

Bakersfield, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
My name is paul, i have had alopecia for 5 years now, i have never let it get me down, i always stay positive and keep myself motivated to help others who have alopecia
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Paul,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Lindsay

    hi paul :)
    welcome to this lovely site! if there is anything you need to talk about, we are here, i am here! it is hard to get used to this stinkin disease, and i really really really understand how it feels..... i had alopecia areata for many years, but didnt lose all my hair until a year ago.... talk about a transition!!! please feel free to let me know if u ever want to talk :)
    <3 lindsay
    p.s. i live in cali too! im in SD....
  • Jennifer

    Hey Paul, Welcome to AW. I'm live about an hour away from you. ill actually be up there soon for the AP tour and The used at the dome for work. I have friends out there too. If you ever what to chat just let me know im a huge music fan too.
  • Jennifer

    Sweet deal, i kinda stick out in a crowd if you didnt notice come say hi. I think my radio station will be out there before the show giving stuff away.
  • David

    Hey Paul. I see you live in Bakersfield. I moved to Bakersfield about 8 months ago. I know you're probably going through a lot right now. Hang in there. I have had alopecia universalis since I was 5 years old. If you have any questions or just want someone to talk with, feel free to send me a message.
  • Meghan

    haha i love mcr! i hope your have a great week as well :)
  • Jennifer

    Hiya, Did you make out to the AP Tour last night?? i went i was pretty cool. Im thinking ill like the used better.
  • David

    Bakersfield isn't too bad. I had never really been here until I moved so at first I didn't know anyone. It's a lot bigger place than I had expected. I've had a pretty busy schedule so haven't really been able to go out and do much here outside of work. Although, I do do a lot of driving around town for work so at least I know my way around now.

    Have you noticed any improvements since getting those steroid shots? I was never offered those because a whole head would be a lot of shots to take. I hope they work out for you.
  • Jennifer

    Nice, Im not cool enough to party on tour busses. Some chick did buy me a beer cause she liked my bald head and scarf! I think im going the the revolver golden awards next in L.A. on the 7th but we shall see. Have fun tonight!!
  • Jennifer

    cool deal. I went to a L.A. Kings game tonight. it was a blasty blast
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Paul,

    Stopped in to say hello and see how things are going with you.

  • David

    Not a whole lot. Mainly just work/court and trying to prepare my backyard for sprinklers to be installed. I did get to take a short trip to Idaho to visit some family though.

    How have things been with you? It's been a few weeks since you got the last shots right? Are you noticing any improvements? I hope things are going well for you.
  • David

    I was a CHP explorer for about one year in 2002/2003. I started a little late but yeah, I do think it's a good program. I worked for CDC for a couple years prior to CHP. I graduated the CHP academy 3 years ago and was sent to work in East Los Angeles. I was there for just over a year when I transferred to Newhal/Valencia area. I ended up buying a house here in Bakersfield and so that's how I ended up here. I've been working out of the Bakersfield office since January. If you want to do a ride-along sometime, I'm sure I can arrange it.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Paul,

    How's it going? I saw you Blog post. Still losing hair huh?
    I have the white hair too.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Paul,

    How long has it been since it all started? March 2009?
    This disease is so unpredictable. I'm not sure where I am at anymore. I have sparse hair everywhere white and dark. Hmmmmmm Oh well.

    Hope you are dealing with this in a good way.

  • JeffreySF

    I'm glad to here you are doing okay with it. Me too.
  • Meghan

    im doing pretty well, thanks... going back to school sooon. I actually went to houston for the conference this summer, it was my first one.. it was really great! how have you been?
  • David

    Thanks bro.
  • Meghan

    yeahh, ive been working at a nursery school all summer... which has been interesting lol but i love it.. and ive just been enjoying being home with the family and stuff :)
  • Kimberly Foote

    fantastic on the date! and i'm fantastic on this Columbus day! I don't remember where you live... if I have a memory....i will peek later at your "profile". soooo, what was the last show you saw(aren't you a concert junkie?ha). do uu play instruments? oh man, I peeked and we will have to have that date in our are closer ot LA than SF!! mmm it's a perfect evening tho I can imagine.*blush*
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Paul,

    I just read your blog post. Sorry you are losing more hair but glad to hear you are staying positive about it.
    So what is the next concert for you?

  • Meghan

    hey, ive been good. I actually just moved into a new apartment so everythings very disorganized right now haha. What have you been up to?
  • Mary

    Hi Paul...I see from your comment that you're a drummer. Me too, but probably not the same kind of drums or music. What kind do you play?
  • Mary

    I play Balkan music in a couple of bands. Some traditional jazz explored Balkan rhythms - Don Ellis' "Bulgarian Bulge" is one I know of. Here's one tune of seven I put on YouTube of one of my bands:

    Hang in there and enjoy your music. I've recently started performing bald, and a year ago I wouldn't have thought I could do that. Alopecia sucks...but life goes on.
  • Meghan

    that's good! hows your whole hair situation... if you dont mind me asking lol
  • Meghan

    and you shouldnt! i was lucky in a way because i went from having a full head of hair to having AU
  • Meghan

    haha yeah it was kind of a shock! but it was like, well it cant get much worse from here, got nothing left to lose lol.
  • Alexandra

    Hi Paul!
    I've been pretty good. Been busy with school and my internship, and soon I might be training to be a makeup artist...Oh, and I'm also starting belly dancing classes soon too! Gotta stay busy and active and away from home.
    How are you doing? Have you been to any cool concerts lately?

    Alexandra =)
  • Nick Janda

    yeah man, definitely a good chat. We gotta do it again for sure. Cheers to porn and farts!
  • JET

    Hello; I just wanted to stop in and say Hello. Have a wonderful week.

  • Alexandra

    Hey hey, I've been having lots of fun lately. I just went to an amazing concert the other night (In This Moment) with a friend - the band performed the last song in the mosh pit, which was freaking awesome - and I met them afterward, took some pictures, and hung out. It was a great time. What have you been up to? =)
  • Alexandra

    Thanks Paul! ;)
  • Alexandra

    Ohhh I've just been so busy lately, I need to wind down a bit. I really want to go on a road trip somewhere with friends. I have a fantasy of waking up in the middle of the night, packing my bags, and just hitting the road with the music blasting on the radio and my friends in the backseat. No map, just the open road. A little cheesy, maybe, but I've had this idea for a while. =)
    How about you?
  • Meghan

    hi! ive been good thanks, busy with school, and soo ready for the semester to be over! how are you?
  • Alexandra

    That sounds like lots of fun to tour with a band! I bet you'll have a bunch of great memories and experiences. Would you be able to tell me which band it is, or is it a secret? One of my friends was once a roadie for Three Days Grace and he said it was awesome getting to travel all over the place and hang out with new people every night.
  • Drakes

    drums heal the soul man... :) I play guitar and drums... cheers man!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Paul,

    Stopped in to say hello. How are things with you?
    I wanted to let you know that the NAAF Conference is in LA next year.

    Hope you can make it.
