Adam Elliott


United Kingdom

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About Me:
I'm Adam and I live in the Uk :D
I'm a 14 yr old boy and have Alopecia Areata,
bit of a bummer but you know.
Stay positive everyone!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Adam, I wanted to welcome you to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Susan - Jon's Mum

    Hey Adam
    Welcome to AW
    Glad that you could join us here. I have a son, Jon, 13, who has alopecia universalis. He has had alopecia since he was 5.
    He has a facebook page if you would like to connect with him. If you are interested please reply and i will let you know his link.
    If I can help in any way please let me know. Keep your chin up....
  • Amber Price

    Hi Adam welcome to AW!! :D so i see your too!! ~AMBER~
  • Aspen

    HI my name is aspen and I am 14 hahahahh=]
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  • Aspen

    It means talk to you later hahahaahahah=] But things are looking okay for me I guess
    wbu?? ( What bout you)=]
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  • Aspen

    It is good thanks for asking=]!!! But yeah I found another spot up near my front hairline so I am hopeing it dont get any worse.!!! But if you want to know more about me read my story on my page!:)
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  • Aspen

    My hair was at its worse last year in 7th grade I lost about 2in. of it under neath the back of my head=[ and I had thin spots here and there!!=[
  • Aspen

    yeah all my friends know in fact I think my whole school knows!! and it is all because of sombody told everybody!! but yeah it si a sad story just read my story on my blog!
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  • Josephine Bihl

    Let just say it´s OK, not to bad, but not to good.
    And you? When did U get AA?
  • Aspen

    yeah it all blew over in about 2 weeks but still! hhaahhh =] but now everybody is cool about it I mean somtimes i forget I have it!!!! and I know other people forget about it to until I metion it but I try not to! so what is up with you?
    comment me back soon=]
  • Aspen

    yayyyy!!! for your hair that is awsome!!=] ahahhahh I am actually handling it pretty well somtimes I forget I have it!!=] wow shocker I know!! but still what about you how are u dealing with it??
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  • Aspen

    you are so very welcome I will give you support anytime=]!!! But that is good about your hair!! mine is growing back slowley but it is really slow!! hahahh but ooo well so how have you been??
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  • Tatum

    Hey, i'm pretty goood:) what about you?
    -Tatum. (:
  • Aspen

    ummm probably having it fall out when i am washing my hair and to be honest i have not really have it come out on my pillow I mean granted I find a few strands here and there in my bed bu that is bout it?? I am glad u are doing well I am doing okay I guess hahhah=]
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  • Tatum

    Thats gooood! (: school's going good for me -only 6 weeks left yay- how about for you?
  • Aspen

    ummmm I use some type of steriod cream It has a funny name!! lol=] it works good but it burns like crazy!!=[ that is the only bad thing bout it! what about you what do you use??
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  • Aspen

    thats really good for you hahaahh=] i often use my cream but only if I find a spot=[ But yeah....... So how are you doing??
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  • Aspen

    Yeah I totally have I hav people tlk about me in stores and stuff asking there parents why my hair is falling out:(!! But I am soo sorry that is happing to you I really am :( But you can get through it!!
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  • Aspen

    Yeah I totally get what you mean!!=] hahahha but that is good for you!! Mine is doing the total opposite!=[
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  • Aspen

    yeah it is falling out agian but yehas it is growing back how abotu yours??
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  • Tatum

    Hey, hows it going? anythng new?
  • Aspen

    well that is good about your hair growing back!!!!=] but my hair is doing okay I guess!! I mean there are a few little little spots here and there but that is about it!!!=] But I am really nervouse for this summer bc of the spots under my bangs but I will be okay I guess I might just wear a headband or somthing but i really dont know??
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  • Aspen

    I have spots under my bangs like hair bangs..... But I get out of school june 1oth!! and am off june throught august!! so I am out of school for 3 mounths!!! yeah!! how long are you in school?? when do you get out?? But I hope your hair grows back!!! so how have you been??
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  • Aspen

    well that stinks about only being out of school for 6 weeks=[ I am sorry but that is good about your hair starting to grow back!!! mine is doing goood
  • Aspen

    Thank you!!! Well I am out for 3 months for summer!!!!!!! But we have alot of breaks durin the school year!! so it is all good!!!!
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  • Aspen

    wow sounds like you have alot of stuff going on hahahahh:) But yeah i have drivers ed!! Get my permit in november around my birthday and what do you mean what year??
  • Aspen

    Yeah I can tell hahhahh:) but nope not yet I get my permit in november then bout 6 months driving with a permit I get my licsense!!
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  • Aspen

    Yesss I am sooo excited!!!!:) But I have my eye on a red mustange!!! I want it so bad!! I love mustangs and I love fast cars exspecialy guys in fast cars hahaha:) But yeah Can you drive yet??
    comment me back soon?
  • Aspen

    hahaaahahh yeah I went and did drivers ed like 3 mounths ago!! But yeah it went good!! it was boring but you know whatever!! But anyways my hair is doing good!! how is yours? and school?
  • Aspen

    It went well I got my permit and I am driving my brand new mustang around lol it is the best car ever!!!! Anway I hope u are doing okay!
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  • Josephine Bihl

    Hi, it was a while ago, how r u?
    How's your hair? ;)
  • Josephine Bihl

    I´pretty good, it actually starts growing, but just a bit..;)
    My christmas was great, and yours?
    Hah, I hope you don´t take a break from the site now then ;)
  • Tamer Jane Sell

    I'm good and my Christmas was good was yours?
  • Aspen

    My mustang is awesome!!! It is cherry red and very fast:)! I have my permit and get my license in 10 months can't wait!!! But yes my Xmas went great I got alot of things!! Wbu? And that's great your hair is doing good! Mine is to lol 
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  • Aspen

    Hahhahaha I hope u had a great Easter and I am doing pretty good lol how about yourself?? 
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  • Aspen

    well that is good um my hair is doing okay i have about 3 spots now :( its very frustrating! :( i mean bc summer is soo close and i wont want to swim :( but i have a lot of plans for summer:) cant wait!! and how is your hair doing/?
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  • Aspen

    o my gosh i know! my exams are in a week and a half! i amsoooo stressed and i dont think its helping much to have other problems going on in my life :( but o well... I hope everything goes well with you and good luck on your exams!
  • Aspen

    o my gosh 6! i only have 3 bahahahahahah! but yea they are getting a little bit better but yea i hope nothing else goes wrong lol
    good luck on your other exams