

Rockville, MD

United States

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About Me:
My name's Heather and I'm 18 years old and a freshman in college. I started losing my hair about a year ago from a lot of stress and got diagnosed with telogen effluvium, so I got extensions put in, but they made me lose even more hair. So now I don't have much left. I'm hoping I can make some friends on this site who understand what I'm going through.
Do you have alopecia?
Telogen effluvium
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Heather,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Roger


  • Clara S.

    Welcome Heather! Thanks for the friend invite and chat soon! hope you'll doing well and have a great weekend!
  • Aspen

    Hey!!!! my name is aspen and I will gladly be your friend ahaahah=]!!! I lovv your hir in your photos!!! U r beautiful!!=] I hav alopecia areata for about 2 years now=[ but yeah......
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  • Aspen

    Thank you!!=] yeah I hav newer pics of my hair towards the end of my slideshow ahah=] I was gonna put extensions but my dermotoligist said that it would make it worse so I did not put them in So how are you??
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  • Aspen

    Wow good luck on your finals!!=] Where do you go to collage?? Thanks I do like my new pics!! But I am pretty good I mean this weather is beautiful!! But soooo hot hahhhh:) I found another spot under my bangs:( It is nto that bad but you can still kinds see it:( So how are you??
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  • Heather L

    Welcome Heather!

    How about that another Heather with Alopecia right here in MD! HA!

    Hope you are having a great night!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Heather!
    How are you doing today?
  • Krissie

    Hey girl, how is everything going? wanted to ask you what u are doin for hair these days? pieces or full wigs. by the way how is school...must be comin to the end now!
  • Aspen

    yeah you can say that agian!!=[ hahh but I hav learned to liv with it!!=[ So have you had finals yet?? How did they go??
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  • Krissie

    have extentions that are called "invisible hair" they are much more gentle than others i have tried. U can get them bonded or clip them in. I clip so my scalp can break from them. They look natural. I like them. Don't know how long I'll get to wear them but i enjoy them right now. I dread the toppers. I just have not found anything that looks natural. I wish we had an option that looked like real hair with a real hairline. I loved your curly wig. I thought those where extensions! where did you get that wig from? Let me know 'cause i love it! well, I'll talk to you later.
  • Aspen

    yeah I hav learned to deal with it!! this site and support of friends hav helped me gain my self confidence!! But I totally get what you mean by not being be ablr to think about it=[ it is hard but you cna get through it ! so how much hair has come out??
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  • Aspen

    You are sooo lucky!!! Mine is thick but When mine falls out it comes out in spots=[ but yeah so how are you doing??
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  • Aspen

    yeah I totally get what you mean by school done!! I get out of school June 10th!! wbu?? and I am doing okay just nerves about swimming I am afraid that everyone will see by bald spots=[
    how are you doing?? good luck on finals!!
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  • Aspen

    uhhhh your so lucky!!!=[ But I am sorry about summer school and a summer job!! Why do you have to take summers school?? yeah I probably will just wear a headband or not even worry about it!! lol btu I am still worried=[ Well how did your finals go??
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  • iamsuperyasz

    thanks for the add!=)
  • Essence

    helllooo (:
    thank you for the request .

    xoxo -Essence .
  • Aspen

    ooooo welll that is cool hahhhh=] sooo how did you do one your finals??? I hope good!!!!! how are you doing??
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  • Aspen

    well that is good about your finals!!!! but yeah school is almost doen I get out June 10th!!! yeah! I passed all of my county exams !!! so yeah for me!!! So how have you been??
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  • Aspen

    thanks you sooo much!!!! I have graduation on thursday!!! I am soo excited!!! So how have you been latley??/
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  • Jesus Chick and Mom-Abre

    Sorry it to took me so long to accept. I haven't been on in forever. Hope you are doing good!
  • Aspen

    My gradutation was good but sad:(!!!!!! I am gonna misss alll my friends!!! But i will be okay!! I am glad everything worked with your exams!!! So you said somthing about you having to take summer school?? How is that going?? How are you doing??
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  • Aspen

    O Well that is good!!! I am doing good my hair is doing really good How bout you?? How is your hair doing
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  • Aspen

    well that is good so how is your summer going?? I hope yours is going good I have drivers ed in august:( But other than that my summer is going great
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