



Profile Information:

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About Me:
I have been in the Alopecia world,since April 2009. Trying , some good some hard days, what else can you do? My hair started falling out while I was working one night shift. now it is all gone. Funny, 7 yrs ago I raised $money & cut my long hair to donate to a little girl named Morgan with alopecia, now I have alopecia. ????? sometimes I feel bad, but then I am usually a positive person and like to look at my cup 1/2 full not 1/2 empty. I am married to an amazing man, who loves me for me, I have 3 boys that are great about it. So each day I tell myself it is ok, this is small in the grand scheme of life.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome, Denise!
    How are you doing today?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Sweet Denise, let me know how you like the book, okay?
  • Farial Michaelsen

    Hi there Denise. Yes I tried the injections etc when I was 12yrs and I tell you it really was painful. When that never work I just had a feeling inside that this was it for me "the end of the road". It was confirmed later that yr by a doctor that my hair will "never" grow again and his words where so true. Within a week of him confirming that, all my hair had fallen out. So since then I have been wearing wigs and scarves/dooks on my head. I must admit i go through the phases of wanting to having all back, just to experience the wind blowing my hair or my fingers rubbing through it. But I am stong eventhough weak at times.
  • Andrea


    Thanks so much for the add and for your encouraging words. They made my day! Write me anytime you want to chat or vent. I'm a pretty good listener.

  • charity turner

    Thanks denise I will keep that in mind. I recently went to a salon in my area and there making me a custom human hair wig. I never realized what a difference there is from the ones ive been buying. The way I look a it I didnt have a clue what to do when my hair started falling out I never thought it would come to a wig. But Im dealing with it better each day.
  • Andrea

    I'm pretty new to this aloepecia thing, too. Ive had it for about four years, but the first couple of years I could pretty easily cover my patches. Now I have huge patches and the hair i used to use to cover them has all fallen out. I wear a synthetic wig now, and it has helped my self confidence alot, but it took some getting used to. I'm worried about my first summer with a wig too! I don't want to be hot or get all sweaty and have to take it to get washed all the time. Im just hoping by that time my laser therapy will have made some more progress and I can get by with just hats or a ponytail. Whatever happens, we'll both get through this!
  • Diana Hayden

    Hi Denise ; Welcome to A/W. Nice having you as a friend.
  • Carol

    Hi Denise
    Happy New Year to you as well! I'm watching the tv in anticipation this morning to see if that little groundhog sees his shadow or not, I could use a shorter winter myself (although I know it does get colder way up North where you are). I'll have to check my friends list to see if there's anyone else from around SSM, unfortunately I can't remember off hand (got over 500 people in there, mostly Canadians). There's a woman in Sudbury but she's the closest I can think of at the moment. I'll let you know if I come across anything though. Take care!! :)
  • Heather L

    Hello Denise!

    Thank you for the friend invite!!! :) I have not been to a national alopecia areata conference yet- do hope to this June. so I do not have much info other than what is given on the NAAF website. - that has lots of details, pictures and dates/place etc. Thinking about going this summer?

    Hope you are having a great day!
  • Pamela Rosse

    Hi Denise
    I love your attitude regarding your AAT, you go girl, I have AAU, I am at a year now since I lost all my hair. It Sounds like we were/are in the same boat when came to losing our hair, my did the same thing, when it started to shed/fall out it went for broke. I was scared & devastated, I found Leslie Ann Butler's book which lead me to AW, my saving grace.
    I wanted to introduce myself as we have friends in common, one is the lovely, sweet Heather & another is the lovely Leslie Ann.
    Take care.

  • Cheryl, Co-founder

    -2 C or -2 F? LOL! Makes a big difference!
  • JeffreySF

    Hi Denise,

    If you want more info about the NAAF Conf check out
    They have all the details about the conf there.

    Your cup will be full if you attend. Trust me.


  • JeffreySF

    Hi Denise,

    I went to the conf by myself 2 years ago and it was awesome! I hadn't even had alopecia for a year yet. It really put everything together for me. I knew I wasn't alone and since I have made some of the best friends ever!
    Don't be nervous you will not be lonely. You will be surrounded by over 600 men, women, children and their friends/families.

    I just booked our tickets. I'm so stoked!

  • Roger

    Hi =)

    I went alone all the way from Sweden 2008 and 2009. I will go alone this summer too.

