

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Hello ... I am the mother of Jocelyn who has has alopecia as a teen and in her 20's. I do not have alopecia but I am very interested in being involved in the alopecia community and organizations.

I have two sons, one is Jocelyn's twin and one baby 21 year old. I am a NYC elementary school teacher. I love to read thrillers and Jodi Picoult stories. I also enjoy relaxing with housewives of anywhere, Mad Men, Big Love, and any Law and Order.

I look forward to getting to know people on this site.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Jocelyn

    Hey Mom!! Welcome!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Leslee,
    Thank you for being supportive!
    I love Mad Men, too -- can't wait for Sunday and the first installment of the new season!
  • Jocelyn

    Working on my tan so I can look like you!
  • Pat Latina

    Hi Leslie, thank you for being part of our world.