kristy bettes


Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a 45 year old female recently diagnosed with alopecia aerota.
Do you have alopecia?
Other type of alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Rob

    Just look on the bottle of kelp and get it to 100% of iodine however many kelp pills that is. I take mega men vitamins from GNC and there is enough iodine and kelp to keep my new thick hair from falling out. I use a non ammonia based hair dye once a month because some of the regrowth is still white. If you click on my avatar (face), you will see on my profile the info about the thyroid issue that causes it.

  • Rob

    Kristy, If you click on my picture (avatar) you would have gotten a little more info in my profile. It IS the thyroid that causes alopecia areata. You could have any number of auto immune causes, but it creates an anti thyroid peroxidase antibody that inhibits the biotinazation and iodinization of the thyroglobin in the thyroid. It is just that

  • Rob

    Don' know, you get some anyway in your diet. Just don't go over 100% on the iodine and if afraid ask your doctor. Kelp is the best natural way though.

  • Rob

    The thyroid is what causes the iodine deficiency, ask your doctor but kelp is a natural source of iodine and would be the safest thing to try.