
41, Female

Austin, TX

United States

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About Me:
I'm 27 years old and I have had Alopecia since I was about 11 months old. I have had Universalis since I was about 10 years old. I wear a wig every day but I have completely accepted my alopecia and am completely happy with who I am! I recently graduated from LSU with my Master's degree and I finally got my dream job - teaching high school speech/communications in Texas.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • JimB

    Yep, I know Shreveport too ...... lose fellow firefighter there in a cold storage incident ......

    I am more a TULANE fan but cheer for LSU when the play others.

    Thanks ......
  • Faheemah

    Hey! How are you doing?
  • Jennifer

    I know it should be great. See they do listen to us when we all ask for seom thing. This way we wont met people sunday morning.
  • Faheemah

    No, I won't be able to make it. I'm taking summer school classes and working this summer to get money for school. I really do wish I could go and meet others with Alopecia and enjoy myself at the same time. Are you going?
  • Jill

    Hey... not trying to pimp them out or anything but I know Shannon is gonna have a car and Jen and Mary may be riding with her. Kate I think is also gonna have a car there this year... SO.... it would be awesome if you could come and maybe hitch a ride with one of them... As far as your mom goes.... Ummmm... ??? LOL. Maybe she would understand.... ;o)
  • Matt

    Thanks. ;)
  • Roger

  • Faheemah

    I've heard. Many people here are excited about it and say the same thing. How many have you been to?
  • Faheemah

    Lol! U will find something else to do. So how are the conferences like?
  • Jill

    Oh well then it's all good!! LOL. Hope to see you in Louisville on Sunday if you can't make it for the wedding.. We dont fly out for our honeymoon until Monday.
  • brian kirchman

    yea i got the hook up jen says shes sneaking me in lol
  • Roger

    Melissa. Im finally finish with my bookings for Louisville!

    Take care, Roger.
  • Jill

    Oh cool. I was just afraid I screwed it up somehow. Glad to know it worked. It would be interesting to see the whole results for that survey. there were some good questions on there.
  • Faheemah

    I bet it is. I have never been in interaction with anyone with Alopecia besides for this site so I know the conference will be a great experience. I am planning to attend one next year. Everyone is so happy to go and it has inspired me to take a break next year and experience the conference first hand.
  • Faheemah

    Alrighty :)
  • Jill

    I can take that pic down if you want me too... You said you were gonna reply about the survey but you didn't say anything about it... LOL. Let me know if you want me to nix that pic... ;o)
  • Julia

    I'll get to meet you here in Louisville this year, right? Took the Survey for you too
  • Roger

    Hej hej!
  • Ashley

    hahaha, i hear ya on that one! I'm pretty much in the same boat as you right now. I have several papers due...7 days of school left and frankly i don't wanna do crap. Don't teachers understand we have senioritis??!! They were seniors once too! My lord, quit already! hahaha
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Melissa, how did your research go?
  • Roger

    Wow. How did you know about next year? Houston right?

  • Roger


    Yes, I recieved the package yesterday too =)

    Take care, Roger.
  • Ashley

    Woo hoo! I'm excited/sad. My last day of high school ever was Friday! Which I'm excited to move on..but, you know how that goes. I graduate on Saturday! Crazy, this year flew by.
  • Mandy

    LOL! Yeah it is! Good to see you on here. ;o)
  • Jill

    Hey girlie. Got your RSVP and completely understand if you can't make it. Hope to see you at the closing on Sunday if you can't make it Saturday. Bo and I are gonna try and make it back by then. Anyhoo, hope things are well in your world! Talk to you later.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hi Melissa,
    I just wanted to say hello.
    I've had Au for 20 years.
    Good luck with your research!
  • Matt

    Thanks. I would recommend a Sphynx cat to anyone. They have great personalties - lie a dog
  • Keri

    Hi Melissa!! We can buds on multiple sites...
  • Zoe Dusting

    Meliss you silly goose. You sent me a message that you meant to send to Ashley. Har har. So now she probably thinks that you think that she smells or something. Haha. Anyways it was so great meeting you. You're just so neatoh burrito. See you in a year i hope i hope i hope!!
    loooooove zoe
  • Roger


    It was nice meeting you in Louisville.

  • Zoe Dusting

    Oh im a huge id. Hahaha. Right...Amanda. Hahaha i'm so dumb. Now i get it. Should have read that more carefully...i just saw the "A" so i just thought ashley..oh poop stacks. ahah well have a good summer not working you lucky ducky!! It was so nice to meet you too!! I guess i'll see you in HOUSTON. Woo!! xoxoxox
  • Keri

    I'm good. Working pretty much sucks. Although I did skip it and sleep until noon on Monday. That was awesome. How goes it with you? Not working lucky. I put my wig on to go to work on Tuesday and it felt so weird because I hadn't worn it for a really long time.... i thought I would share.
  • Zoe Dusting

    To Meliss
    You are a hot babe.
    Love Zoe
  • Zoe Dusting

    Haha that's such a good one! You crack me up like a huge egg. You rock my head off...hahahah. Ohhhh melisss.
  • Ashley

    wow, you're the first person to EVER ask me that. hahahaha.
  • Mandy

  • Dawn

  • Jennifer

    Thanks, i am alredy counting down the days im excited. miss ya
  • Roger

    Merry Christmas And A Happy New Year.

  • Roger

  • Stephanie Jacquelyn

    hello Melissa.

    your photos are so beautiful! it's nice to know i'm not the only 26 year old out there w/ alopecia.

    have a great week!
  • jenna

    Hi Melissa.....Can you tell me the name of the wig you have on in the pic with your nieces? It really looks great on you! Thanks so much.
  • Brittany Emerson

    Soor for some reason I cant Send A message to You. But thank you so much for the info. It really sounds great!
  • Brittany Emerson

    Soor for some reason I cant Send A message to You. But thank you so much for the info. It really sounds great!
  • Ashley

    I love all your pics of "Jackson" on here..... =D 13 days til conference biotch! <3

    hi Melissa
    i have reached here out in houston. i hope to see you there in the conference.
    see you there
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Melissa,

    Happy Birthday!!!

  • sharon

    Hi love the pics!!
  • Andre

    I'm a little confused, you're saying that you've had alopecia since you we're a child yet you had Universalis since you were 10 onwards.

  • Darwin ruben moncada garcia

    nice story  accepting the way we are is the best cool