Tracy Hild.


Holt, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
I am a proud wife and mother of 3. My middle, Ian age 6, has Alopecia Universalis
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Pamela Rosse

    Hello & welcome to Alopecia World, I too have AU. This is a wonderful site & everyone is so nice & helpful. So if you need to talk holler, were here.
    Take Care. Hope your summer is going really well so far. Take Care & once again WELCOME!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Tracy, I wanted to welcome to Alopecia World. I can honestly say that we are a great community here and I hope you enjoy the time you spend with us.

  • Roger


  • Cindy

    Hi Tracy, I am Cindy and a parent to a 7 yr old daughter with this condition. Welcome to AW! This is a great group of people to lean on for support and good advice. How are you and your son? Cindy
  • Cindy

    Tracy, have you contacted NAAF for information?They have a school packet that can give to you to educate the class about Alopecia. We have never had to do this, but I do know of parents that have. I think they also have sample letters if you wanted to write a letter about Ian's alopeica to the parents so they can talk about Alopecia at home. I do suggest talking to the teacher and any school staff you feel necessary about Ian's condition. I have always contacted Sam' teacher, principal, nurse and others teachers so they are aware. Also, have you heard of the children's alopecia project? They are having their first kids conference, alopeicapalooza Aug 7-9 in PA. I know you can still register. In any event I would contact them because they maybe able to help connect you with another family in your area. They may have some good resources for you as well to help prepare Ian for school. I know this may be a stressful time for you. Sam started loosing her hair as K started. She is now going into 2nd grade and returning to school in Sept with her own short cut. I am anxious myself. Let Ian take the lead and follow his cues. Honestly, the kids at this age are only interested in playing and having fun. My daughter has never encountered a negative comment about her hair loss. How long has Ian been living with Alopeica and have you tried anything? He is very handsome anyways!!! I hope this info helps and please write back if I can help in anyway. Cindy
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Tracy,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Sabina

    Hi Tracy,
    Thanks for the email. We probably have a lot in common in how our son's are dealing with their hairloss.I look forward to getting to know you.

    My son Marcus lost all his hair in 3 month period and started with AU which has progressed to AT. This was just last November, when he started Kindergarten. He seems to be ok with it. Much easier in the summer, his head is not so hot, other than my being very vigilant about sunburns.

    How is your son Ian, dealing with this change?

  • Cristine

    Hi Tracy,
    My son was in kindergarten last year; the school allows him to wear a hat to school which comforts him. He thought nobody knew he was bald but everybody did, when I was at school with him I could see the kids looking at him quizzically but he didn't seem to notice. Thankfully most kindergarteners do not judge, it seems it was the older kids that should know better that teased him. He is afraid of kids making fun of him and we are still trying to instill the confidence of going to school hat free but I don't think that will happen this year. I think next year I will begin the school year by going to his classroom while he is not there and talking to the kids about alopecia. I have discussed this with him and he thinks it is a good idea. He is fun loving and confident around the people he knows well but when you get him out of that circle he is not as out going.
  • Debbie Lopas

    My son had a great year at school even with losing all of his hair. He is a confident child and excels at various sports which has really helped him. He does not like to talk about his hair loss so I'm never really sure how it is effecting him. He only wears a hat when he is outside. He starts middle school in the fall. I am worried about the transition. We don't know any kids around here with alopecia. How is your son doing?
  • Wendy Green

    We are only about an hour northwest of lansing, I am not real familair with the area if there is a park or a zoo near you maybe we could meet there. Nicholas has never seen anyone else with alopecia, he asks if other people have it, he is also AU.

  • Wendy Green

    We are members of that zoo so that would be great, I don't work during the summer and we don't have much planned for the next month (at least during the week) so if there is a day that works for you let me know.
  • Wendy Green

    How about the 11th or 12th or the one day the following week?
  • Wendy Green

    Thats fine, I really don't have a preference.
  • Sara and William

    This will be our first time starting school with Alopecia, too. He lost it around Thanksgiving last year, and so it was just him with all the kids he knew. This will be the first time he goes into a class with it, and I'm not much help to you because we're in the same boat. We're really hoping the HCC works out before then. There have been complications (I thought we sent the paperwork, they didn't have it, I faxed it, no updates) but my brother just stopped by his local office (the closest one to us) and they do have the wig, so there is hope that we'll have that option.

    I just try really hard not to make it sound like having hair is better or worse than having no hair. Blonde, brunette, bald, all the same to me is the attitude I'm going for.

    Unfortunately his best friend yesterday got wild and was trying to be funny and said Boo had a stupid haircut. Boo responded by trying to choke him. So...I'm pretty worried about the start of school.
  • Wendy Green

    That will be fine, this next week is getting filled up quickly.
  • Tasha Dingler

    welcome to michigan you live right around the corner from me. my daughter 5 had alopecia areata. about 75% loss currently. We should meet for a playdate!!!!
  • Tasha Dingler

    most of the time im open tuesdays for lucch and just saturdays work ;better cause i dont usually work on sat nights. when is good for you
  • Wendy Green

    That would be great, what time would you like to meet?
  • Wendy Green

    Would 10:00 be okay, we can meet infront of the ticket booths?
  • Wendy Green

    It is supposed to storm tomorow during the day, could we maybe do it another day?
  • Sarah Eisenhardt

    Thanks for the friend accept! sorry I had to cancel this weekend please check the CAP website for more events
  • Sarah Eisenhardt

    Are you joining us for the picnic in Troy, MI on June 4th?