Christina Bostwick


Houston, TX

United States

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About Me:
My name is Christina i am 26 . I have 2 wonderful children and a great hubby. Right now I am a stay at home mom and I am dealing with Alopceia for the 2nd time in my life and once again i am truly devastated.I am here hoping to find others like me or someone who at least has an idea of what I am dealing with and knows how it feels to have this disorder.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia areata
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • jennifer

    how are you doing? fill me in with the most recent stuff! hope you are doing better. ;) jenn
  • MiNAH

    After being bald for hair grew in also without pigment.
    I was in my later 20s I believe and ignorance threw judgement at me like
    "oh you are going grey so young"
    Yet strange enough that when that fell out again..some hair grew back dark...or was it hair that wasn't there the first time around....most likely.
    Either way..I think its going to play it self out..and do what it does.
    I have tried everything and nothing changed.
    I only got older worrying my youth away.....and for what!
    To Learn and become filled with Wisdom I should hope.
    Some times I think the Cortisone injections helped give spars hair growth.
    Yet my that after that whole series of injections there are so may questions and theories...I had Immune issues obviously and yet after the cortisone..I awoke one morning and couldn't move due to muscle fatigue/weakness.
    That was a down spiral...yet I always get up..and move on.
    After I had Cortisone injections again years later for a herniated disc in my neck....I passed out at the office and then the cycle of fatigue became exacerbated all over again.
    So, who is to know what the total side effects are.
    If you ask me...I wouldn't give it to my child..
    Anna Mina
  • jennifer

    Hi there! I am so happy that the shots worked for you! It must be such a relief! Try not to worry too much about it happening again, although I totally understand how you would! I'll keep in touch periodically. I think of my fellow Alopecians with much concern.....I know how they feel! :) Jenn