family is beautiful and your daughter is just adorable. I love her freckles!
  • Melissa

    Thanks for the friend request Lisa! I haven't been on here in a few months and it was a nice boost to get me on. This is a great place to get support and to not feel like you are the only one going thru this with our kids. It is so hard not to know what to expect and what will come next. My daughter Emma (9) now has full hair regrowth with a couple of small balding spots after having lost it all in a 5-6 month timeframe. It has been this way for about 9 months now, but as I've learned you never know what tomorrow may bring. How is your daughter handling it? Emma would be willing to chat with her I'm sure if she wants to connect with someone.
  • KIM - Jessica's Mom

    YAY another Utahn. Welcome to Alopecia World. I've not been on AlopciaWorld in a while so thanks for the friend request. You Chloe is a darling girl. My Jessica is now almost 10. She was diagnosed about 4 years ago and we have run the gambit. She went from a small spot to only having a patch or two left. she lost her eyebrows but kept her lashes. About 6 months ago it started coming back. She is still missing about 35% of her hair but it is mostly in back and the rest is starting to cover it over. She is amazing. She is even proud of her baldspots. My father was bald and always had a sign in his office that said, "God made few perfect heads and the rest he covered with hair." She thinks that is so funny. Hang in there. I know it's scary. You never know what it's going to do or whether or not the hair is coming or going. I think she's going to have to deal with this her whole life so I keep reminding her how very blessed she is to be HEALTHY!! Good luck and let me know if there is anything I can do to help. I would really like to get a bunch of kids together in Utah for an ALOPECIAPALOOSA but have yet to find the time. So maybe together we can all work something out.
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks for sharing your story with me. Chloe's story sounds very similar to Max's. We cut his hair down last night (the latest picture) -- he didn't want us to shave it, so we didn't. He did want us to leave his front curl so he could still look like Superman. :) I know what you mean about things not looking too promising. He's been on the steroid for 2 weeks now, and I know things aren't going to happen overnight (and I keep asking "Why?!? He lost his hair practically overnight!"), but I can't help but feel discouraged when he keeps losing hair. He goes back to the pediatric dermatologist at the beginning of June, so I guess we just wait and see. One thing I've noticed -- and you probably have, too -- is that our kids are often so much stronger than we give them credit for. Max is taking this all in stride, as I'm sure Chloe is, too. Good luck to you guys. I'll be interested to see how your appointment with the ped. derm. goes.
  • Cindy

    Hi Lisa,

    Did Chloe get Samantha's last email response. She has not heard back from her. How is everything?
  • Samantha

    WE GOT THE DNA TEST IT SAID IT WAS A COCKIER SPANIEL MIX WITH A AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!