Carlotta Sezzi




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About Me:
I'm a 38 years old Italian girl that suffers Alopecia since I was 6.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Ilia Reed

    Many blessings for you+1
  • Ilia Reed

    Thanks a lot. I am going to enjoy a coffe now, cafe latte or so while being very busy. Lago di Garda is beautiful. The rain allows for the green. I love the light in that region. Take care, hope everything goes well for you+1 +1. Ciao
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say hello - hope you are doing better and everything is well with you ;)
  • Ilia Reed

    Have a good weekend - I'll be out - hope you are fine, all of you - take care!
  • Carlotta Sezzi

    Things went wrong on friday and I lost my angel...I have no words to explain how I feel...can't stop crying...I've been to the hospital this morning to get the operation...I am so so so terribly sad...I am home now, my body is ok, but my heart is broken in thousend pieces...
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my friend, I am so sorry. I was hoping with you, praying for you. Hope you have someone to wipe your tears. I am with you. There was so much loss last week. Take care!
  • Ilia Reed

    Sorry, I don't have access to the flowers or so - Just a sign of togetherness in sad times.
  • Carlotta Sezzi

    Thank you for being o kind and close to me in this angel is praying for us now and for you too, I am sure of that!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi dear C, just to say I am close to you in your pain. I'll be out for a couple of days - you are in my prayers - and your angel and those who mourn with you. Take care
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say hello, give you a sign of connectedness in difficlut times and to wish you well!
  • Carlotta Sezzi

    Thank you so much, I feel better knowing that someone so far from me is thinking about me in this bad period.
    Tears are no longer falling but my heart is broken...I am still at home as on friday I went to E.R. cause I felt really bad, I am bored and tired of thinking. I want to go back to normality, back to my job, back to life. I have to stay in bed 10 more days...:((((
  • Ilia Reed

    Hey, you welcomed me "into this magical world" here. And I hope some magic happens sometime soon again for you, healing your heart. Your Angel is not forgotten. Take care
  • Ilia Reed

    A very simple sign for a beautiful friend in the pains of loss and letting go. Your little Angel was there and moved on as a messenger of joy - that s/he was certainly. My prayers are with you!
  • Ilia Reed

    Thanks for the gift! Yes, we are far from one another, thousands of miles. And close at the same time. Making friends is possibly the wrong term used on social networks. It appears as quite superficial. I am new to this world. And I am still moved if something happens to people I get in contact with, offering friendship. I appreciated your company - and magic, which has so many shades to it. How could I remain detached when you got into pain? It's strange that two of my friends here got into sorrow shortly after getting into contact. My friend from Chile has her family and friend in the earthquake-zone. As far as I notice none of the friends noticed; I'm just moved by the pain. You lost your Angel ... I cant stay neutral. The point of departure here is related to hair. The destination is humanity, at least for me. Hair doesn't matter, life counts. I'm with you and the whole mystery surrounding your Angel.
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi - I hope you cope. We are celebrating life to the fullest at Easter - your Angel is sharing!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my magical friend! I'm happy to read that you are fine. I remember the beautiful light at Lake Garda telling something about the beauty of life. Have a wonderful Easter!
  • patrizia bellani

    Ciao Carlotta!
    Devo acquistare una parrucca.
    Ho scoperto che le Rene of Paris e le Nokiro sono buone......sai indicarmi qualche buon sito internet?
    Vorrei una ho paura che usare colla su tutto il perimetro della testa....ogni giorno(perchè non riuscirei mai a dormire co la parrucca) mi provochi irritazione o allergie.....
    Le parrucche Rene of Paris oppure Nokiro, le posso "attaccare" con un po' di nastro biadesivo.....Tu cosa consigli?????
  • patrizia bellani

    Ciao Carlotta!
    Grazie x le info.
    Ho visto il sito e ho scritto loro se hanno un rivenditore dalle mie parti....
    Ancora grazie x la disponibilità........
    Buon weekend!
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say: I hope you are fine!
  • Ilia Reed

    I am glad to read that my beautiful friend who welcomed me to the magic world of baldness is fine. Have a great time in your magic world of Lake Garda region.
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi, my dear friend. It is really you who should get a big hug. I am so happy with you after the sad experience earlier on. I wish you all very well for the next five months. May they be months of happiness, enjoying this very different form of magic of new life. I loved the light at Lake Garda in summer. May it amplify your smile and beauty. You contributed a lot to me loving the magic of my life with no hair, but what you are experiencing now is much more important. Take care and be blessed manifold. So: many hugs (warm or cool, whatever is more comfortable in your summer ;-) ), I
  • Ilia Reed

    For this wonderful news: lots of joy!
  • Cinzia

    Ciao...sono contenta che tu abbia accettato la mia richiesta...avevo piacere di parlare e stringere amicizia con qualcuno in Italia che avesse il mio stesso "problema",se così si deve dare una definizione...non parlo molto bene inglese quindi per me è abbastanza difficile comunicare con i miei amici stranieri...buona serata! =)
  • Cinzia

