


Russian Federation

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About Me:
I'm 19, I had alopecia since I was 12. And before it's seemed to me really hard. But here I understend how nice is't feel alone.
Already almost two years I work a hairdresser. And you know what? I really like it! :)
Actually now I think that whoever you are and whatever happen with u
u can't give up. U must always move forward!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia totalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
Your Website (Leave blank if you don't have one):

Comment Wall:

  • Mary

    Privyet, Katerina! Da, ya govaryu po-russkii. Ya izuchala russkii yazyk mnogo lyet nazad, i byla v Sovyetskom Soyuzye v 1971 dlya 3 mesetsa (v Leningradye). Ksozhalyeniyu, u menya nyet chirilitsu na moj kompyuter. Ochen' trudno pisat' russkii latinicom! Yesli vam nravyatsa pisat' mnye po-russkii, ya chorosho ponimayu. No, kak ochividno, ya mnogo zabyula, i dyelayu mnogo oshibok! Mnye lyegche chitat' i govarit' po-russkii chem pisat'. Navyerno, to zhe samaya dlya tebya po-angliski. Ya tozhe govaryu po-syerbso-chorvatskii, i inogda ya myeshayu yazitsyi. Vsyevo choroshyevo, Masha
  • Maria Gamba

    I'm from Florence, Italy.
  • Mary

    Spasibo, Katerina! Ya vsyo ponyala. I'll write in English because it's so much easier for me, especially since I don't have Cyrillic letters. This way, you can practice reading and understanding my English, and I can practice reading and understanding your Russian.

    Your photographs are beautiful. Do you do modeling work?

    All the best,
  • Vicsta

    Hi Katerina

    Thank you for your friend request. I answered you on the photo where you posted the comment to me.

    I was just looking at your photos - so pretty. I really love wearing headscarves and other head coverings, so it's always nice to see someone else who chooses to do it. I like to have a wig or two for when I really want to have normal hair, but most of the time I prefer to use a headscarf or a hat as it's easier!

  • Pamela Rosse

    Hello Katerina,
    Welcome to alopecia world.
    I agree with our mutual friend Mary, your photo's are lovely, your a beautiful young lady, do you model?
    You will really like Alopecia World, it is a wonderful place to find support & friends.
    Take Care

  • Mary

    Hi Katerina. I don't think I answered your question about where I studied Russian. I studied it in high school for two years in Texas, then got my undergraduate degree in Russian at the University of Texas at Austin. Davnyim davno....

    I see you've met my good friend, Pam. You're going to make some wonderful friends on AW!
  • Mary

    Vuy pisali ochen' xorosho po-anglisskii! Oshibok nyet.

    Da, please practice writing in English if you would like. If I had Cyrillic, I'd try writing more in Russian!

    You're correct that Spanish is a much more common "second" language to be taught in the U.S. We have many Spanish speakers here, as you know I haven't been in school for many years (ya stariya chyem mozhet byit' dumayete!), but I suspect that Chinese is also a popular subject these days.

    Ya izuchala russkii yazyik vo vremya Xholodnoy Voyini. Ya nachinala v 1969 -g., the first year that Russian was taught in my school. Byilo sovsyem drugoy mir.

  • Mary

    Da, soglasna, Katya. Kitayskii ochen' slozhnyi yazyik! Russian and English are from the same language "family".

    I'll be 58 this year. Navyerno, kazhetsa vam shto ya tak staraya. It just occurred to me that it's EXACTLY 40 years this summer since I was in Russia! OMG, that just doesn't seem possible! Po moyemu, ya ochen' molodaya i aktivnaya, no inogda, ya chuvstvuyu sebya chut' chut' staraya! I've always danced...dancing keeps you young!

  • Mary

    I spasibo for your comment about my appearance. ( ;-)

    Ya nye uvyerena kak populyaren Kitayskii yazik is here in America, but I know that some people are studying it for business and employment reasons.

  • Mary

    Nye byezpokoyites'! I understood everything you wrote in Russian, and in English, and didn't have any problems. To my great pleasure, I haven't had to look at a dictionary yet, either! It's a lot of fun for me to read your "conversational" Russian.

    I LOVE what you just wrote:
    ....что не количество лет определяют наш возраст, а состояние души

    I'll attempt a translation so it can be shared with our non-Russian speaking friends here:

    "It's not the number of years that determine your age, but the state of your soul."

    Does that sund correct to you, Katya?

    I have to get offline now... byilo mnye OCHEN' priyatno razgovarivat' s toboy (mozhno na tyi?) sevogna!

  • Mary

    Of course, I'm having trouble writing English now! I meant "sound" not "sund"! ( ;-)
  • Mary

    Nichevo...( ;-)

    Now I have to get away from the computer for awhile!
  • Mary

    Ponyantna! There's nothing wrong with quoting people who deserve to be quoted, and sharing the beauty of their words.
  • Pamela Rosse

    You are most welcome. Those lovely photos don't look amateur to me.
    I is nice to know one is not alone is it not.
    I am so happy to meet you as well.
    What is even better is if you are able to meet someone just like you.
    Mary & I were able to meet for lunch we drove half way from where each of us lives & had a wonderful time. I made a new & dear friend.
    I am attending my first NAAF conference this year.
    It would be neat if they held one over in Europe.
    Perhaps something to work on.
    Take Care.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Katerina!
    How are you today?
    Leslie Ann
  • Maria Gamba

    Italy is a wonderful Country! I live in Florence... Kisses!
  • Vicsta

    Hi Kate

    Your English is not bad at all.

