Chris L



United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
About Me:
45 year old, Scottish guy living in London. Suffered AU at the end of 2009 and have lost all my hair.

I had some hair growth then its gone again - trying to work out the triggers!
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Chris,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • Chris L

    Thanks Jeffrey

    How are things going??

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Chris,
    Everything is pretty good here with me. How are you?
    This must all be really new to you. Its goin on 3 years for me.
    Hope all is going okay.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Chris,

    All is going really well here.
    I'm used to the alopecia now. And now have the support of so many friends going through this too.
    How about yourself? How are you?

  • Hayley Burton

    Hey Chris!
    No I don't live in Nottingham any more, I live in Northern Spain, but at the moment I'm spending easter with my family in Essex =)

    Hope you're well!

  • JeffreySF

    HI Chris,

    Stopped in to say hello.
    How are things with you?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Chris,
    Sounds like a nice Holiday. I love getting a suntan. I know what you mean about the sunscreen. It's great to put it on and not have any pesky hair to contend with.
    All is good here in San Francisco. It has been a foggy summer so not much sun darnit!
    I saw the two photos on your page. How long ago were they taken?

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Chris,
    You look great with and without hair!
    We finally had a sunny day here. Too bad I worked all day....
    Hope all is good with you.

  • Heather L

    Awesome a Christmas baby!!  Happy Birthday & Merry Christmas!! 



  • JeffreySF

    Hi Chris,
    Stopped in to say hello.