Taylor Walworth


Beloit, WI

United States

Profile Information:

Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
About Me:
You can call me Taylor :) I'm 17 years old (senior YAY) and loving every minute of it! I've had alopecia areata since I was 6 years old. I tried as hard as I could to hide it from everyone because I didn't want them to think of me as "different". Well, about a year ago, I started to get another outbreak and now it's the worst it's ever been. But, this time, I never try to hide it because of what others will think. But on February 13, 2010, I stood up in front of 200 people and told them that I have alopeca. They stood, clapped, and i swear everyone hugged me. It was the greatest day of my life because for once, my alopecia didnt feel like a disease, it felt like a gift.
Do you have alopecia?
Alopecia universalis
Are you age 18 or older?
No - I am not 18 or older

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  • Erika Vincent

    pss- If that one picture that I am looking at is your room. Hahahahhahaa
    Addd more picturesss I wanna see your room better. Haha that sounds kinda creepy.
    Anyways. I'm rambling again. I'll stop.
  • Erika Vincent

    Hahahahaha, I guess I had a blonde moment then! ;)
    Anyways, so like, whenever I'm out shopping and see cute hairbows I usually just buy them and break off the actualy hair clip, so it's just the bow. Or sometimes when I'm feeling crafty I will sit down and actually make them.
    Also: yay for not wearing wigs. I've never worn one in my life.
  • NiCKoLe

    hi taylor,
    sorry it took me so long to reply back to you i had forgot my password and email address how are you doing today??? i noticed my alopecia is coming back in the front of my head my hair is begining to thin.. not cool tomorrow im going to call the dr to see about the steriods last time i took the steriods i had a very fast recovery hopefulli its the same this time.- talk to you soon nicole