

Seattle, Washington

United States

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About Me:
I am all about adventure sports stuff, street bikes, planes, scuba, motoX. I live to explore new places, my favorite so far is Costa Rica but if I had the money ??? It's a big world !!
I first got AA about 3-4 years ago. It was very slow at first but eventually ate up my entire scalp. After having exhausted myself with every possible treatment I have finally begun to accept who I am now ( John Travolta and Bruce Willis help ) hahahaha. I wish I had my hair but I won't let AA define who I am, or what I'm going to accomplish!
If you have AA AT AU and you see me on the street give me a shout!
For anyone newer to this than me, remember the people and things that make your life great have nothing to do with hair!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • jennifer

    So did your lashes and brows come back? So do you have to use this gel forever? what happens when you stop using it? is this a new medicine? tell me, tell me! :)
  • Joel

    I actually don't know the "how long" and "what if you stop" answers yet. Yes!! my eyelash and brow are growing back in!! I don't put gel on them so maybe just collateral damage but I'll take it. My scalp hair is growing like weeds and the outline is trying to figure out where it used to be and where the last 3 years of being a middle age male should have moved it (receded) but the AA spots are definately filling in!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    What is the gel you are using?

    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  • Sarah S

    How funny!! My husband and I just went to Colorado two weeks ago and I loved. My husband has been to Colorado a bunch of times, but I had never been. Pikes Peak was so beautiful!! We also went to Gardens of the God that day and that was breathtaking too!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel

    Whats going on with you? Any new updates?
    All is pretty good here.
    The Blue Angels are in town for Fleetweek. Saw an awesome airshow today.

  • Joel

    Always a good day when the sound of freedom is overhead. We get them in August. Remember the old A-4's? They were not as cool planes but louder than hornets. Same old here. Stuff working so well I don't want to jinx it. Real status report in a month or so!!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi joel,

    So tell me is the gel working for you?
    All is great with me. The Blue Angels were awesome as always.
    Took a road trip down to Pescadero today The tide pools were really cool with interesting sea life. Then went into town and had lunch. Brought home some garlic artichoke bread and some fresh pumkin pie. Hade made meatloaf the night before so had a major feast. tasty tasty tasty.


  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Hope your having a great Sunday.
    Anything to report?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Whats up?
    I just realized we are the same age. When is your Birthday? Mine is in March I'll hit the Big 45....Half way to 90.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your Family.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    All is good here. Just been doing the usual stuff....Work, play and alopecia world.

    Merry Christmas to you too.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joel,

    I got the pics. Looks like your hair is doing better than mine.
    I'll be 45 in March. Yikes!!!

    Happy New Year!!!


  • Joel

    I could "OutGeek" you in a heartbeat!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Thought I would check in and see how you are doing.

  • Eileen Simpson

    Hey just wanted you know that there is a Celiac Conference in June in Seattle, here is the information on it.
    35th GIG Annual Education Conference

    2009 - Marriott Seattle Airport Hotel, SeaTac, Washington

    Leadership Training – June 4th

    Conference and Exhibits - June 5 and 6, 2009

    Register On-line
    2009 Conference Program Brochure

    Hotel Information:

    Marriott Seattle Airport Hotel

    3201 South 176 St, Seattle WA 98188

    Reservations: 206-241-2000 or 800-228-9290

    Conference Room Rate: $115 per night (plus applicable taxes)

    Room rate guaranteed if reservations are made before May 6, 2009

    A complimentary hotel shuttle to and from airport is available.

    2008 - Dallas, Texas
    It’s All About Food! Hosted by North Texas GIG Branch

    View what people said and our sponsors
    View the Conference Evaluation Summary
    This document is provided in the interest of increased transparency and to document measurable program outcomes, as required by the IRS.
  • Suzanne Thompson

    Hey, another Seattleite! What part of town do you live in? I am in the Northgate area. Do you attend the NAAF support group meetings? I have been pretty lax with going to those, always on a Thursday and I always am working late. I am going to the "Bald Girls Do Lunch" event on Tues. night. We should get some Seattle folks together for an informal night out with beers at a local pub.
  • Suzanne Thompson

    Maybe some Monday or Weds. night (I'm off then so not working late). Where do you live? We can find a pub somewhere inbetween...
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    I was thinking about you this morning. How are you doing? I havent heard from you in a bit.

