Sam G



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Married, 2 children, recent illness resulted in auto immune diseases including alopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Beverley

    Thanks. I am not sure about the local meetups etc. sorry. :-)
  • Beverley

    ps nice wig
  • margaret watson

    Sorry for some reason my web page wouldn;t open to alopeciaworld for the past couple of months, but tonight it seems back to normal.
    So hello to you. I really wanted to be in touch. I live in woodbury,exeter and often pop down to Torquay as we have a boat down there. I met up with 2 new alopecia sufferers last week. We had a fab time just chatting and knowing what we were saying was really being heard - such a relief! I do believe noone understands what we feel and how we cope on a dily bases. It is so important to be with each other and chat like this.
    Margaret x
  • Sam G

    Thanks Margaret, if you have another get together would love to join you. Excellent that you have a boat in Torquay, I'm rubbish at sea, can't even do a pedalo without feeling sick!!!! Samxx
  • Gale Moorman

    Hey, thanks a lot Sam G. You have a nice face so going without any head covering is bound to look cute. You are a brave soul. Good for you!
  • Jessica

    hi sam,

    love the brown bob wig who's it by... can you send me back a msg w/ the info.? thanks
  • Gail

    Hey Sam G! Not a marathon (I wish!), but a mere 10K. I may run a half-marathon in the Fall though.