    Yes, I bought that wig on ebay BUT you can easily buy it from a regular online store. The reason I bought from the ebay store was because a friend of mine had already bought from them and recommended them to me. I think it is fairly safe to buy "branded" wigs on ebay, but I am less sure about the quality of the cheap fashion wigs from China. I have had a couple and they were okay, but if you can afford to buy something a little more expensive then it is probably better. The main thing I found when buying wigs is to get the density (amount of hair) on the wig right. If there is too much hair then I find it looks really wiggy on me and fake.

  • Vicsta


    Oh yes, those internet translators are funny things - sometimes they do not make any sense. I remember when they first came out, they seemed to just translate each word with no regard for the context! It was funny to read what they said. ;o)

    Hairx - no I have not heard of them. Have you got a link? In the synthetic hair, I am now preferring the heat resistant versions of it because I feel they look less shiny and more like human hair. I don't even use any heat on them but I do like that I do not have to worry about getting near heat sources like the oven. I think because I don't wear wigs full time anymore, I get out of practice and it would be easy for me to forget with regular synthetics and then the hair frizzes or melts. The human hair ones also easier in that respect.

    Have you never worn a wig at all? I really like Buffs instead of wigs - I bought a new one at the weekend, but made by a different company. I will get a picture of me wearing it at some point. It's really pretty.

  • Roger


  • Vicsta


    You are not asking strange questions about the wigs - they are normal questions ;o)

    The HairX sounds like some kind of lace wig. It might be bonded to the head with some tape or glue. As far as I can understand, it is made with human hair. If this is the case then it is definitely heat resistant, but it does not seem to be made from synthetic hair.

    An option that some people like is a hand-tied (lace type of wig) that has a thin skin border around the edge. It helps the wig to grip to the skin or you can use some tape on it and adhere it to your skin. Might be something worth looking at.

  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Katerina
    The NAAF is the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, every year they hold a conference in a different city. It is a 3 day event, people from all over the world who have alopecia areata & their families come. The NAAF present information on medical, research, coping & cosmetic information.
    The conference enables you to share with other who understand your feelings first hand. There are events for all age groups.
    I am very excited because this is my first & I am looking so forward to it.

    I feel very lucky & blessed too that Mary & I can meet face to face for lunch & talk. It is helpful, wonderful & healing, we have a great time :) .
    May be someday you can come here & we can break bread together as well how fun would that be.
    I explained the conference as best I could I hope it was helpful & answered your question.
    Take care
  • Mary

    Hi Katerina. I'm doing fine, but am having a problem with pain in my jaw. I saw a new doctor today. I wrote a blog recently about this..about how if I could have ONE wish, it wouldn't be for my hair, it would be for this pain to be gone forever!

    I hope you're doing great! Vsyevo kharoshevo!
  • Mary

    Yes, the doctor did a thorough exam and explained what is causing my jaw pain. He has a treatment plan for me, and I hope that the problem can be "cured" someday.

    Mnye ochen' priyatno chitat' to shto ti pisala po-russkii. Ya vsyo ponimayu!

    Spokoynoy nochi (sdyes' v San Diego)
  • prince

    hi thinks for accept my invitation you are beautifull
  • prince

    im from morocco.
    and you?
  • prince

    you welcom any time you want talk with me or visiting morocco we can be freind if you want. im sorry for my englich because her the seconde langauge is french. can you speak french ?
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Katerina
    Just stopping by to say hello & hope all is going well with you & yours.
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Katerina
    Well good on you for starting in at the University, you go girl, I'm very proud of you.
    An education is an important thing especially for women for we have been held down for quite sometime.
    I'm doing well, thank you.
    Take care of you, let me know how your classes go.
  • Paul

    Hi Katerina, its nice to meet you. You really have a great fashion sense and you really know how to rock your looks!
  • Paul

    yes I write write music for various different people and genres and occasionally perform. If I had hair I would ask you to be my hairstylist before my show, especially with that fashion sense lol.

    And don't worry about your broken English. It's better than my broken Russian (which I cannot even attempt). I had a Russian friend in college and I learn some basic words and phrases but I cannot remember most if it right now.
  • Paul

    haha alright. whenever people ask me who does my hair I will tell them some high profile hair stylist in Russia ;P

    yea I knew a few words and phrases I think hello is pronounced something like "pre-viat" am I right? I can't type in the Russian alphabet on my computer and obviously I wouldn't even know what to do with them if I could.
  • Avi

    hi, katerina! sorry for the slow reply...nice to meet you, too! and, in case you for some reason do not hear it enough: you are beautiful! keep smiling.

  • Katherine Green

    Hi Katerina, thaks for the ad.
    You look stunning in you photos by the way; Russia`s next top model ???

    And we almost have a name in common : )


  • Katherine Green

    Hi Katerina, i love your photos, you really are Russias next top model !

    Cheers, K,xx
  • Katherine Green

    Heya Katerina, thanks for adding me & please get in touch,ok.

