J. Mirovich


United States

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About Me:
Hi...I am 38 years old; Southern California native; lawyer, professor and writer. I have a problem with trichotillomania - but I want to make sure that it doesn't alienate me from my loved ones and friends.
Do you have alopecia?
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

Comment Wall:

  • Kayla

    Hello J, I've had trich since I was 12, Just recently i've found myself not pulling anymore (hopefully I can keep it up)

    How long have you had your head shaved?
    Usually a person breaks a habit within 27 days if they can keep off it for that long.

    I had my head shaved for a while, thinking if I let it grow back out that I would simply pull again, so far I've been wrong.
    I haven't found any other cure for Trich, except for relaxed nerves and the will to force it off.
    Like an itch, if you ignore it long enough it'll go away.

    I hope I helped a little, I know everyone is different.
    My hopes and Prayers for you J
  • Kayla

    thank you, not so much will power as i've eliminated the stress that caused the pulling, i take hair supplements now days.

    I'm not sure yet, but i'm sure if you google it you should find some interesting books.
    I've heard of one but I can't recall the title, I was just tired of being ripped off by people claiming to "know the secret!" like it's magic or something.

    I've been to a therapist once, (she had no idea what trich was lol)
    I never suggest those.

    But I think if you (not suggested but) Find another habit to do with your hands, to distract you from wanting to pull, for instance I pinch myself every time I get the urge, eventually though I just wanted to pinch myself XD!! ha bad habit's.

    I'm not sure though, men can pull off a shaved head more then women mostly, look at colin farrel lol