
61, Female

charlotte nc

United States

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just me
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Julia

    Hello Julie...How have you been doing? It's been awhile...hope all is well
  • Heather L

    Hi Julie

    Welcome to Alopecia World! Look forward to getting to know you better!

  • Heather L


    Thanks for the compliment! No wig- it is my hair. I am fortunate thus far to be able to hide my bald spots with just wearing my hair different ways! The worse was when I had one smack on top of my head-- I had a comb over!

    for me- the spots I have grew in pretty quick but unfortunately as one is about all grown in another one pops up else where on my head!

    I do not know a whole lot about female pattern baldness- other than I believe it is genetic as well as hormonal? (DHT the primary cause?)

    I have been trying laser therapy on my spots for a few months. Most of the women I have met also doing this therapy have female pattern baldness- and they seem to be having good results! Better than I have gotten....
  • Heather L

    HI Julie,

    I am not sure I understand your comment- but to answer the question I am on this site because I have AA. It has been devastating for me as I am sure it has been for others. As you can see from my picture that I have several spots currently and think I may see two more trying to start. I worry constantly about it! Never no which way it is going to go! I am sorry to see so many others have hair loss problems but was happy to find a place/site to share and relate with others who can understand.

    Have a good day,
  • Roger

    Welcome back.

  • Heather L

    HI Julie,

    Thanks- I try to hid the spots as best I can. Windy days can be the worst! HA!

    I have not tried any of the thickening products or "magic" sprays or powders. I have read on several post that Xfusion is one try.... I might try it out. Have you ever tried anything like that?

    Are there any treatments for FPB? Has your doctor tested your hormones?

    Can you tell I haven't accepted there in nothing I can do to fix my problem! - always reading and looking for a cure!! You just never know what could be around the corner- hang in there!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!!!
  • Craig S

    HI Julie

    Thanks for your note and thoughtful comment-much appreciated.

    just went to a meeting this morning and had to take off my hat..feels like you are the only one on the nude beach! I am slowly getting used to it now and trying to even out the color of my mellon- needs to be a tan there to look more "normal"- the sun is getting stronger here now..

  • Dee

    Hi Julie!
    It is so good to hear you are heading in the right direction!! As for my official diagnosis..I gave it to myself. I refused to have a biopsy done. I am quite sure that is what is going on. Sometimes it takes something bigger that you experienced in life to diminish something like hairloss. Trust me, I truly went thru for 15 yrs worrying about my alopecia, but now I know it is there but I put took off the pedastal and realize that there is so much more to me than my hair!!
    Stay in touch and I will do the same.
    Peace and Blessings!
  • Karina

    Julie..Im from Argentina and I want to know if you are wearing wigs...I´m very depressed and worried I cant stop my hair falling out.
  • Karina

    Julie...I´m experiencing the same situation like yours..nobody understands me...they believe I´m exagerating...but I´m extremely afraid to become hairless...I seldom go out..sometimes with a hat..I don´t know what to do..
  • Julia

    Hi Julie, Hope and pray that all is well!

    Also, on FaceBook find and join the group "Alopecia (Hair Loss) Awareness" we want to be 1 Million strong by September due to Alopecia Awareness Month. AWARENESS is Key! make sure you share the group with all of your FaceBook Friends too. By the way my new book that showcases 22 women and stories about living with Alopecia...it's called "Metamorphosis~Inspirational Stories of Women Living with Alopecia" by Julia Crittendon. You can go to your local Borders or order online at Barnes and Noble or Amazon!
  • Donna DeHoog

    Hi Julie! I was diagnosed in march 2008 with hypothyroidism. It wasnt until december 2008 that I started having horrible symptoms of thyroid problems. My hair started falling out in clumps very rapidly. The doc adjusted my med...within a couple of weeks I noticed the hairloss slowed way down. After two weeks after that...it started again and has never stopped :(. I have lost most of my eyebrows now....looking for options to cover my head and possibly getting my eyebrows tatooed on. I am just about to the point where I am going to shave my head. Just really scared to I guess. The photo on my profile was prior to any hair loss. I need to put some more pictures up on the site....my husband's camera has a mind of its own when it comes to downloading pictures...lol. I am from Memphis, Tn. I currently live about 30 miles north of it now. How are you?
  • Heather L

    Hello Julie,

    Thanks for the friend invite!!!
    Good to see you back- how have you been? How are things with your hair? I seem to have more spots then ever! ugh.... but although I have more spots than I did a few months ago- so far the newer ones are staying smaller. (think I can credit steroid cream for this..??)

    Hope you are having a good evening!
  • Lee

    Hi Julie,
    I never really got over it. It still hurts till this day. But I just make it work into muy life somehow. I dont know much about female pattern baldness. I kinda agree with Susan below...you gotta just get on with ur life, because you cant let something that you cant control...control you. Have you looked into getting a topper? That may help your self esteem. Also a therapist may help. take care...cheer up its just hair ; )
  • Susan VanOrder

    I have read some of the other posts that you have written and received. First of all, I see that you are from Charlotte, NC. I lived there for 1 1/2 years and it is a very beautiful city with a lot of opportunity and great people. After looking at your picture that you have posted, I see that you are also beautiful. Don't sell yourself short just because you don't have great hair.
    I do suggest that seek some counseling. Most people benefit from just talking to someone about what is bothering them.
    Also, There are products on the market for female pattern baldness. They are called integration hairpieces. They are light and comfortable because they are just a netting structure that adds hair just where you need it. I would suggest you use the internet to search for a distributor or look up hair replacement in your area and they will likely have these products. This would be the most comfortable alternative.
    Nothing is worth dying for.... I survived a brain aneurysm and that was 20 years after my alopecia areota started.
    Find the positives in your life instead of focusing on things you feel are negative.
    Everyone has negative things happen to them everyday, but you have to stand up and take control of yourself. Unfortunately, no one else can find happiness for you, you have to make your own.
    Thank you for writing. I am pursuing a career in counseling and I wish you the best. Write again whenever you feel the need.
  • a. z.

    my picture is recent. I've had alopecia since I was 2. I go to hair club.
  • Kim Culberson

    Hi Julie, My email is kimculberson@xplornet.com , you can email me anytime....
  • BTB (John)

    Red Ribbon
  • Pat

    Yes your page is still active and I received your test message. How are you?
  • Julie Koch

    Thank you for the nice comments about my pictures. Those pictures are several years old. I don't look like that anymore. I appreciate the friend accept!