

San Jose, CA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I've had alopecia since I was 18. I have attended 7 conferences and can't say enough about what an emotional high it is. I love meeting new people each year and here on Alopecia World. My friendships from the conferences have made all the difference in the world in dealing with my alopecia back in the day.

I love running, anything food related, movies, nature/outdoors, and living a simple life without getting too caught up in society.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Stuart! How are you? Are you booked for the conference yet?

    Welcome to Alopecia World!

  • Dee Connelly

    HI Stuart, We will be coming to Morro Bay Californnia in June. We are attending our daughters graduation.
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Stuart,

    My name is Jeff I live right up the road in San Francisco. I'm pretty new to being AU. I started with AA last July.
    When is the confrence in Kentucky?

  • Jennifer

    Stuart!!!!!!! how ya doin? hey were are you flying out of??
  • Karen

    Hey Stuart.

    Nice to see a fellow asian with Alopecia on the site. Makes me feel less alone

  • Dotty

    Hi Stuart,
    Nice to see you. Hope all is well. I met you at the last conference. Hope to see you in Kentucky if all goes well.
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Stuart,

    I see you are on line whats up in San jose tonight?
    Just relaxing at home right now

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Stuart,

    All is good here. I am going to watchthe last episode of Jericho. I am off tomorrow but then back to work Fri and Sat
    Do you work in finance? I work in a hospital as a respiratory Therapist.

  • Roger

    Hi Stuart.

    Hows life?
  • Roger

    By the way. I booked my Louisville trip this week. Hope too see you there!

  • Jill

    Hey Stu!! Hope to see you in Ky this year. Gonna be a big weekend for me.... Getting married that Saturday!! I know some of the NAAF peeps are ridin down to Somerset for the wedding. If you wanna join them, you are more than welcome to come. Hope everything in your world is going well. Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Jill

    Yep it's Bo and he's doing great. We both have moved up to Louisville within the last 6 months and I'm loving life. The wedding and gettin ready to graduate is keepin me pretty busy. If you can't make it to the wedding, we're gonna try and make it to Sunday morning. We dont leave for our honeymoon until that monday. So, if we can make it early enough I hope to see you there. If not, hope you can come to the wedding. i know shannon and jen are gonna ride down and I think Kate and Marti are talking about it as well. Anyway, hope you have a blast at the conference... Louisville is a FUN city. Hit up 4th Street and City Block. Both great places....
  • Jill

    We are gonna be honeymooning in Mazatlan, Mexico. I can't wait!!! Hope to see you soon.
  • Roger

    Hi Stu.

    Yes, i know it going to be a great time the 5 days I will be staying.

    Will you go?
  • Megan

    yes u did!! hope all is well! Is the next conference in kentucky?
  • Jeremy

    Dude! What's up?!?! Been too long since we talked. I'll be in Kentucky for the conference. I'm also headed out to LA on Friday, staying there for about 5 days visiting my bros. What have you been upto? Still in San Jose, same job?
  • lanz

  • Sara

    Stuuuuuu.... I am so glad that you are here! I haven't seen you in what feels like forever! How is life? ;-)
  • Jeremy

    I didn't book a flight. Me and Jonathan and my roommate, Shane, are driving up. So we will have a car there if anyone needs transportation. It's a 6 hour drive, so it is not too bad. We are also staying Sunday night, so we can all plan on a nice dinner before everyone takes off....see ya soon!
  • Sara

    Was it last year?!? I cannot remember, in my old age all the years seem to blend together! I am doing really well! Just started a new career with a great company and even though I have a long commute, I still like it! I cannot awit for conference! It seems that it has been all I think about the last few weeks (if that keeps up the next 11 weeks are going to be long ones!)
    Cannot wait to see you again! ;-)
  • JayB

    Greetings to a fellow Calialo (thats how my mind works).
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    I guess we should start a count down soon for the conference.
  • JayB

    Hey Stuart, please drop us a line in the California World group.
  • Shannon

    Of course I will be there!!!!! I only live like 2 hours from there so very excited!!!! A weekend of Liquor and Beer ... here we come once again lol
  • Julia

    Hello Stuart...

    Would love it if you were apart of my Book Project. Please Read about it under my discussion on my page. If you are interested, email me at

  • Roger

    See you in Louisville.

  • Roger

    Hi Stuart.

    It was nice meeting you in Louisville.

    Take care, Roger.
  • Roger


    Yes, it was a great experiance for me to go the conference. I will bring some more people from Sweden next year ;)

    The flight was awful =( 11hrs delay took me 20hrs to get home to Stockholm. Crazy crazy.
  • Jill

    The wedding was awesome.. thanks for asking!! We just got back from Mexico and it was amazing. Sorry we missed you at the conference. Maybe next year!!
  • Roger

    HI Stuart.

    How are you doing?
  • Shannon

    Hey use some of those frequent flyer miles and come down here for the golf tournament in sept!!!!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Stuart,

    Havent seen you around here.
    How ya doin'?

  • NannC

    Have we met already or not? You seem very familiar. Either way, glad to get to know ya. Later!
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Stuart,

    Will I see you in Houston?
    Hope so.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Stuart,

    Me again.....
    Whats up? Boston eh???

  • JeffreySF

    Knock Knock!!!

    Whats up Stuart?

  • george


    Hope you finally made it back home from NAAF. It was good meeting you my friend; had a good time with you and everybody else at the conf.

    Take it easy,

  • george


    whats going on my friend? things are going good. I finally had to shave my head back at the end of the summer (it was/is a good thing). Good to hear from you dude. Im guessing you will be in LA next year - Im looking forward to it. I might even train to keep up with you in the 5K run. doubt it, you are a fast little bugger even after a full nights partying, you beat me by about 15 minutes. Stay in touch.