Ali B


Morgan Hill, CA

United States

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About Me:
Im A young Lady who sufferes with a combination of Trichotillomania and Alopecia. Im looking for Advice from people suffer along the same lines as I do. How do you cope with this illness, How to you face the world? I feel alone. My mom is my biggest Supporter as we try to face this together. I feel She struggles with this as much as I do and she is not the one with Alpopecia.
Do you have alopecia?
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Becka

    Hi Ali! well thats a hard question for me because I'm a HUGE animal lover but if I had to choose it would be Elephants first, then the big cats like Snow Leopards & Tigers!!
  • Becka

    Well Alopecia by itself means "baldness". Alopecia Areata describes the location of baldness... my head. That's why there is so many different types of Alopecia... it's just more specific.
  • Kevin Woolen

    Hey Ali
    There is a great group that meets in SF once a month you and your mom should come and join us sometime. It is a group of people with alopecia and we talk about how it affects our life. I have a daughter your age, I can bring her along if you would like a girl your age to hang out with.