
45, Male



Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
I was diagnosed with alopecia in September of 2007 at the age of 28.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hello Mike and welcome to the site.
    I have had AA since 7/07 and have progressed rapidly to AU. It's not so bad. Hope you are doing well.

  • Carol

    Hi Mike
    Welcome! I'm sure you'll find all the information and support you need here. Keep smiling!
  • Roger


  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Mike, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. If you look under the groups above there is a French group. - Cheryl, co-founder
  • JeffreySF

    Hey Mike,
    I see you are online.
    I'm in chat for a bit if you wanna pop in
  • Brigitte

    Hi Mike, Thanks to introduice me in your friends list.... i'm glad to see people from canada..... i will practice my english ! Do you speak french ? How did you find the site alopecia world ? Here in Québec .. the weather is very beautiful... its sunny et warm... the snow is not here any more ! Have a nice day...
  • Roger

    Hi Mike. Sweden is nice specially during the summers.

    I wanna visit Canada someday =) Specially Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto.

  • Mike Vandebeld

    Hey MIke...how are ya' yeah..I live pretty close to Calgary...'bout an hour away....and I'll tell ya'..I won't leave the house without a hat....
  • Mike Vandebeld

    Dude....just read your question about Nair.....DO NOT USE!!! Very painful......, burns the living s__t outta' the soft skin.. around your neck and ears .....smooth...but ouch...ouch...ouch....
  • Cheryl

    Hi Mike!
  • Lise Marie Bordeleau

    hi Mike... did someone answer you about nair for the head... if so let me know.... i never thaught about that....good question
  • Lise Marie Bordeleau

    thank you.... for answering back....take care Lise
  • Mike Vandebeld

    Hey man no prob. hope things are goin' good out in the big flats...lol...Just gonna have lunch...later
    MIkry V
  • Drew

    Hey mike, thanks for the comments and the question. The spots are still noticable with the Headblade. The headblade is basically like any other razor thats not electric. However I will say what is really noticable to us, may not be to others. My friend asked me why I shaved my head and so I showed him the back of my head where the spots are really noticable and he said he wouldn't have noticed them unless I pointed them out. I think it all has to do with the fact that it's us and we dwell on the things that are wrong.

    And even the ones who have noticed the spots on me say that its not like they jump out (and my hair is a darker color at the root and base of it. I've found for the most part that people may ask questions once but then they act like nothings different. And that is how it was with the girls who are on my soccer team I coach (they're all under 13) and we all know that kids can be the most brutally honest without meaning to be.

    But best of luck...
  • Solange

    Hey Mike, I just read your story, I know exactly what it is like to live in smalltown, SK (and also the "big city") and encounter people who don't have a flippin' clue about alopecia. Hopefully your hair will decide to either go one way or the other so you can perhaps find you feel comfortable as either a hair-ed person or as a full-time alopecian:)

    I think the one encounter that probably meant the most to me was about seven years ago, I was working retail and a guy came into my store who was minus one leg - the whole thing from the hip - so I thought 'heck - if he can get over losing a body part, so can I.' I never even spoke to the guy, he was just meeting his wife. Up until this point I hadn't looked at losing my hair as losing a body part - people had suggested it but I hadn't really seen it until that very moment...

    I know a few guys with alopecia and I have noticed that over time that skin tone does even out - even on us girls who don't always have the freedom of walking around without covering.

    BTW, what station are you on?? Do you broadcast to Regina?
  • Solange

    Hey Mike, I don't know of any support groups in the province - I tried to look when I first moved here ten years ago but I didn't have any luck; Very few people even knew what it was and I was still trying to figure it out for myself. There are actually a number of people in Regina who have it, though I don't really know any of them too well - I am actually a very shy in person so I haven't approached the few people I see when I am out and about.

    I never went through the re-growth, my hair just stoped growing and that was pretty much the end of it, though it did take close to a year for it to all fall out. I have about twenty or so hairs on my head and one stubborn little hair on my left arm which shows up every few weeks or so on my left arm I named it Spike and sometimes he brings friends and I fear that I might turn into a werewolf :)
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mike,

    It's been awhile since we last chatted.

    I enjoyed reading your most recent Blog.
    It made me wonder why I have never cried about my Alopecia.

  • JeffreySF

    Yo Mikey,
    Whats up?

  • Jackie

    Haha!!! You are the best Mike...that's true, I don't get the flu either!!! Oh, and yeah -- baldness definitely suits you.
  • Timothy

    Hi Mike,
    Great Page!
  • Sarah Anderson

    i will admit it i have naired my head!!!! and it workes but i used the most gentle one i could find! i used it in the summer when i start to grow the small white hairs that bug me !
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Thanks Mike, I sometimes wonder how I would of felt if when I first lost my hair and found the site. I find it amazing that people can now find immediate support with others who are going through the same thing. Take care, Cheryl
  • Melanie

    Hi Mike,

    I think that sounds like a great idea. I started a group on Facebook called Saskatchewan Alopecia with the hopes of starting some kind of support group. I've neglected it for a while but there are a few members - mostly my friends and family. We're in Prince Albert; where do you live?
  • Sarah Anderson

    i would be willing to start a support group as well!! or to all get together!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Mike,

    Stoping in to say hello!

    How are things with you?

    All is good here.


  • Ann Gee

    Hi Mike,
    New to AW-Just been running through the Canadain Group messages and ran across one where you had asked if there was anyone here from Saskatchewan. Why yes I am :) Regina area.