Paul O Keefe




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About Me:
Hi, well im Paul Age 24 living in Ireland, just finished university in Netherlands, I have Alopecia now for about 6 years, eyebrows went about 4years ago so got some fake tattoo's now. I have tried all the usual treatments for alopecia and some very random/strange like in Turkey and Russia. I have now given up on treatments as i fell none of them work and that the only way to grow your hair back is done by yourself but i still have not figured this way yet :)
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Paul,
    Welcome to Alopecia World.
  • JeffreySF

    And here you are Paul.
    Loads of Alopeeps!
  • natalie martinez

    im new too!
  • Krissie

    Hey You!! Thanks for the add...hope u enjoy the site! Drop me a line anytime you need to talk! c ya!
  • Maya :)

    Hey how are you? :)
    Its a very good site!! Im new to it ^^
    hope we can talk soon. :)
  • Maya :)

    Hey, im doing alright im going on camp for a couple of days... so be different.
    Its very hot here, at the gold coast... >.< i would love cold!

    Yeah this is a good site, makes me feel gd... hehe

    Yeah be gd to chat to ppl, be gd to chat with you as well :)

    Take care... ^^
  • Maya :)

    Hey, yeah would be good. I just came back from a martial arts camp was tough!
    yeah I added you as a friend. :) It really cool you live in ireland. I always wanted to go there. Ahh wow nice, here in australia its warm and sunny, sometimes its windy. Recently it has been raining and flooding badly here.

    Im from palastine its near israel ( were friends lol ), but I've been to american and french private schools....

    I had alopecia all my life really was born with it.. I tried a lot of expensive treatments and nothing seemed to now i might be trying chinese herbs...
  • Maya :)

    Hey, uhm no not really i just live at the gold coast....but i have been to several places in aussie.. Aha cool yeah australia is lovely. Yes I do, I can tell by the accent.. pretty awesome!! Haha i love the accent... Oh yes here VERY HOT! oh and humid which sucks its like you dont know what to do lol!! 'Martial arts camp sounds cool' But trust me you die plus i was wearing the bloody wig so i suffered lol but i was a hero lol. I did great really i was surprised.It was a fitness camp as well, mentaly and bloody phisically!! lol
    I have always wanted to go to Ireland. Wow cool, you have an interesting life then. Yes many ppl say that they met israeli ( if i spelt it right ) But no palestinians...Im the pure breed of palestine LOL... but i have never been to my country ( sadly ) but someday i will...
    OH YES is it hard wearing a wig in the summer heat...
    Oh yes but im a sooke for them I'de rather be a lab rat just to find the cure or something that'll trigger the hair up for ppl like us really but yes i do hate them as well.. i spent a lot of money...So the chinese herbs dont help?
    Uhm not really, well not online, I avoid sites like 'bebo or facebook' I was there before but my cousins shitty 'guy friends who are arab bothered the hell out of me so i left'
    ahhh, alrighty then...

    Be good to chat with you soon though :D
  • charlotte

    Tnx 4 the add Paul..
    Hope this site will help u alot..
    Have a great day :)
  • Maya :)

    hey how are you going? how are things with you?
    Guess what? My hair is growing!! I have baby hair now..!! yay.. lol
    but I have been doing my accounting and business from the stress it started to fall out again, and it was very sad for me i pretty much cried lol!!
    but its ok, it happens...
    anyways tc.. hope to talk....