

Toronto, ON


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About Me:
I am a 26 year old girl who starting losing her hair at 14 and was completely bald at 15. I have had no remission since then
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older
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  • Denise

    LOL I think your right. I am on my 3rd one of her, they have not held up well, crunchy on the bottoms......... eyebrows, I have real hair wig eyebrows I love em............................... made me feel like a million dollars. Have you ever been to a conference for Alopecia?

  • Denise

    Hi casey how is life? 


    I have been off site for a while but checking back in.

    I just got another pair of eyebrows from headcovers gosh I love them. they usually las tme 6 mths

    I take them off Sunday night and put them back on Monday morning.

    they make me feel better. 


    hope all is well :)


  • Rishabh Sanghvi

    Completely Matches to you Casey,

    Here’s to the girl with the invincible spirit,
    No matter how confused her soul may be.
    She’s been broken many times,
    Searching for love that was just not there.
    She’s learned her lesson now, put up her wall,
    And never again her heart she’ll bare.
    For she realized that in the end a body is still a body,
    No matter who’s it may be,
    And love may not exist for anyone
    So we should all just settle and it’ll be easy.
    But she’ll never give in,
    All she needs is herself, and who ever she is that day,
    But this she’ll never know,
    Because life is surreal
    When all she does is feel.
    She thinks with her passion,
    Sees the world through her heart
    Even though many times it’s cold, desolate, and dark.
    Yet at the same time she can see that there may be hope out there,
    The one nobody else possibly can.
    She’s a dreamer and an idealist,
    Life’s greatest pessimist and realist.
    She’s a contradiction sure,
    But never a hypocrite,
    Because in her soul this all somehow fits.
    She wants to explore the world just to understand what she’s thinking,
    Dig into the deepest corners of her heart to understand the universe.
    She often loses herself though,
    And who she used to be she can never know.
    Yet she’s happy like this,
    She’s free and to no one she’ll commit,
    Except sometimes when she’s all alone,
    She just wants some place she can call home.
    She knows every side of every story,
    Because she has felt absolutely everything,
    Often all at once.
    This contradiction,
    This ability to see in ways that no one else can,
    Is it a curse or is it a gift?
    Even she cannot understand how or when or why or what,
    And sometimes she doesn’t even know if it is.
    She wants something more,
    Even when she is sure there’s nothing else out there.
    But no, she’ll never settle,
    Especially for a love, if that even does exist.
    She’ll always hope there’s something out there to bring her bliss. But she doesn’t expect it and convinces herself she doesn’t want it.
    This is how her spirit is infinite.
    Oh, how I hope there’s something more than this