  • Suzanne Thompson

    Joel, I have another A.A. friend that lives in the Maple Valley area. I don't think he is on here though. Mike Lotto. He goes to conference every year. Maybe we should meet down your way sometime. The guy I've been seeing (in the photo) lives there too. We just tried that new Japanese joint by the Home Depot last week. Or we can meet up here on a Tues or Weds. I work late Tues. but Weds. I am off. When are you up next? What part of M.V. are you in? Ron lives on 208th right off Kent Kangley. Small world, eh?
  • Heather L

    Hey Joel,

    Just have to tell you- love your westie. (all the dogs are cute-though I have soft spot for terriers)

    I few years ago I went to Seattle- actually I was leaving from Seattle on an Alaskan cruise, but we went two early to check out Seattle. Great city- I loved the fish market- I have never seen such beautiful flowers (and they were so inexpensive!!)

    Hope you have a great weekend.
  • Heather L


    thanks for the friend invite!

    Westies really are great- so full of themselves! Mine sleeps with me too- although he is a bed-hog and snores! But I wouldn't have it any other way! he goes to work with me too and has become the mascot- he pretty much runs the joint! Stumps is 13 now so he is just a bit slower

    I read on your profile you have been having some re-growth! Great news- do you think it has anything to do with any treatment you have tried? or just spontaneous? Because I have multiple spots I often experiment. For example right on one I am using steroid foam (Olux) and another neem oil- and the growth is the same!!! So I often wonder if treatment works or if AA just does what it wishes. But unfortunately I have not been brave enough to stop and do nothing to see what happens...maybe one day.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Stopping to see how things are with you.

  • Suzanne Thompson

    Do you want to aim for Weds. night up here in Seattle? I think that's where you said you are on Weds. I can probably slip away from my kids for a couple of hours.. In a couple of weeks we can maybe try for a Sat. night in MV and hook up with Mike Lotto. I'll send a private message with my phone #.
  • Suzanne Thompson

    Hey, did you see the front page of the Sports section in today's Seattle Times? About a girl in Kent that has A.U. It's online too I'm sure if you don't have the paper.
  • Amanda Omnes

    Thanks :D
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Whats going on with you? We havent talked in ages.

  • JeffreySF

    Knock Knock!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    What up Dude????
  • Christine

    Hi there neighbor, I still have not met anyone with AA, talk to a lot on here and another site, I so get what you said about finally meeting someone with it. We have probably met others, but not known?? I hope it's not the first thing others see in me. Hope to hear from you again :-)
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Long time no hear. Whats up with you? All is good here.

  • Harley Desiree Wheeler

    there is no such thing as a perfect girl lol but a almost perfect ^^ there are a few of them
  • Harley Desiree Wheeler

    I may be young but iv lived my life already lol i always live like todays my last day cause thats how it is..n i date only older men i already know bout these youngins ha
  • Rick Seymour

    AHHHHHH I mean AAAAARRRRRRRGGG How come? In the hoody you look like Scott Bacula (Quantum Leap - and a new tv show about 40 yr olds). Nice photo montage. Home looks similar to mine though mine is Log.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Whats up?

  • MiNAH

    Those snow capped mountains are a sight for sore eyes!
    When I lived in Idaho, I would run in the snow, go without head covering, and dress as though it were a heat wave.
    There is nothing more refreshing than ice cold air on your scalp.
    This is living!

    As you can see, my daughter has enough hair to go around....but don't be fooled, it's a weave!
    Yet they have plenty of hair.
    Make sure you don't get hypothermia in the process.
  • Rick Seymour

    Castle Rock CO. is about 190 miles east of me. I am loacted 60 miles from both Aspen/Vail Ski area's depending the direction you choose to travel.
  • Heather L


    Hope you are having a amazing time!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joel,

    How are you?
    Going to NAAF this year? Indanapolis Baby!

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    I hope you can make it. This will be my 3rd
    How's everything going with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Joel,

    Thanks for the Birthday Balloons!

  • Gail

    I'd share morning coffee with you any day!! xoxo
  • Gail

    Can't wait for 4/30 to give you one of these!
  • Gail

    oxoxoxoxxxxxxxooxoxoxoxoxoox !
  • Gail

    Boxers, briefs, or Speedo? hahahahaha
  • Gail

    thump thump thump....
  • Gail

  • Gail

    Missing my other half.... : (
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joel,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How are you doing? We havent talked in awhile.

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Joel,

    I'm sorry you are angry. I know all too well what you are going through. Maybe I can help you in some way.

  • Dominique Cleopatra

    When things get rocky I like to Rock 'n Roll!
  • JeffreySF

    Look at this little guy!