

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
Let's see, yeah, I'm older than 18, I live on the east coast. I am not too recently divorced and am NOT living La vida loca presently.

I DO like having a good time, love music (play guitar)and enjoy reading. I don't particularly like telephones a whole lot. I especially don't like having someone hold their finger up to me while they talk on and on and on on the phone and have been known to walk away if it lasts too long.

Other than that, I'm really a nice, friendly guy...
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):;_ylt=AnXCsA_GLxnAzU2SpADEn4nty6...

Comment Wall:

  • Galvin

    It was a good World Series...and its a great football is good! :)
  • linda latson

    hello this is grace in texas 979-739-1779 lets chat sometime
  • Okay, you have my permission to take a sabbatical from AW, but don't completely abandon us! If you do, who will I turn to for some Sade?? ;)
  • Myspace Comments

    Have a blessed Christmas, Clayton!
  • Clayton

    I know I took some serious time off from AW and with the exception of 3-4 people here, haven't been in touch with many of you this last year or so.

    My absence had nothing to do with AW or anyone here, let's just say that life can often require our full attention and in those times it's incumbent upon us to to give due diligence to whatever needs are pressing.

    That's just about where and what I've been about lately, but I'm starting to see some light and this is one of the haunts I wanted to come back to. I'll be by your pages soon......
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Clayton, Good to see you around again. Glad all is well again on your side. Take care. Cheryl