  • Julia McDowell

    Hi Denise,

    I think your hair looks great! What kind of wig is it?
    I don't think I'll get to go to the Conference.....
  • Brittany

    Hey Denise,

    You're Welcome, :)
    Thanks for looking
    Have a great day :)

    brittany <3
  • Mary

    Welcome to Alopecia World!
  • Annette Thompson

    Hi Denice, You didn't mention if you were still thinking of going to the conference by yourself. Even though I am so newl I think I might go.
    ps My wig is monofilament too--what brands are yours? i am looking for a new style. i have likde the style I wear, but am not sure what happens next. ( I was so worried about getting this sytle okay and coming to terms with everythng .....) Anentte
  • cherie

    Thanks Denise!!! I am wearing a full lace wig with human hair. Do you wear any hair?
  • Annette Thompson

    Hi Denise,
    I am living in a city about 20 minutes north of Seattle. I see you mentioned 'shift' work. Are you working at a hospital? I do that kind of work. And yes to your next question too, I am bald. This week I tried out a new wig--different from the last one. It was a good step for me. Are you still thinking of going to the conference? I have been looking into airfares....
  • Ann Seatio

    Hi Annette,
    I'm very very new to the site. and very scared about losing my hair. Just starting.
    I have been to OBGYN, and have been told it is due to MEMO. pause, but HUM
    I don't think anyone would lose this much.... I have had some truma, in my life
    and maybe it , is from stress so far I have loss it under my hair on the top of
    my head. I have order a wig from Paula Young. and not sure I can wear it.
    How do you get the nerve to wear a wig ........ I 'm wondering how do you find
    someone closer to where you live with this conditions. thanks..... so sad.........
  • Annette Thompson

    HI Denise,
    What an interesting job you have! You seem like a very upbeat person--a big plus when dealing with alopecia!
    I work at a hospital here in Seattle-- I am a microbiologist , but most of my friends think I have too much personality to be a lab rat. I do a lot of volunteer work with kids on the side. I too am trying to get the time ok'd for June, but am also thinking about being a counselor at Alopeciapalooza in August. I will keep you know as I figure it out. And it will depend on what time I can get off at work. Take care. Talk to you soon.
  • Pat

    Love your wig Denise, where did you get it from?
  • Matt

    Hey Denise,

    Sorry to be so slow to respond. There is a bunch of information about the conference at
    You have to go if it is at all possible for you. It's a great time. Take Care, Matt
  • Ann Seatio

    Good Morning.
    Thank you for lovely words of advise. I can use each word you all have said. I know I'm losing my more each day, I have received a wig from Paula Young but it is way to much hair for me. So I don't know yet, what I'm going to do,,, I really don't know who I would take it too, or maybe I will just order something else with less hair. Thanks. I know some days are worst then other right now. I hope it get easier. I think it might after I come to terms with all of this and my family too, and everyone else I know...
  • Ann Seatio

    Hi Good Morning Denise,
    Yes, that is a good idea, about the salon's I will try that, I actually order one from Paula
    Young, and might send it back too much hair. I'm so glad to have found this site, it is
    nice to see how each person does with the condition. and how they go about wig wearing
    and buying.. No one has any idea when it first starts on what to do. So a big thank you
    for everyone out there. Thanks for any advise you have or what you have found that makes it a bit easier for you. Hope Spring gets here soon,, We have about foot and half of snow today from last night...
  • Annette Thompson

    HI Denise--how have you been? Any news on if you are going to go to the conference?
    I haven't been on in awhile and just wanted to shoot you a hello!
  • Pat

    Hi Denise, thanks for the post. To answer your question, yes I lost all my brows and eyelashes for years, now have some regrowth...not much on my brows but enough to put mascara on my lashes although I normally forget. I have my brows and eyeliner tatooed and it was the best thing I did when I became AU. I hated losing them more than my hair!
  • Baldilocks

    Hi there! That is awesome that you're so close! Do you have any support groups there?

  • Mary

    Thanks for your lovely comment, Denise.

  • Mary

    Thank you. I had permanent makeup (tattooes)done in April-May 2008. I wasn't completely happy with the way the operator did them. The eyebrows weren't the shape I wanted, and she used black for the eyeliner (instead of black/brown) as I had wanted, and she made the eyeliner way too thick for my taste. And, since it was black, it's now turning blue-ish. BUT, it's better than having to draw it all on every morning, and then having it come off quickly.

    I went to a more skilled lady in Spring 2012 here in San Diego. She corrected some of the problems with the eyebrows in terms of their shape and color. She told me she can lessen the color of the liner, but I haven't had that done yet.

    I apply brown brow powder over the brow tattooes to darken the color. It just takes me a few seconds.

    It's very important to choose your artist well. Ask to see photos of other work, and maybe even meet with some former clients.