
United States

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About Me:
I've had alopecia since I was two, and a related facial hemangioma since birth. I am a born again Christian and a blessed Mom to three kids ages 10 - 22. Childcare teacher, college student, living life to the fullest.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • JeffreySF

    Hi Theresa,

    Welcome to Alopecia World.

  • JeffreySF

    Hey Theresa,

    I see you kow Dotty. She so Rocks.

  • Heather L

    Hello Theresa!

    Welcome to alopecia world. I just joined recently myself and have found it to be a wonderful site with lots of great people!

    If I can be of any help- you got it!
  • Anastasya

    Thanks Theresa for the comment!!!
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hello and weclome, Theresa! How are you doing today?
    I have universalis, too.
  • Roger


    I saw that you met Dotty. Im going to meet her in Houston. I chat with her sometimes at an english website. Shes nice.

    Yes, im really looking forward to the conference. It will be my second one.

    Where in the States do you live?

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    I know, for many years I felt the same way you did...I didn't know how common alopecia was.
    Regarding the "temporary tattoo eyebrows," I talk about them in my book. That's what I use -- I had permanent eyebrows done several years ago, but they faded and turned blue! So I found these wonderful, affordable eyebrows that go on with water, and last for several days, and look VERY REAL! They look better than the permanent tattoos. The web site is The style I use is "Liz."
    Big HUGS!
  • Roger


    Have you ever been to the NAAF conference?

    Im not a photographer. I wish I was =)

  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Thanks for your sweet note. I'm excited about your book. "If Your Hair Falls Out, Keep Dancing!" was something I was guided to do, and if you are also feeling this guidance then of course there is a need for your book.
    If you would like to email me, my personal email address is:
    More big hugs to you...
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Hey Terry,
    I got your email and sent a reply -- did you get it?
    I said yes, please let me know...
    Hugs, LeslieAnn
  • Karina

    Theresa..I´m from Argentina..I have telogen effluvium and I´m very sacred to lose my hair..I seldom go out sometimes with a pony tail and a hat..I want to know if you wear a wig what type is it and if iot´s comfortabñe--
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Terry! How are you, and how is your book coming along?
    Let me know!
  • Karina

    Thanks are very sweet!! Sometimes I find impossible picture me wearong a wig and having a normal life.Another question..have you told everybody about the alopecia?
  • LeslieAnn Butler

    Oh, I didn't know about the surgery. I send you blessings for healing!
    The photo is great -- you look beautiful!
  • Karina many hpursa do you wear a wig? Exercise? What type of wig is it?