cynthia Molina


Monterrey, Nuevo Leon


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
hi! my name is cynthia :)
I am a college student, i have Alopecia Universalis i was diagnosed at the age of 18.

at first i weared a wig, but now i just wear scarves.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • caroline knight

    hi cynthia wecome to aw i have been a member for a few months now + it has helped me thru sum very sad days im now starting to cope much beter than i even 4ght possible! hope it helps u as much,we are all very special ppl on here! i think your scarf looks absolutely lovely :@) X
  • Petra

    Welcome Cynthia, I'm sure you will make many friends here. It's nice that we have this site sure helps knowing that there are other people out in the world that have this condition. Hope to talk to you soon.
  • Dotty

    Hello Cynthia and welcome to Alopecia World. Thank you for your friend request. I absolutely love your head scarves!!!! I am a scarf person myself. I don't like wigs at all as I think they are very uncomfortable. Most of the time I don't wear anything on my head but when I do (cold weather), I wear hats and scarves. Are you wearing a wig in your other pictures, if so, It is beautiful!!! You are a beautiful young woman. I hope to get to know you better. If you need anything, feel free to ask away!!! Hugs, Dotty
  • Erika Vincent

    Oh my goodness, you have no idea how much that means to me! <3
    You are the sweetest! Thank you so much :)
    I'm so happy I can make you feel that way without even knowing!
    ps -- you're gorgeous!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Cynthia!
    You are beautiful and you are not sick! You can tell people it's an autoimmune disorder. Let me know how I can help, okay? I've had alopecia universalis for about 30 years!
    Leslie Ann
  • beatriz castillo

    Hola Cinthya, me llamo Beatriz y tambien vivo en la R.Mexicana tengo 32 años y desde los 3 meses de bebe tengo universal, es verdad lo que comentas las personas suelen ser muy crueles y agresivas con tan solo una mirada, lamentablemente no es exclusivo de nuestro pais sucede en todos lados, asi que solo hay que enfrentar lo que realmente vale la pena en la vida, la alopecia es simplemente una forma mas de vivir.,, cuidate y hasta la proxima
  • Essence

    hello pretty! (:
  • Petra

    Hi Cynthia, thanks for the gift :-) How are things going with you?
  • Essence

    thank youu (: 


    how are you? 

  • Essence

    awwe. yeah, i've been in that stage before it sucks. treatments never worked for me but just caused a lot of pain so i stopped and started to accept that it is what it is. it's extemely hard and there will be times where you feel like giving up and you can't take it anymore but just remember that you are not alone. there are sooo many of us, not only here on alopecia world, but in the world itself that are going through the same struggles or have made it past them so don't give up! i wish i had this site when i was going through that. i thought i was the only one with alopecia when i was working on self acceptance so support from my family is what really got me through it. if you ever need anything or if you're feeling down. don't hesitate to contact me. and if you have any questions let me know! (: 


    but anyway, i'm ok. stressing out about finals. it's college finals week and i have tons of stuff to do. lol. but other than that i'm alright. looking forward to next week when this is all over and my bf comes home<3