

Fort Worth, TX

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
I have a son Jackson (5) who has alopecia universalis (His eyebrows and lashes come and go) and a daughter Ella (3) who does not. My son started losing his hair just before his 2nd birthday and he is now 5. At first there were a few spots here and there and family members were starting to try to look at them and touch them. My wife and I decided to give him a buzz cut since I shave my head and it was summer at the time. Well eventually all his hair fell out and he was pretty OK with it. I guess partly because he has never seen me with hair so to him he looked just like daddy (he is my spitting image). We have seen a dermatologist and even had blood test done to make sure he is healthy. Jackson has been bald longer than he has had hair, so to him it is just the way he is. I hope that he can always have the same additude that he has now. His sister loves to kiss him on the head. My wife came up with a creative way to explain alopecia to him. She tells him that his super power is his super immune system thats why he has no hair. So now he thinks he is Super Jackson.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Renee (Elliott's Mommy)

    Your kids are adorable. I just showed my 4 year old Elliott pictures of your son and he was so excited someone else looks like him.