Danielle Pace


Riverdale, MD

United States

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About Me:
The name is Danielle Pace and i am originally from Los Angeles California. Poet, Artist, and Singer. I am just on here to make new friends and lend and receive support during this rough period of hair loss in my life. Praying each day things will get better, i remain strong and try to keep hope alive.

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Do you have alopecia?
Telogen effluvium
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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Comment Wall:

  • Tiffany P

    Welcome to AW you will find great people here. Hope you have a great week :o) Oh and you would look fab with or without hair.
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Danielle!
    How are you today?
  • Linda

    Hi Danielle, wecome to alopeciaworld!
  • Essence

    hellooo & welcome (:
    i'm Essence .

    xoxo <3
  • Mia

    Hey :)
    welcome to AW. How are you?
    I´m Mia (17 years old) from Germany and I´m new here as well.
    I hope its okay that I comment on your wall but I don´t know anybody here yet and just wanted to get to know somebody at my age .
    I really like your photos.
    :D Bye
  • Mia

    Hello Danielle :)
    I´m okay thanks. If it is because of your hair loss that you don´ t feel well I just wanted to tell you that you look great with or without hair. I know that it isn´t easy :)
  • Seadra

    Hey there lady, just want to let you know your profile picture is so gorgeous....It reflects your emotions but the beauty is just beaming through! I wear my scarves the same way. Keep your head up. You'll look back on this time someday and realize how far you've come.
  • Essence

    nice to meet you too (:
  • Michelle L

    Wow - you really need a hug, girl! Wish I could give it to you in person, but you'll have to make do with words. Go look in the mirror and see what the world sees - a stunning girl with so much to offer. Nobody CARES about your hair, you are not a bunch of follicles, you are your smile, your talent, your soul...your hair is beyond meaningless to anyone but you. Please honey - don't be so hard on yourself. Have a look at some of these amazing bald women on this site and you will see that femininity is not about hair. Be happy, love yourself. You are special.
  • Mia

    Hey :)
    I meant what I said - you look beautiful :)
    I read your blog post - you seem to be very sad. I can understand you very well. A few days ago I felt the same way. You are my age and its so hard to deal with hair loss, especially as a girl. But it´s important that you keep your head up. You´ve got so many years to live and you should enjoy them. Don´t worry about your hair but look in the mirror and be proud to be yourself. You´re amazing!
  • Sarah Car

    Danielle, You are a beautiful, intelligent, passionate young woman. I know you are desperate for everything to go back to how it was before hair loss. But if I may be blunt, that won't ever happen. Your hair may or may not grown back, but this experience will change you and I believe you will be better and stronger on the other side. Know that you are not alone. Know too, that your words are powerful. You have a gift for eloquently phrasing raw emotions. Harness your experience to enhance your art and don't let it drown your spirit. Rise above it and create new beauty. Peace and love, Sarah
  • phillipa

    Hey sista girl,
    sorry for the delay at getting back to you.. The artist in the back ground is called 'desere' shes amazing huh!
    She sings with a group called 'midnight' they are from the virgin islands.. Reggae styleez.... I tell ya, that wahine (woman) soothes my soul! Hey if you want tune into my radio show sometime and i'll play you a song or two possibly three... www.kfmradio.co.nz ...I do my radio show 'the cocoa butta show' every wednesday 12midday-2pm but thats newzealand time so i dont know what the time difference be for you.. Oh and im away till next week so tune in next wed if u want... If u click on the Mana Moko bit on the website thats me, with hair....aaaah sigh.... still sad about it.... I had such i a nice maine of natty dreads mixed with long straight hair and feathers.... now just a baldish head with spots of hair in which i slighly resemble the leopard.... Oh welllll....and so and so we souljah on!!!
    Jah bless
    Kia kaha
    (be strong)

  • Trixie

    Hang in there Danielle. I think you are a beautiful girl and things will work out they way that they should. I Know that it is hard sometimes I just take it one day at a time.

    Danielle you posts a blog ' alopecia/love/sexuality' Thank God your a woman cuz us men are catchin hell out here. Its nothing wrong with being bald in all but, eyebrows lashes mustash gone, lol . People think aids or something worse than that. On the other hand who wants to be seen in public with me. They rather laugh than understand my illness, Danielle im sorry for being soo blut this alopecia sh*t suck.
  • Dominique Cleopatra

    Kiss and Tell
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hey Danielle, You were on my mind and I thought I would drop by and say Hi!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Danielle, Beautiful profile photo! How are you!
  • Sharla

    thx sweetheart......
  • prince

    Beautiful profile photo! How are you!
  • Tallgirl

    Support Group

    Crofton, MD
    Sandy Knepp

    Essex, MD
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    Cantonsville, MD
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    Telephone Contact
    Baltimore, MD
    Connie Matricardi

    Sparks, MD
    Constance Slade

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    Heidi Cohen
  • Tallgirl

    My own soul finally relaxed when I met my first alopecians face-to-face in San Francisco, after having alopecia for 25 years! Seeing the others made me feel I had a new "family" that would "get me." Attending an alopecia naaf conference was even better!