

Golden, CO

United States

Profile Information:

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About Me:
Hi! My name is Amy. I live in Golden CO and I am 40 years old. I have a very supportive husband and a very cute maltipoo puppy. I found my 1st round bald spot in early 2010. I went to the dermatologist and was diagnosed with AA. She gave me some medication to put on it and the hair grew back. By Dec. 2010 I started to lose the hair around my face and my hair was falling out in clumps. I bought my 1st wig in April 2011. About 2 months later I shaved my remaining hair. I have other autoimmune diseases (lupus and ulcerative colitis) and this is by far the most difficult to deal with. Losing my hair has been so difficult. Some days are more difficult than others. I am so thankful I found this website. It has been so helpful.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Amy!
    How are you today?
    Leslie Ann
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Amy, let me know how you like the book! Thanks for the compliments. I have a couple of great sources for hair. Yes, it's difficult, but you can do it and eventually it may even feel like a blessing!
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Hey Amy! I am so sorry that you went to a "blank" meeting! I did not even know there was one! Where was it?
    Where do you live? It's amazing you live here as well! Where in Golden? I live in Beverly Hts - sell Real Estate - Rescue Animals and LOVE the weather right now...
    Tell me more about you - can you meet for coffee sometime?
    Talk soon - so happy you contacted me!
  • Rebecca Strobel

    I sold a home up there! Charming area and great views!  I know - losing our hair sucks - truly. But it's now who we are and coming to grips with this loss is the first step. My wig helps slot. Eye makeup helps and a loving family and this site are blessings. Anytime you want to connect - I'm here and love that you are so close!!!
  • Elizabeth

    You have such a beautiful face!
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Amy, Welcome to Alopecia World! How are you?
  • Elizabeth

    Thanks Amy :)
  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    Hi Amy, Thanks for the kind comments. Alopecia World is only as goo as it's members ;)
  • Rebecca Strobel

    How in the heck do you look so amazing without hair?! I can't get there quite yet! Dangit! I'm so jealous! Love the wig too!
  • Rebecca Strobel

    I'm so sorry to hear that! Sucks! Any options out there for you? And coffee would be fabulous! My twin is in town - he's AU as well - you can pop by and meet us in Golden if you have time this week or weekend. I'm at 6th & 19th (right off Lariat Loop - where the bikes are busy running up and down the hill) :)
  • Rebecca Strobel

    What a bizarre thing - !! How cool that he has a twin. That's my home address. Send me your email address and I'll send my real address to you.
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Of course - that's the one morning I can't. I set up a dental appt for Bob - (he hates the dentist - won't go - I am making him!) - Any other time? I have a 10 on Friday but it's in the neighborhood and I'd be done at 11.

    Love love love your picture! Don't you wish the world was full of bald women so we could go out and not stress what others think?
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Of course - that's the one morning I can't. I set up a dental appt for Bob - (he hates the dentist - won't go - I am making him!) - Any other time? I have a 10 on Friday but it's in the neighborhood and I'd be done at 11.

    Love love love your picture! Don't you wish the world was full of bald women so we could go out and not stress what others think?
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Of course - that's the one morning I can't. I set up a dental appt for Bob - (he hates the dentist - won't go - I am making him!) - Any other time? I have a 10 on Friday but it's in the neighborhood and I'd be done at 11.

    Love love love your picture! Don't you wish the world was full of bald women so we could go out and not stress what others think?
  • lynne

    Thank you i appreciate it :) feeling great for now but i know it could all change suddenly so just tryin to enjoy it while i can.

    hope ur well xx
  • Rebecca Strobel

    Hi lovely! I wanted to meet you today but Bob (twin) has a tooth issue so I got him into my dentist for 11 today. Is there another day that works for you? Would you have time tomorrow or Sunday?
    Hope your day is good - I kept laughing during the windy day yesterday telling my brother that if I didn't have my good wig on - I would have had NO HAIR! WOW! And then today is gorgeous...imagine that!
  • Rebecca Strobel

    How funny - I have a halo too - I wear it with a hat to walk the dogs and had to hold it on my head yesterday as well! It's come off (walked under a tree and the branches caught it) and I was mortified. Not that the bald look is so scary - but that halo look ...My week next week is pretty crazy - Bob leaves on Monday at 1:00 - I have a 3:00 after that - Tuesday works - I have a 1:00 fundraiser but am open in the am????
  • Rebecca Strobel

    :) That's mean! I slip into bed with it sometimes and turn and look at my hubby when he gets in - he laughs his butt off!
    Yes - Tuesday at 10:00 sounds GREAT! We can meet in Golden OR we can meet at my home? Whatever works for you. Can't wait to meet you.
  • Jacqui

    Amy, what I love about a positive attitude is that it is free. It is free of shame...guilt...fear...anxiety...insecurity...etc. It is available to all of us. Here...take some of it!
  • Sheena

    Thanks, Amy!! You are very pretty as well! I actually moved back to Atlanta though :(.
  • Rebecca Strobel

  • Julija

    Hi Amy thank you for accepting my friend invite =).And lovely pictures you look so pretty!
  • Julija

    Your very welcome :)..Sadly things went even worse with my bf am under so lot stress lately,but i try to make lemonade when life gives lemons
  • Tara

    thank you! i was reading over your profile and my jaw dropped when i read your 'about me'... you look younger than me! absolutely beautiful. i love the bald pic by the way. :)
  • Leslie Mader

    Hi Amy! I have no hair, eyelashes or eyebrows either, as of August 2011.

