


Profile Information:

About Me:
I've been struggling with alopecia areata for the past 6 years and it is getting worse.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and welcome!
    How are you today? Let me know if I can help.
    Leslie Ann

  • wise1

    Hi, got your friend request, would love to chat. -
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I hope you will like my book! Please let me know, okay?

  • Starshine

    Got your friend request, thanks. Keep in touch with your treatment and I will let you know how mine is going. Derm appt next week. Is is great talking with you.
  • Starshine

    Hi Dmf. Saw derm today. She said to stop Predisone. Got a stronger dose of scalp injections all over head. She said there was lot of tiny new white regrowth, so I guess that is something. She also strongly advises the use of Rogaine foam.
  • Starshine

    Yes, have you had any success wirh Rogaine. I am using the foam, but it has only been a month. I get the eyebrow injections too. Have your eyebrows filled in. Mine are still very thin.
  • Starshine

    Wow Dmf, you knocked the wind out of my sails. Maybe I should have stuck with the Prednisone inatead of injections. This is all so difficult. Do you still use Rogaine only at night. I do use nioxin and rogaine twice a day and on brows. Are you going to keep getting injections. Shaving it all off is sounding better and better.
  • Starshine

    No worries, I am not really upset. Good luck with the stitches. I had mine out. It was simple, took two seconds, no pain. When you get a chance, let me know your thoughts on prednisone.
  • Starshine

    Oh Dmf, I am so sorry. I felt the same way when I got my biopsy results. Seeing it on paper makes it seem more real somehow, but you have not seen the doctor yet and he or she may be more reassuring. Mine told me that even though it was confirmed, I had regrowth which is always a good sign. Try to put it out of your mind for now and have a great vacation.
  • Starshine

    Those are usually the next steps, but the side effects are not great and dcpc is not pleasant from my understanding. There is a lot about both treatments on here as well as the Her Alopecia web site. Prednisone is probably the lesser of the evils. I wish there was a better answer. I have 3 sons, the youngest is 15. They know about my hair loss, but I hate for them to see my hair now so I always keep it covered. If your children are younger, I don't think I would say anything unless it gets more noticeable.