Caroline (Taylor's Mom)


Clarksburg, MD

United States

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About Me:
My daughter is 6 and is living with alopecia. She was diagnosed when she was 3. It started with 3 to 5 spots.... and took a few months for hair to begin growing again... but it did! Thank goodness! Then about a year later when she was 4, she developed 5 to 7 spots that seemed more severe than the last. That hair grew back as well. She was doing so well until last week (11/25/08) when she developed a new spot on the back of her head.... and now she's losing hair like crazy. I feel so bad for her. She is now 6 and is so beautiful. She lost so much hair so quickly that she is now wearing a wig to school, but is doing great! I don't want her to be traumatized by this. I'm glad we have this website to not feel so alone through it all and to help us cope.
Do you have alopecia?
Parent or guardian of child with alopecia
Are you age 18 or older?
Yes - I am 18 or older

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  • Samantha

    Sorry for not talking to you .
  • Marte Carlson

    Taylor is so cute!! My little girl is 3 and has also lost all of her hair. I guess my positive would be is that she really never had a lot of begin with so we didnt have to go threw that much of the "loss" per say. These kids are so dang cute. I hope to go to Alopeciapolooza next year so Maliya can see kids just like her!!
  • Tracy

    She looks beautiful and with time she will adjust. I started having problems with alopecia when I was turning 12 years old and I am now 43. She is also brave. I have never been out without anything on my head in my life. It looks like you are doing all the right things for her to feel as confident and secure as she looks. Great job and keep up the good work Mom. Tell Taylor I said hello.