    Is this your first bout with Alopecia Areata?

  • Leslie Mader

    Yes, but after each loss my hair grew back and lots of it. So, i lost and re-grew hair 4 times since 2006. My most recent loss has now left me with AU - i hate it. So, I am kinda of new to this also since i have no hair and doubt it will come back like before. No one can get use to it. I have finally decided to spend money on a nice vacuum wig (human hair) so i can FORGET about my alopecia. I don't know what you wear but i have always worn and gotten by with synthetic wigs. I can't stand the discomfort and feeling like i'm wearing a hat anymore. Freedom Hair from New Zealand is where my wig is coming from.

    I never thought i would stop my treatment regimen i use to be on which was always Rogaine, Biotin and Cortison injections. Of course i will never know if those really worked for me since AA has a mind of its own and the cycle was always there.

    I'm sorry you have to go through this! I have learned alot but now have more to learn. I really never thought i would lose all of my hair, never! But here I am!

  • Leslie Mader

    i know you don't want to hear this but you look pretty bald. What kind of wig do you wear?

  • Sammy K

    no problems and thankyou , i'v had alopecia areata since i was two, its come and gone since. :) what about you ?

  • Dana

    Thanks Amy, but I don't feel pretty....I have a couple wigs but they give me headaches like crazy.

  • Sammy K

    no not at all ... i'v been bald now for about 18months and its not fun going into hight school

  • Dana

    I don't think so. My stylist told me if you wear them loosely they do not look real. I have headaches anyway, just now it seems to make it worse. Oh well, have you tried one of those grippers or the newer vac. wigs?

  • Sammy K

    haha :) where do you live ? australia?

  • Sarah

    Hello there Amy! I think you have such a lovely smile :-) Yes, I'm in Aurora, was born here, lived here most of my life. It is awesome to me that there is someone else to connect with in Colorado! So far, I've been dealing with many doctors trying to figure out what's going on with my scalp, they think it is Chronic Telogen effluvium. This has been going on for a year adding so much stress and worthlessness to my life, I'm sure you've experienced some of the same feelings. Man I'd give anything to help us all resolve our hair issues! Hope you're well! -Sarah

  • Rebecca Strobel

    I feel so absolutely blessed to have met YOU!!!! What a precious girl you are. Stunning and fun and so kind!
  • KimF4L

    Hi Amy, wondered if you had any suggestions on wigs, brows or lashes I have AU as of Feb-May 2011 along with other health "stuff" tried a few things but nothing has really made me feel like "normal". Just turned 40 and not use to this bald stuff at all, still praying it will all come back as they feel cancer-like medications may have attributed to the AU.

  • KimF4L

    They are still not sure if it is Crohns or UC I had emergency surgery on Sept 12, 2011 I had been in the hospital almost 2 months and was VERY sick.They had to remove my colon and right not I have an ostomy bag and I need to decide if I want a reversal into a J-pouch and they have to determine if I can even have one. It has been a LONG road, I was told I had UC in 2007 never had any issues before that. We had moved to CT from the Boston area and 6 months later I was sick. They thought last year I might have MS or Lupus too but really it was the med Remicade, it actually gave me brain lesions. Did Humira give you lupus? I believe my hair will come back once these horrible meds are out of my system, I have to believe that or I get really down =( You are right hair loss is worse in a lot of ways. Especially eyebrows and eyelashes. Glad I met you on here you sound like a great person and our experiences sound very similar, talk to you later have a great Sunday.

  • KimF4L

    I had no alternative I was sooooo sick and was in the hospital for almost 2 months. Being transported from CT to Boston by ambulance was so surreal. I feel sooooo much better now, just getting use to having a "bag" and trying to decide on the next steps. If I am allowed the reversal there is more surgeries. I have 1 more no matter waht for a fistula (which even though my pathology on my colon came back as UC normally only Crohns people get those) guess that is why they are being so cautious about the J-Pouch. I am trying to get stronger each day and exercise, go to PT and eat healthy. I am not teaching right now I am out on medical leave. I did order that herbal hair treatment from India and I am praying it grows my hair back I hear it is hard for AU but possible but it also takes a long time. I will let you know if I get any results. I don't have to take any UC meds right now which is wonderful so I guess that is another plus too.=)

  • KimF4L

    Hey Happy Thanksgiving! Freedom Wigs are super expensive right? I hope you are right and my hair grows back I keep intending for that and say affirmations everyday to affirm this but when I look in the mirror there is still nothing..=/ I don't know it is very frustrating at times, I am grateful to not be as sick as before but this part is at times more upsetting than the rest.

  • KimF4L


  • KimF4L

    So did you get the freedom wig yet? I am thinking about it, wondered what you thought.

  • The Victor Book

    Hi Amy! Yes I had ulcerative colitis for 4 horrible years during 1984 - 1988 until I had surgery to remove my colon. What a gorgeous face you have! Are you still suffering with it? Feel free to email me directly at: I'm also an author and have a blog if you want to see:

  • kezza

    hey Amy. im really overwhelmed by this site. its amazing.

  • Erin

    Hi! Thanks for the kind words and the add! You look fab either way, hair or not :)

  • Mohamed Khater

    Thanks Emy for accepting friends requist. Hope to be a good friend each other . Have a nice day