
39, Female

Washington, DC

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
Diagnosed with AA in August '10, ended up shaving my head on 9/02/10. Definitely best decision I made for myself. My hair seems to come and go as it pleases. I've come to terms with it and don't let it bother me. I choose to not wear a wig or scarf, I'm just more comfortable going out not covering myself. If people have a problem with it, they really are not worth my time. Take me as I am, or you don't need to be a part of my life. I'm going to do what I need to do to make myself happy!!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Tiffany P

    Welcome to AW! You have great pictures, times get tough but i know you will get thru this and hope this site will be of some help. Hope you have a wonderful week :0)
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Tamara~!
    How are you today?
  • Dotty

    Welcome to Alopecia World and thank you for adding me as a friend. If you need anything....just ask!!!
    Love and Hugs,
  • Ellen Chinery

    heyyy. thanks for the add. how are you today ?!?!
  • Zanie

    Thank you for the add. I hope you are doing well... If I can help in any way please let me know :)
  • Shannon

    Thanks for the invite Tamara. I too had excema, and I had IBS and asthma - lots of auto-immune stuff obviously. But, I could always hide the rest of those things - this one is pretty big to hide! I hid my spots with transition scarves for a couple of years because mine was the kind that was all around the periphery of my head. Eventually, even the scarves couldn't hide it! I hope you find lots of support here. There are some very insightful folks online! Take care.
  • Slava

    Thank you very much. You have a Russian name Tamara )))
  • kaitlin lavin

    Hey! Thanks for the request.. What's up?
  • Jill

    Thank you for the birthday message!
  • kaitlin lavin

    Hi Tamara! How are you? Pretty pictures!!
  • Tiffany P

    Hey whats up! ive been so busy so i havent been on here much but i have seen you have shaved and you not only look beautiful you look happy and confident and i admire that and soon will be shaving my head and i hope to feel as you do. well hope your days are going great and talk to you soon :o)
  • Ilia Reed

    I like your motto on the top!
  • Ilia Reed

    Thanks for inviting - your blog is great - you're happy to have such boyfriend - and colleagues . Wish you can enjoy your bald head. I shaved off the rest of my hair in February - never regretted. Take care!
  • Ilia Reed

    There is probably one thing that keeps one from doing it sooner: as you say at one of your "me" pics: I miss my hair!! It's a big change and something very different going smooth (not just a different hairstyle), a lot of issues involved, social and image wise, anxieties. But having done it and having experiences with being bald I also wondered why I didn't do it earlier. I love it and enjoy the company of so many beautiful people with no hair. Thanks for being around - its an encouragement!
  • MiNAH

    Your pics are absolutely beautiful...thanks for sharing Tamara!!!
  • Jennifer Krahn

    You are gorgeous!!!
  • Andre

    Nice look. Did the tattooing hurt?
  • kaitlin lavin

    I'm doing good.. Just finished a busy week @ work. Sooo glad it's finally the weekend (: How are you?
  • kaitlin lavin

    Yeaa same.. I miss the weeeknds, although glad I don't have to work them! Hahaha What do you do?
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Are those eyebrows your new tattooed ones? If so - friggen fab! I just got mine done for the 2nd time to keep getting darker. Loving them. My eyeliner was done as well and talk about some pain....yowza! BUT - I have to say - I love how it looks. I'm thrilled thrilled thrilled. EXCEPT - I have to go back and get them done again so they can thicken the line. If I had a clue how to post a photo - I would send you a shot! Anyway - love your look. You definitely can go without hair with that face and those eyes...
  • kaitlin lavin

    Preschool teacher! I absolutely love it !!!
  • John R

    Hey Tamara-

    Hope the past days have been great. How was your summer? I am so sad to see it going away, love that sun! Have you ever been to any type of AA get together? Just curious since I have not.

  • Tiffany P

    congrats on the new growth girl and the best part is that if it ever falls out agian you know you can handle it :o)
  • Devin

    Thanks for the friend add Tamara, I have AA and I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 05, so we have that going for us… I actually have picked up two more autoimmune diseases since, psoriasis and arthritis so you need to catch up: ) you’ve got some great pics on here. I hope life is treating you well. Take Care!

  • John R

    Hey Tamara- dropping in to say hi. Hope all is well. Those cold days you love are here, right? I spent T-Day in Miami with my folks, it was nice, I love the Cubano culture. So I'm still interested in getting a AA group together for a party/meetup of some sort. Would be nice especially this time of year. Want to help?
  • cynthia Molina

    Red Ribbon
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Tamera,
    I'm so happy for you! I am at about 80% regrowth. Still about 10 spots yet to fill in.
  • Devin

    Hi Tamera,
    I just started a group for people who have Multiple Autoimmune Diseases and I know you have Crohn's . I was also diagnosed with Crohn's Disease in '05. Looking to add members. I know a lot of people on here seem to have more than one Autoimmune Disease. You can find it on my page. Also congrats on the hair growth you look great in those pics. You look good bald too, but I bet that hair feels good. I shaved my head about the same time as you, and I miss running my hands through it. Take Care
  • zeida

    Ok so you are saying that you shaved your head in September and now in January you have a head full of hair? How? What did you have done?
  • Kristy

    So excited about your growth Tamara, woo hoo. Good news for one of us in 2011!
  • liselle

    Hi Tamera
    here is another webiste for hats with hair.
  • Maya :)

    Hey how are you? How are things?
    I have alopecia but i was born with it, its very frustrating....
    hope we talk soon...

    Maya xoxo
  • Maya :)

    xoxo :)
  • R0BB

    Hey Tamara -
    How the hell are ya ?? Ya got spring fever yet ?? Thanks again for introducing me to this site !!!
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to cheer you up - I like your new profile picture!
  • Ilia Reed

    Good luck today!