
40, Male

Melbourne, Victoria


Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I've always had Alopecia but I've had a shaved head since 1998. Surprisingly enough, I noticed after each time I shaved my head, less hair would regrow. I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I no longer have any hair on my head (I don't mind that) at least I save on haircuts :)

I've just recently gone back to University in an attempt to become an even bigger nerd! I was fortunate enough to receive an excellent scholarship for a PhD coarse in Materials Engineering.

I really enjoy salsa dancing except when sweat from my head flows into my eyelash-free eye :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Carol

    Hey Serge
    I've always had alopecia too. How's the weather in Australia? I'm feeling hot and muggy in Canada. Keep smiling! :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Serge, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us. Cheryl, co-founder
  • amanda~

    Hi Serge,
    It's funny you mentioned saving money on friends often will say to me "at least you save money on haircuts" and it's good to hear someone else who actually knows what it's like say it.
    I must admit, I naively assumed that aleopecia must be so much "easier" for men than women, but I realize I was being ignorant to assume such a thing. What are your views on that concept?
  • Carol

    Hey Serge
    I'd take your winter year round! I'm not enjoying the heat much as I just started a new job and I have to wear my wig. I don't like it, no sir! At least work has A/C. How do the pros in Australia handle the extreme summer heat?? I'm tempted to carry a spray bottle full of ice water! LOL
  • Carol

    Thanx Serge! I'll try to keep winter in mind when I'm feeling warm. That made me laugh though so thank you for that too. :)
  • Georgia Van C

    Aussie Aussie Ausssie!...
    Loving it here in LA but am doing some shows in Melb soon - look forward to hugging my fam!
    Sending smiles,
  • Michelle Chapman

    Thanks Serge! Live long and prosper. Not that I'm a Trekkie but my boyfriend went as Anakin Skywalker to an outerspace party - it was the easiest outfit for me to do!! Mxx
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Serge,

    Stopping in to say hello.
    All is good on my end. Whats up with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Serge,

    Good luck with the job hunting. Hopefully we will all be seeing an upswing in the global economy soon.

    Get a job that you are satisfied with. Right now I pretty much hate mine most days. Grrrrr

    Anyway be well
