Wendy Coco


Phoenix, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I have had alopecia since I was 3 years of age, It started out as areata and then progressed to totalis and now I have had universalis for about 30 years.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Wendy!
    How are you doing today?
    I have had universalis for about the same length of time you have. I'm sorry you aren't happy with your wigs. I have not had those problems with mine.
  • CBrown

    Hi, Wendy! Welcome to the club. I love finally being able to find people locally who can relate to this crazy little problem of ours. I hope you enjoy this site - there is always lots of friendly chatter!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    That's great that you have found a good wig! Tell me more about it!
    I love the ones I have which I get made from Brenda Kay. I'm in Portland, Oregon.
  • Roger

    Hi =)

    I live soooo far away from Arizona =) Im in Stockholm, Sweden =)

    How are you doing?

  • CBrown

    Yes, I'm in Tempe! As a matter of fact, I'm meeting up with "sgomez" tomorrow at Thai Rama in Tempe for lunch if you want to join us (short notice, I know). If you can make it, it will be at 1 pm. I'm also going to have Ethiopian food tomorrow night if you would like to join a friend and I then, around 7. The more, the merrier!
  • Norm

    Hi Wendy! Thanks for the friend add! :) ...hey, do you take a good pic, or what??? If I could look like you, I'd.... well, be arrested, probably, but you know what I mean... ;)
  • Tiffany P

    thanks for the friend add, i didnt know what it was either and when i found out i was kindof stunned because i was ignorant to believe that happened only in someones 60's but here i am in my 20's trying to move on and pray i like wigs and that i have a nice shaped head lol but thats life just one big kick in the butt lol anyway talk to you soon :o)
  • Norm

    Y'know, Wendy, it's odd you saying that about me being a comedian in the next life... my boss says I already am. Although I don't think he meant it the same way you did... :)
    Also: not sure about me being sweet... haven't a clue what I taste like!! :)
  • sgomez

    Hi Wendy :)
    That was so sweet--what you said about my stories. I feel kind of guilty now because I haven't written anything new in a long time. I hope to meet you soon since you're local! There is going to be a brunch get-together at Denny's on Rural and Southern on the 26th at 10:00am if you would like to join us! How long have you lived here? I've been here for 22 years now.
  • Norm

    Well howzabout that, you being a Brit! Where are (were?) you from?? Obviously not the North-West... you look faaar too posh for that!! (but appearances can be deceptive, n'est-ce pas??) ;)
  • Norm

    Wow, you've certainly put yourself about (er, in a nice way, I mean!) No-one would ever know you were once a Brit... your teeth are too good :) And, did I mention you look pretty cool both with AND without the wig??
  • Norm

    Oooh, "smorgasbord"... ~I'll have a slice of ham, please :)
    Been a bit of a non-day, to be honest... y'know, where not much happens? The only thing of note is that I'm being flirted with by a wicked bald girl from Phoenix... amazing how your day can pan out, isn't it? ;)
    What about you, all good so far? It's 9pm here, so about, what.... 2pm for you?
  • Norm

    Pee head??? Come on, you know that'll conjure up all sorts of images to a Brit... :)
    But hey, 104 degrees??? Have you left the oven on???? I'd melt!
    I find that the best way to get y'self a non-day is to drink faaaar too much plonk the night before. Then, when you (finally) surface the following day (or even the one after that, if you've been particularly friendly with a few bottles), it doesn't matter if it's Armageddon, WW 3 or the end of the world, cos nothing, but NOTHING, is gonna make you move faster than the average snail. Right? :)
  • Norm

    Wendy! Happy Birthday, you Old G*t!! I bet you're getting really good at celebrating that 21st now, aincha? ;)