

Dahlonega, GA

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I dig anything artsy. I'm a student at NGCSU for a degree in Studio Art with a Concentration in Photography. Vegetarian for 3 years.

Started losing my hair 7 months ago. I'm really scared with how thin it's gotten. I've been through a battery of bloodwork tests and scalp biopsies with no result. I don't have androgenetic, AA, AU, AT and my dermatologist is kind of at a loss. Also, I get this burning sensation and my hair texture's changing. I'm waiting for my recent biopsy to come back.... I'm just really scared.


Back again!

2 years in to hair loss now. It's definitely taken a toll on my self esteem. I thought I was doing fine for awhile, but the past month has been really hard trying to hide it. I want to be strong, but it's difficult not to know why this happening and if I'm going to be happy, healthy, and okay in the future. Nothing definitive came back from the doctor's about what was causing my hair loss, so I'm kind of trudging around in the dark for a medical excuse.

I'm getting to the point now where I don't like looking at my reflection in the mirror after I get out of the shower; I'd rather my hair go at once than drag me along like this. Thinking about taking a semester off from college, shaving it off, and getting a Freedom/PKS system.

I have a lot of coming to terms with myself to do. I have to find acceptance within myself so that I can have the courage to live my life how I've always wanted to live it, hair or no hair.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Kelly, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Kelly!
    I am an artist, too, and a vegetarian!
    How are you today?
  • Dharani

    Hi i'm Dharani from india.. I'm an electronics engineering student .. Would u lik 2 my friend.. Contact me on my mail..
  • Dharani

    Hi......kelly..... I would expect reply from u to my mail.....! I promis .. I like 2 b ur friend..
  • Brittany

    Hey Kelly!!

    Welcome to AlopeciaWorld!!

    Brittany <3
  • Erin

    Hello I'm Erin. How are you?
  • Kay

    hey i'm kaytee :)
    thanks for the pic comment btw.. :D
    how are you?
  • Kay

    why do you keep getting poked and such?
    and i'm kay i guess. my great grandpa is really sick, and won't make it through the night. so... yea.
  • Brittany

    hiiiiiii Kelly!!

    You're Welcome!!!!!

  • Kay

    yea it's fine though.
    so how have you been? sorry i haven't been online lately.
  • Josephine Bihl

    Thanks for the friend invite!
    Must say you look really beautiful with your wig and make-up and everything!
    How are you?
  • Josephine Bihl

    I'm okey, I thought of buying Neulash to get back my lashes, but i'm still not sure..
    Take care!
  • Jessica

    Hey Kelly
    Thanks for the friend add... love, love, love, you hair and make up!!! WHat are you wearing? your bangs are awesome! drop in a chat sometime would love some pointers on lashes
  • Jessica

    kelly sorry i had forgot to press the accept button sorry
    hope your having a great weekend
  • Angie

    I'm sorry today is not a good day for you. We are here for you, please remember that. You can talk out loud or you can talk in private. This is just a wonderful place.! Freedom Wig! I heard so many great things about them. Check it out! Did you join the group for wigs?
  • Lee

    Hi Kelly!
  • Rhonda Kelley

    Hi Kelly,
    I am an NGC alum. I love Dahlonega. Hope youre doing well. I know how frustrated you must be. Just know you are a beautiful young woman. Its people like you who will be role models for my little 9 yr old granddaughter. I often have questioned WHY??? but maybe its so that she can be a role model to little ones when she gets older. Hold your pretty head high and enjoy your life. Rhonda
  • Nicole

    You are gorgeous Kelly! Please know that with or without hair you will always be a "looker." I know this alopecia can really get the best of you at times, but you have to keep your head up! Things really could be so much worse. I'm working on the whole self esteem thing myself. It took a beating this past year for a number of reasons; but being the gal I am it's only a matter of time before I'm on top of the world again. I'm here if ya ever need a friend : )
  • prince

    Hi Kelly
    thanks for the request
  • Robbi

    Hi, Kelly, thanks for the friend request. :)