    ...che bella notìzìa!...un bìmbo ìn arrìvo è sempre una gìoìa...ìo lavoro con ì bambìnì ìn una scuola elementare e proprìo oggì era ìl mìo ultìmo gìorno dì lavoro!...stanotte parto per le vacanze...un pò dì rìposo...cmq ho guardato le tue foto e ce ne sono un paìo che adoro...sono stupende!...sono quelle ìn cuì haì fatto ìl body paìntìng...allora buon rìposo e a presto... =)
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi, I hope everything goes well with all of you!
  • Ilia Reed

    That's great - in the pic. Take care - you're in my prayers!
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say hello and wishing that everything is going well
  • Ilia Reed

    So you got some listening exercise to do - as well as the little one. This must be a wonderful experience. Magic! All the best for the two and three of you.
  • Ilia Reed

    Just thinking of you and hoping everything goes well - with your listening exercise developing into proper dialogue
  • Ilia Reed

    I started - should be a wonderful Italian name. Fascinating experience of life. Enjoy these months of unsurpassed closeness and your special hours from 3-5!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hope you are fine - all of you!
  • Ilia Reed

    If I remember well last year you were looking forward to the the Big Apple. And now something much bigger is coming. I am happy to hear that everything is fine. Hope you can enjoy the fresh air around your head. I like that feeling. All the best for the two of you! Take care!
  • Cinzia

    Ciao...allora come stai??? gravidanza procede bene? =)
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my dear friend. I hope you enjoy your new "journey" to the fullest. I was thinking about names but who am I to suggest one. This little girl is going to change a lot in your life - and a source of joy. A messenger of more. Perhaps she could be called Angela. It sounds very ordinary but is in fact extraordinary. But you may know more suitable names when you sit together thinking about this. I am fine, just a bit too much to do. I got a little problem: Some regrowth. So I have to add extra moments for shaving it off. I entered this magic world of baldness and I don't want to leave it. Take care for you two
  • Cinzia

    ...manca proprio poco poco!...anche nella mia famiglia tra qualche mese arriverà un bimbo/ ragazza di mio cugino è incinta...siamo una famiglia molto numerosa!...l'importante è che tu e lei stiate bene...ormai il più è fatto...forza!!!....anche se non credo di avere piccoli scorrazzanti in giro miei nel giro di poco tempo ho già le idee chiare sui nomi che mi piaciono...Dafne e Penelope o Achille e Ettore...nomi non troppo comuni ma che mi piaciono tantissimo e non mi ricordano nessuno che conosco!! di umore sono quasi sempre ok, rido e scherzo...vado avanti, la vita è già abbastanza dura di suoi per non affrontarla così!!...sto bene e con o senza i capelli il problema, se un problema c'è non è il mio,ma di quelli che sono ignoranti e non sanno...ho accostato per un pò il lavoro e sto cercando di finire l'università per potermi poi costruire una famiglia mia,una casa mia...ed essere indipendente!...mi raccomando, tienimi aggiornata...un abbraccio a te ed alla tua piccola... =)
  • denise anthony

    hi carlotta you look doing wonderful,i just wanted to say thank you and hello.
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my dear friend - I hope you are fine - all of you!
  • Ilia Reed

    Buon Natale
  • Cinzia

    ...come procede???...tutto bene?...e la piccolina?...buon anno anche se un pò in ritardo!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my friend, I am so happy that everything went well. I think that Giorgia just was curious to get out and enjoy your company. Benvenuto nella terra! And you enjoy the magic of the gift of life. This is a very special new year - and life! Take care!
  • Ilia Reed

    For the joy and happiness of life!
  • Ilia Reed

    Hope you are doing well and enjoying life with Giorgia
  • Ilia Reed

    Wonderful. I am happy with you!
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say hello. I hope you are fine, all of you. And growing nicely:)
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi, I hope your Easter was full of life and joy together!
  • Ilia Reed

    Wonderful to see la principessa. You must be happy. Enjoy the coming summer in your wonderful area. She has to discover a lot. A big hug for all of you!
  • Ilia Reed

    Just to say hello. Hope you enjoy Giorgia and all the development that you are making. Best wishes! Enjoy summer and the beautiful light at Lago di Garda.
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi - hope you are find and Giorgia enjoying summer - ferragosto. Best wishes for all of you!
  • Ilia Reed

    I just remember you encouraging and accompanying my into this magical world of beautiful baldness. I hope you all are fine! Take care
  • Ilia Reed

    Hi my magic friend ;-) I am happy to hear that Giorgia is doing so well and growing. Sorry for the loss of your job. Is there no protection for mothers? I hope everything will turn out well. It did before in unexpected ways. I got quite some trouble with some co-workers at present but believe it will contribute to growth for all involved. Take care and a big hug for your and G!